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Yarra Yarra

ROSSLARE HARBOUR, WEXFORD.—The schooner Yarra Yarra, of Skerries, bound from Newport to Wexford with a cargo of coal, was driven ashore near the Rosslare Lighthouse in a strong E.S.E. gale and very rough sea, on the night of the 7th March. Signals of distress were displayed and both the Life-boat and life-saving apparatus responded.

Efforts were made by those on shore to get connection with the rocket apparatus, but the vessel was too far out. After considerable difficulty the crew of the Life-boat Tom and Jennie succeeded in getting near the stranded vessel, whose crew, owing to the darkness, the fierce gale and the seas dashing over them, were in a position of great peril. Communication was at last effected with the help of a line, and the three hands on board were dragged one by one through the raging sea to the Life-boat in safety. Sail was then made and the Life-boat returned ashore,where the rescued men received every attention. The Yarra Yarra, after the crew had been saved, became a total wreck. On receipt of the news that a vessel was in distress, when the signal for the Life-boat's crew was fired, four gentlemen, Messrs. J. HOWLIN, J.


WOODLEIGH, kindly volunteered their services, and as promptness was allimportant, their offer was accepted ; they were cordially thanked subsequently by the Committee of Management for their gallant and useful cooperation..