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The Steamship Belle

WEXFORD, IRELAND. — On the 2nd April the lightship's tender steamship Belle, of Wexford, stranded during a strong S.S.W. gale on the bar at the mouth of the river, and the Life-boat James Stevens No. 15 was despatched with promptness to her assistance. The sea was heavy and broken, continually washing right over the Life-boat. On getting alongside, the Belle, over which the sea was also breaking, was found to have eight feet of water in her, her fires were extinguished, and her machinery disabled. The crew of four men and five lightship men, nine in all, were taken into the Life-boat, which then returned and landed them at Wexford Quay, some in a very exhausted state. Very shortly after the return ofthe Life boat the steamer went to pieces..