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"The Life-Boat Men."

The following are the words of a spirited and striking song, set to music by the well-known composer Stephen Adams, recently published by Messrs. Boosey & Co., of Regent Street, London. The words, it will be observed, are by F. E.

Weatherly, the Author of so many popular ballads. This Life-boat song is dedicated by special permission to H.R.H. Princess Henry of Battenberg, Governor of the Isle of Wight, who is patron of the Branch of the Institution in that island, and has ever taken the warmest interest in the Life-boat work carried on by the Institution all round the shores of the United Kingdom.

WHEN the wild wind blows by day or night, And you are safe at home, Are you thinking then of the Life-boat men Watching the hungry foam ? Quitting the toil that gives them bread, Leaving their babes and wives, Beady to go when the word is said, Ready to give their lives.

For it's out they go when the signal comes, Out from the thundering shores, 'Tisn't the pay that makes them stay Gripping the straining oars; It's the Spirit of Love from Heav'n above, Working in what they do; Think of them, then, women and men, And pray for the Life-boat crew.

Your sailors sing, as away they swing, Longing to meet the foe, But the Life-boat crew has no heart to sing, Silent and grim they go.

Gripping their oars, with faces white, Asking no glory's crown, Life for life is their awful strife, Rescue, or fail and drown ! For it's out they go, etc., etc.

And you that have money and time to spare, And everything else you crave, Is there no deed that you will dare? No one that you can save ? Think of the shipwrecked souls to-night, Close to you, in your ken, Give them a hand, pull them to land, Just like the Life-boat men.

For it's out they go when the signal comes, Out from the thundering shores, 'Tisn't the pay that makes them stay Gripping the straining oars : 'Tis the Spirit of Love from Heaven above, Working their whole lives through; Think of them, then, women and men, And do like the Life-boat crew.