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Hawke and Esther

ILFRACOMBE, DEVONSHIRE.—On the afternoon of the 12th January a message «/ O was received stating that two vessels had been in collision off Bull Point.

The crew of the Life-boat Co-operator No. 2 were promptly assembled and the Life-boat at once proceeded to the position indicated. On the way they fellin with the schooner Hawke, and found that she and the schooner Esther, of Appledore, had been in collision, the latter vessel foundering shortly after.

Happily, the crew of the Esther were able to get on board the Hawlie, and on the arrival of the Life-boat they were transferred to her and landed at Ilfracombe. The weather was cold, sleet falling heavily, and the wind blowing a fresh gale from S.W., with a heavy ground sea..