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Shore-Boat Services Rewarded By the Royal National Life-Boat Institution In 1903

Jan. 8.—Voted the thanks of the Insti- tution, inscribed on vellum and framed, together with the sum of 21. each, to JAMES HEARNE and three other boatmen for gallantly putting off in a boat and rescuing the crew of four persons from the schooner Francis Jane, of Arklow, which stranded and ultimately became a total wreck ofi Waterford, in a whole S.S.E. gale and very heavy sea on the 17th November last. Also paid expenses incurred, amounting to 21. 15s.

Jan. 8.—Two master mariners rescued two fishermen from a capsized boat on Chapel Bar, Padstow, in a moderate S.W. gale and a heavy ground sea on 2nd December. Neither of the men could swim, but they managed to cling to the upturned boat until rescued by the salvors, who incurred considerable danger of being also upset.—Reward, 11. 10s.

Jan. 8.—Three men put off in a small boat and rescued the crew of three men from the schooner Sarah Pringle, of Amlwch, which was dragging her anchors in Holyhead Bay, ! in a strong W.N.W. gale and heavy sea on the 28th December, 1902.—Reward, 31.

Jan. 8.—The crew of seven men of the gig Syren rescued the crew of four men from the : smack Pioneer, of Bideford, which stranded i near Appledore in a strong S.W. gale and ; very heavy sea on the 14th December, 1902. ] The salvors, by joining hands and wading j into the sea, were enabled, with the assistance of a rope from the vessel, to save all the men in danger.—Reward, U. 15s.

Jan. 18.—Three pilots towed the disabled , pilot cutter Band of Hope, with her crew of two hands, into Maryport in a moderate gale and confused sea.—Reward, 31.

Jan. 27.—Eight fishermen rescued two men who were in danger in a fishing boat ofi Arbroath Harbour, in a wind of hurricane force and a rough sea.—Reward, 21.

Feb. 1.—Voted the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum and framed, together with a pecuniary reward, to W. GAY and T. GBAY, and a monetary reward to fourteen other men, amounting to 251. 10s., for their gallantry in assisting to save twenty-five of the crew of the s.s. Xenia, of Copenhagen, which was wrecked on Cruden Scaurs.

Feb. 23.—Four men rescued, at considerable risk to themselves, four men from two small boats, which had become unmanageable and were close to the rocks off Holyhead, in a W.N.W. gale and a rough sea.—Reward, 31.

Feb. 27.—Eleven men saved five of the crew of the S.S. Truda, of Glasgow, which stranded on Barlocco Island in a strong S.S.W.

gale and a very heavy sea. On hearing of the wreck, the salvors transported a boat over two miles and launched, seven of the men putting off in her. Also sent a letter of thanks to Mr. DOUGLAS, who lent a horse and cart on the above occasion.—Reward, 71. 5s.

Feb. 27.—Five men put off in a boat to the assistance of the barque Argo, of Fredrikstad, which was wrecked at Macharioch(Scotland), on the 27th February, in a whole W.N.W.

gale, a heavy sea, and sleet and rain. Also sent a letter of thanks to Mr. RALSTOX, a farmer, for his assistance.—Reward, 51.

March 12.—Three fishermen saved, at great risk to themselves, five of the crew of the steamer Crosby, of London, which stranded and became a total wreck off Haisborough, in. a strong S.E. breeze, foggy weather and a mode- rate sea on the 9th January.—Reward. 61. 5s.

March 12.—Nine fishermen assisted the fishing boat Isabella, and her crew of two men, who were in distress off Montrose, in a moderate S.E. gale and rough sea, on the 6th February.—Reward, 1Z. 2s. &d.

April 9.—Voted an aneroid barometer, together with the sum of II., to Mr. WILLIAM ADAMS, and 11. 10s. to another man, who at considerable risk to themselves saved one of the crew of the fishing boat Aurora, of Sal- combe, which capsized off that harbour in a strong W.N.W. breeze and a heavy sea on the 6th March.

April 9.—Ten men put off in a boat and rescued two of the crew of the schooner Bemnore, of Stonehaven, which was struck by a squall and sunk in deep water about one mile from Salcombe Harbour, in a fairly smooth sea on the 4th March. —• Reward, 51.

April 9.—Two men saved a lad and assisted a man ashore from a boat which capsized off Cullercoats in a moderate sea and breeze on the 28th February.—Reward, II. 5s.

April 9.—Five men put off promptly in a galley to the assistance of three men in a punt which was stove whilst towing behind a steamer, and rapidly began to fill, on the 1st March, in a S.W. moderate gale and heavy sea off Deal.—Reward, 11. 5s.

May 14.—A fishing boat named the Hollo, when returning to Annan on the 6th February, capsized, throwing her two occupants into the water. A trawl boat containing six men at once went to their rescue but was not able to get near on account of the shallow water.

Three of the men therefore got into a dinghey which was astern and proceeded to the drown- ing men; when almost within reach their boat also capsized. The trawl boat was un- able to give any aid and there seemed every prospect of five lives being lost, when a "whammle" boat came out of harbour and succeeded in picking up the three would-be rescuers, but the other two men were, in the meantime, unfortunately washed away and drowned.—Reward, 111. 10s.

May 14.—Ten men attempted to render assistance to the schooner Ida Elisabeth, of Padstow, which stranded and capsized off Amlwch in a strong S.S.W. gale and a choppy sea on the 19th February, 1903.—Reward, U. -s. 9 2.

May 14.—Four men rescued, at consider- able risk, two men who were capsized in a coble when near the North Landing, Flam- 2ND MAY, 1904.] REWARDS.

99 borough, in a strong E.N.E. breeze and heavy sea on the 22nd April.—Reward, 2L June 1.—Four coastguardmen and two fishermen put off promptly in a boat and rescued two men who were in danger in a boat ofi Greencastlein fine weather.—Reward, 11. is.

June 11.—Three men put ofi in a small boat in a heavy ground swell, and at con- siderable risk to themselves, rescued two of three men who were thrown into the water through a somewhat larger boat capsizing off the old harbour at Buckhaven on the 25th April.—Reward, 32.

July 3.—Five men rescued two persons from th ? yacht Leda of Lynmouth, which was washed ashore near Coombmartin in a N.W.

moderate gale and a very rough sea.—Reward, 11. 17s. 6d.

July 6.—Five men put off in a boat, and saved, at some risk to themselves, a person from the yacht Belle of Prestatyn, which was in considerable danger of foundering in Llan- dudno Bay owing to the heavy sea and strong W.N.W. wind. Six other men assisted to launch the salvor's boat.—Reward, 21.12s. 6cl.

July 8.—Three men rescued two men who got into difficulties in a small boat off Gorle- ston, in a strong E. breeze and heavy breaking sea.—Reward, 17s. 6d.

Aug. 8.—A man rescued two persons from a small yacht which capsized while racing, in a strong S.E. squally breeze and a rough sea, off Bangor, Ireland.—Reward, 10s.

Aug. 9.—Three men, including the Chief Officer of Coastguard, who was thanked for his zeal, attempted to render assistance to the s.s. Rothersands, of Bremen, when in dis- tress on Carnarvon Bar in a W.S.W. gale and a heavy sea.—Reward, 2L 12s.

Aug. 9.—Three men assisted three men and a woman, who were in a rowing boat and un- able to manage it, in a strong S.S.E. breeze and a very choppy sea, off Llandudno.— Reward, 9s.

Aug. 13.—Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution to JOHN STEWART and HECTOB ROBERTSON for rescuing, at great risk to themselves, two persons from the yacht Valtos, which foundered in Wemyss Bay in a S.W. gale and very heavy steep sea on the 3rd July.

Aug. 13.—Also an aneroid barometer, bear- ing a suitable inscription, to G. GKIGSON, and a reward of 1J. to G. HUMPHRIES for rescuing a man in a boat, who owing to his exhausted condition could make no headway against a southerly gale, a very heavy sea and ebb tide off Clacton-on-Sea, on the 27th July. Also j 2£. to pay for damage done to the boats used, • and to reward four men who assisted. j Aug. 13.—Three men put off in a boat and rescued seven men unable to manage a boat, in a strong southerly breeze and rough sea ofi Alnmouth on the 5th July.—Reward, 12s.

Aug. 13.—Four men landed two men who j were drifting out to sea in a small boat off i Holyhead in rough weather on the 15th July.

—Reward, 11.

Aug. 13.—Three men rescued three persons from a small boat which capsized about 500 yards from Aherystwith pier in a strong southerly breeze and moderate sea on the 25th July.—Reward, 15s.

Aug. 13.—Four men saved an old man, who in an exhausted condition was drifting out to sea in an open boat in a moderate S.E. gale and rough choppy sea off Llannon on the 25th July.—Reward, 11.

Aug. 19.—A man rescued another man who had fallen overboard from a punt, in fine weather and a smooth sea, ofi Hoylake.— Reward, 5s.

Aug. 21.—Two men rescued two persons from a small boat which capsized off South- wold in squally weather.—Reward, 6s.

Aug. 21.—Five men rescued, at moderate risk to themselves, two men whose boat was swamped on Teignmouth bar in a strong S.S.E. breeze and a rough sea, on the 23rd August. Two men also saved three persons under similar circumstances in the same place, on the 21st August.—Reward, 31.10s.

Aug. 30.—Two men rescued, at slight risk, five persons from a pleasure boat which capsized in gusty weather and a moderate, choppy sea, off Littlehampton Harbour.— Reward, 15s.

Sept. 10.—Four boatmen, at slight risk to themselves, rescued a party of four visitors to Port Erin, who went out in a small boat in a S.E. wind and moderate sea, and were un- able to get back, on the 7th August.—Reward, 11.

Sept. 10.—Two men put off in a boat at great risk to themselves, and endeavoured to save two men who were in a pilot boat which capsized in a strong N.E. breeze and a very heavy sea off the mouth of the Tees, on the 25th July.—Reward, 21.

Sept. 10.—Eight men, at moderate risk to themselves, rescued five persons from the schooner i William Thompson, of Dumfries, in a whole N.W. gale and very heavy sea, off Rosslare Harbour.—Reward, 4,1. 10s.

Oct. 8.—Ordered a letter of thanks to be sent to Mr. J. L. EVARABD, and to his com- panion, Mr. M. S. FLEMING, for rescuing the two occupants of a small boat which got into a perilous position off Douglas in a strong S.W. breeze and a moderate sea on the 31st August.

Oct. 8.—Four fishermen, at slight risk, rescued a man in a very exhausted condition, •whose boat was swamped in a rough sea a half gale from north-west, about two miles from Withernsea, on the 29th Aug.—Reward, 11.10s.

Nov. 9.—Two sailors rescued, at moderate risk, one of two men whose fishing-boat was capsized, in a strong W.N.W. breeze, off Ilfra- combe.—Reward, 21.

Nov. 12.—Voted two aneroid barometers to Captain D. HA vis and Itfr. J. WEST of the barge Virocco for rescuing, at moderate risk to themselves, four persons, including one woman, from the barge Isabella Little, which foundered at her moorings in a moderate to whole S.S.W. gale and rough sea, at 2 A.M.

on the 8th Sept., off Southend, Essex.

Nov. 25.—Two pilots rescued four of the crew of the fishing vessel Maggie Fleck, which was run down by a steamer in a strong 100 THE LIFE-BOAT.

[2ND MAY, 1904.

W.N.W. breeze and rough sea, off Tynemouth.

—Reward, 10s.

Deo. 10.—Nine fishermen rescued, at great risk to themselves, the crew of two men of the Ketch Diver, of Cowes, which foundered in a moderate S.W. gale and rough sea off Christ- church Head, on the 2nd November.—Reward, 61.15s.

Dec. 10.—Two fishermen rescued, at slight risk to themselves, the two occupants of a small boat which capsized about 1J miles from Wexford Dockyard, in a moderate W.S.W. gale and choppy sea, on the 24th October.—Reward, 15s.

Dec. 10.—Three men saved two men from a small boat, which struck a submerged rock and capsized some distance off the shore in Arran Roads, in a moderate south-westerly breeze and smooth sea, on the 28th October.— Reward, 15s.

Dec. 10.—Two fishermen rescued two other men, who were being blown out to sea in a small boat off Newhaven, in a half-northerly gale which suddenly sprang up on the 17th November.—Reward, 12s. Gd..