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Index to the Gift Life-Boats of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution

OF THE ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION. (Tkefigwa refer to the number* of the Life-boaa OetaUet on pages 42-B3.) A Friend, per Pembroke Denman, Hon. Mrs. Jos., 152. Jacomb-Hood, Miss E. H., Roberts, Mr. W., the late, Stevens, E=q., K.C., 213. Devey, Miss E., the late, 158. the late, 9. 160. A Lady, 15. Dixou, Miss Anne, 41. Jarman, Miss A E., the late, Eoget, Mrs., 143. Allen. Miss E.C.,the late,213. Dixon, Miss, the late, 238. 104. Rolleston, Miss, tbe late, 184. Allen, T. V.,Esq. , the late,6. Dodd, H., Esq., the late, 279. Jewish Scholars' Life-boat Rosebery, Lady, the late, 85. Andrew, Miss, the late, 7. Downie, Miss, the late, 163. Fund, 93. Ross, iMr. R. R., the late, Anonymous, 8 Drummond, Mrs. DundaB,the Jones-Gibb, Mrs. T., 168. 149. Anonymous, 29. late, 134. Jones, Miss M., the late, 155. Rous, Admiral, Life-boat Anonymous, 192. Drybrough, T. B. Esq., 255. Jones, T. E., Esq., the late, Fund, 39. Anonymous, 193. Dudley, J. W., Esq., the 166. Royds, C. M., Esq., 196. Anonymous, 197. late, 89. Ker, Robert, Esq., 222. Ryder, Wm., Esq., the late, Anonymous, 236. K B., M. P., and A. and E. J, Kidd, Mrs., the late, 76. 122. Anonymous, per Manchester Cheddar, 25. King, Miss, the late, 286. Sargenson, Miss, the late, Branch, 204. Eason, Miss, the late, 55. Lamb, Miss, the late, 169. 208. Anthony, Dr., the late, 10. Echalaz, the Rev. T. S., the Leather, Jos., Esq., 274. Scales, Mrs., the late, 26. Arkcoll, Chas., Esq., 90. late, 231, 241 . Lee, Mrs., the late, 235. Settle, collected in, 38, 183. Armitage,E.,Esq.,R.A.,260. Egdell, Miss, the late, 2. Leicester, collected in, 60. Sharpe, James, Esq., the late, Ashley, C. Carr, Esq., 112. Ellis, Mrs., the late, 30. Leicester, Miss,145, 148,20). 233. Atherstooe, J. G., Esq., the ; English, the late Misses, 272. Lesty, Wm., Esq., the late, SilkenstSdt, Mrs., 46. late, 244. : Erie, Lady, toe late, 110. 118. Simcox, Mrs., the late, 88. Avins, Mr., the late, 121, 229. Evans, Mrs., the late, 180. Levy, George, Esq., the late, Simmons, Miss Ida, 227. Back, Mrs., the late, 129. Fergasson, Miss, the late,2 1 1 . 212. [105. Simpson, the Misses, 1. Ball, Miss, the late, 44. Fielden, J. A., Esq., 31. Lewis, W. S., Esq., the late, Skirrow, Charles, Esq., the Baltic Life-boat Fund, 47. Fielden, Samuel, John, and Licensed Victuallers, col- late, 218. [19. Barclay, Mrs., the late, 156. Joshua, Esqs., 200. lected from, 45. Skynner, Jno., Esq., the late. Barkworth, John B., Esq., Fielder, Miss M., the late, 5. Lockwood, T., Esq., the late, Skynner, Miss K. S., the the late, 69. Kleming, Miss J. I., the late, 32. lat , 84. Bass, Miss, 113. 172. Lovibond, George, Esq., the Smart, Mrs. Francis G., 165. Bayliss, Mr., the late, 18. Fleming, Mrs., the late, 106. late, 20. Smith, Mrs. F. S., the late, Beacb, Miss, the late, 150. Fletcher, Mr. Samuel, the Loyal Order of Ancient 202. Beddington, H. C., Esq., the late, 198. Shepherds, 224. Smithenun, The Misses, 132 . late, 265. Foresters. Ancient Order of, Luckombe,Mrs.,thelate.282, Somerville, Miss, the late.80 . Bennett, Mr. W., the late, 49. 14, 23, 246. Lncy, Henry W., Esq., J.P., Somes, Mrs., 114. Berrey, Mrs., 234. Foster, Herbert A., Esq. and 67. Sprot, Miss, the late, 232. Bewick, Miss, the late, 4. relatives, 3J. MacDonald, Mrs., 144. Sqnarey, Mr., the late, 189. Biggs, Miss, the late, 195. freemasons of England, Manchester Branch. 157, Staniforth, Mrs. F. J., the Black, Mrs., the late, 2u6. 74, 119. 164, 166.173. 176,185,204. late, 115. Black, Mrs. Alexander, 240. Garden, the late R. T., Esq., Maynard, Rev. W. S., 266. Stannah, Mrs., the late, 225. Blackwood, Sir Arthur, Life • 142, 271. Medwin, Dr., the late, 209. Stevens, James, Esq.,the late, boat Fund, 261. Glasgow, City of, 72. Metcalfe, J.Esq.,the iate.161. 62, 73, 75, 86, 91, 126, 136, Blackwood, Hans, Esq., the Goes, Jas., Esq., the late, Middlewood, Geo., Esq., and 138, 207, 216,220,221,239, late, 43. 1 135. Miss Middlewood, 36. 245,267,275, 281,284. Blake, Mrs., the late, 263,278. ! Gould, John, Esq., the late, MHlH-urd, W. A., Esq., 252. Stock Exchange Fund, 64. Blane, Capt. Rodney, R.N., 173, 185. Montgomery, Mrs., 88. Stock, Mrs. A. S., the lat», Bolton, coll. in, 66. [169. Gray, The Master of, 61. Moon, Jas., Esq., the late, 151. Bradford, collected in, 79. Groome, Mrs., the late, 259. 128. Stoker, Mrs., 97. Bradshaw.Mrs.. the late, 258. Gwill, Alfred, Esq., the late, Morella, the Countess de, 175. Stott, Mr., the late, 27. Brand, Major G. Horatio, 22. 285. Hew Oriental Bank, 137. Stratford, T.N. Esq., the late, Briggs, Major-Hen. W. L., Hardie, T. K. Esq., 217. Newbon, R.A., Ksq., the and Miss, 167. C.B., the late, 188. Hargrave, Chas., Esq., the late, 98, 117, 125, 130, 133. Sunlight Competition, 94. Brooke, Miss E., tbe l»te,287. late, 82. i Nicholls, G. P., Esq., the Swift, Mrs., the iate, 103. Brooshoft, Col. .the late, 1U7, Harvey, H. M. Esq., the : late, 219. Tnylor, Miss M., the late,277. 103, 228. late. 159. ! Nicholson, Mrs. B. J., 179. T. E. W., 223. Buffaloes, Royal Ante- Harvey, Mrs. Edmund, 140. Norbury Life-boat Fund, 176, Thomas, Mrs., the late. 120. diluvian Order of, 87. Hawkins, Mr. C.,thelate, 28. 201. Tudor, Mrs., the late, 162. Burch, Mrs., 58. Haxton, Mrs., the late, 250. Odd Fellows, I. 0. of Turner, Samuel, Esq., 243. Burroughes,Mrs.,thelate,48. Hay, D., Esq., the late, 210. (M.U.), 40. Walker, G., Esq., the late, Bosk, Hans, Fund, 101. Hearne, T. P., Esq., 283. , Oldham Life-boat Fund, 171. 37. [257. Chapman, Mrs. M. H., the HeartsofOakBenefitSociety, ] Parke, Miss, the late, 11. Wallace, W., Esq., the late, late, 256. 53. , Parkin, T., Esq., the late, 65. Webster. Miss, the late, 7s. Chisholm.Mrs. . the late, 124. Heartwell, Miss, the late, 50. ; Paterson, Miss, the late, 248. Wesley, John, Fund, 153. City of London Masonic Life- i Henley, George, ES-I., tbe i Paul, James, M.D., the late, West, R. Thornton, Esq., the boat Fund, Its. ; late, 280. 67. late, and Mrs. West, 141. Civil Service Life-boat Fund, : Heyland Memorial, 100 Peele, C. J., Esq. (Steam Wheeler. Rev. T. L., 147. 13, 77, sj, 203. 205, 214,270. Heywood - Lonsdale, A.P. i Life-boat), p. 47. White, Mrs., the late, 131. CIare,Mrs.Leigh,thp late, 164. Ksq. , the late, 42. ' Pickard, A. .Esq., the late,; Whittoo Mr. C. K., the late, Clark, Xorman, Esq , the Hill, Aithur, Esq., 123. 237,253,269. 264. Ute, 251. Hills, F. E., Esq., the late, Pickup, Jas., Esq., the late, Whitworth, Sir Joseph, the Coleman, Mrs. Birt-Davies, : 127. ! 199. ! late, and friends, 178. 96. : Hodges, Mrs., the late, 17. Platt, Mrs., the late, 170. Wighton, Mrs., the late, 116. Co-operative Union, Limited, ! Holden, M iss, the late, 242. Plimsoll Life-boat Funds, 63. Wigney, Mrs., 247. 12, 146, 226. ! Hollon, R. W.. Kaq.. the late, ' Pooley, G. Esq., the late. 262. Willis, Mrs. E. A., the late, Copland, Mrs., the late, 3. , 34. Powell, H. G., Esq., 187. 289. Corn Exchange, Mark Lane. Homan, E., Esq., 111. Preston, Mrs., the late, 35. : Winchester, City of, 70. Members of the, 59. [68. Hopwood, S. V., Esq., 254. Preston, R. A. B., Esq., 139. i Wingate, the Misses, the Corry, A. J., Esq., the late, Howard, Mrs. Atherton, the yuEEH VICTOKIA, HEB LATE ' late, 92. Covent Garden Life-boat late, 182, 249. : MAJESTY, 198. Wood, Major Lancelot, the Fund. 56. ' Hoyle, Isaac, E?q., 83. , Richardson, H. T. Esq., the late, 52. Creswell, Mrs. A. E., the ! Huddersneld, collected in, 61. late, 186, 190. Woonndin, Geo., Esq., tbe late, 268. Ingleby, Rev. Chas., the late. : Richardson, the late Mrs i late, 16. D., 230, 276. perG. P. Wrragge, Esq., 21.. Harriot, 215. j ': X.," 99.