The Gallant Life-Boat Men
We've songs in praise of men of fame, Of men who've fought and bled, Whose names still live in history, Though they themselves are dead.
But I'll not sing of heroes gone, My burthen now shall be Our gallant British Life-boat men, Who plough the angry sea.
Chorus— Long may they live to do much good! Long live the hardy few!— The Life-boat men of Britain hold, Of ev'ry gallant crew.
When howling winds the angry waves Beat into mounts of foam, And wreck a ship that's homeward bound In sight of dear old home, Our brave and gallant Life-boat meu Will dare the dangerous wave, And save the sinking marinera Prom out a wat'ry grave.
Chorus—Long may they live, etc.
There's many a father, I'll be bound, May thank them for a son, And sweethearts, too—aye, not a few- May bless the rising sun That shines on such brave, generous hearts, The daring hardy few— The coxswains of our Life-boats bold And all their gallant crew.
Chorus—Long may they Jive, etc.