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The S.S. Telephone and Seaman

ABERSOCH, CARNARVONSHIRE.— About 1.15 A.M. on the 27th February, signals of distress were observed from St. Tudwell's Roads. There was a whole W.S.W.

gale and very heavy sea at the time.

The Life-boat Oldham was promptly launched and found that the s.s. Telephone was drifting, her cables havingparted. The Life-boat stood by until the vessel was beached, her crew managing to get ashore without help.

Immediately after wards, another signal was observed to leeward, and on the Oldham reaching the spot, the ketch Seaman, of Amlwch, was found in a sinking condition, with her crew of four hands lashed to the rigging, from which position they were rescued in a very exhausted condition..