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The S.S. Martello

WINTERTON, NORFOLK.—In the early morning of the 21st February, the s.s. Martello, of Hull, a vessel of over 3,000 tons, collided with another steamer near the Newarp Light-vessel.

As a result her bows were completely cut away and she was brought up by her cables falling through the breach and fouling some wreckage. In answer to the signals fired by the Newarp Light - vessel, the No. 2 Life - boat Margaret proceeded to the vessel together with tugs and they were requested to render assistance. Some of the Life-boatmen were put on board and assisted to jettison the cargo, the Life-boat meanwhile standing by while the tug attempted to clear the cableswhich had fouled. Happily the bulkheads of the vessel held, and on the 23rd idem, as the cables could not be cleared, they were cut through and slipped. The vessel was then towed into shallow water and shortly afterwards proceeded to Hull with a tug and the Life-boat in attendance. During this service, which was performed in a heavy W.S.W. wind and heavy sea, the Life-boat was seriously damaged.

The men were engaged in the salvage operation from the morning of the 21st until the afternoon of the 24th, and they did not get back to their homes until the 26th' February, but by their hard and continuous work they assisted £ to save a vessel and cargo valued together at more than 87.000Z..