GROOMSPORT, Co. DOWN. — Shortly after 9 A.M. the Coastguard reported that a barque about a mileN-W. of Copeland Islands was signalling for "immediate assistance." The Coxswain assembled his crew and launched the Life-boat Chapman. On arrival they found she was the barque Hjertness, of Sandefjord, bound from New Zealand to Glasgow •with a cargo of timber; one of her cables had parted and there was great risk, in the strong W.N.W. gale which was blowing, that the other might also carry away. The sea was so heavy that the Life-boat could not go alongside, so she was taken under the stern and by means of ropes the crew of twelve hands and a pilot were lowered into her. A dog which was on board was also rescued. Sail was then made and the boat beat back for Grooinsport • on the way they fell in with a tug -which towed them nearly home. On landing the men were in such a drenched, miserable and famished state that their immediate needs were cared for by the Honorary Secretary of the Branch..