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Gladiator and Enterprise

MONTROSE, FORFARSHIRE.— The weather in early morning of the 19th February being comparatively moderate, the fishing fleet put to sea, but about 9.30 A.M. the wind increased to a whole W.S.W. gale, accompanied by a veryheavy sea. At 9.45 the Scurdyness Lighthouse-keeper telephoned to the Coxswain.of the Life-boat that the Lifeboat would be required, the fishing-boats then being in greatdanger. Shortly afterwards the boat Gladiator was driven on to the Annat Bank among the breakers, and another boat, the Enterprise, went ashore inside the bar. The Life-boat Sarah Jane Turner was launched and went to the first-named vessel's assistance, and got her crew, four in number, into the Life-boat. By this time the tide had ebbed sufficiently to enable the crew of the Enterprise to walk ashore; the Life-boat therefore proceeded to the other boats and stood by them until all had been towed into safety by a steam trawler which came to their aid.

The Life-boat then returned to her station and during the afternoon was rehoused..