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The Medal of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution, For the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck


Obverse.—Bust of His Majesty KING EDWARD VII. Double Legend : " Royal National Life-boat Institution.

Founded in 1824. Incorporated 1860. King Edward VII. Patron." Xmrse.—Figure of Hope assisting Coxswain-Superintendent of Life-boat to buckle on his life-belt, and wishing him and hie crew " God speed/' Life-boat manned iu distanc3 ready to launch, and awaiting the instructions of the Coxswain-Superintendent. " 6. W. de Saulles." The colour of the ribbon (which is corded silk) attached to the medal is bine.

The following IB a LIST of the GOLD and SILVER MEDALS which have been voted by the Committee of the Institution from Its establishment in 1824 to the 31st Dec., 1902, to persons whose humane and intrepid exertions in saving Life from Shipwreck on oar Coasts, etc., have been deemed sufficiently conspicuous to merit that honourable distinction. The Cased will be found recorded In detail in the several Annual Reports of the Institution.

The total number of Medals and (Hasps granted by the Institution is 1,299, 99 of which are in Gold, and 1,290 in Silver.

Note.—The asterisk (*) after the name denotes the reception of a Gold Medal or Clasp. The figure after the name signifies the number of honorary distinctions received from the institution. Abbreviations.—C.&.—Coast Guard. B.C.— Revenue Cruiser. M.M.—Master Mariner.

Abbot, Sidney, Clovelly.

Abbott, Mr. John, C.G.

Acraman, Mr. J., Fishgnard.

Adair, Mr. R., late Cox- swain Ballywalter Life- boat.

Adair, Mr. W., C.G.

Adam, Mr. J., C.G. (2) Adams, Mr. Thomas.

Agar, J., C.G., Morris Castle.

Agnes, Samuel, Wivenhoe.

Ahcrn, John, C. G., Kilmore.

Aikin, J., C.G., Cnshendall.

Alexander, W., late Cox.

Thorpeness Life-boat.

Allan, Mr. Jas., Holy Island.

Allen, Mr. Luke Jas., M.M., Wivenhoe.

Amis, Kdward, late Coxswain Palling Life-boat Anderson, Mr. John G., C.G.

Annis, Mr. M., C.G. (3) Anthony, Mr. Owen, M.M., Holy head.

Armstrong, Mr. J., late Cox.

of Hanxley Life-boat.

Armstrong, K., Newbiggin.

Armstrong, Mr. W., Blyth.

Armstrong, W., Newbiggin.

Arnold, Mr. W. H., C.G., Sandown.

Askln, J., Ballywalter.

Atkins, T.. C.G., Wainfleet.

Austen, Wm., Seaman, Rams- gate Steamer Vuleon. [beg.

Autridge, Lieut., R.N., Doon- Avlsse, M. J. N., M.M., Boulogne.

Bacon, Henry, Harwich.

Bacon, Mr. James.

Bailey, Jas., Boatman, Deal.

Baillie, Lieut. Henry, R.N.

Baillie, Lieut. H., R.N.

Bain, Alex., Seaman, Skerries.

Bake, Lieut., R.N., C.G.

Baker, Lt G. S., R.N., C.G.

Baker, Lt W. H_ R.N., C.G.

Baker, Mr. T., C.G., Brooke.

Ball, Mr. D. Graham, M.M.

Ball, E., Angle.

Banyard, Mr. John, C.G.

Barlach, Mr. Henry, M.M.

Barnard, A., C.G. (2) Barnes, George, Christchnrch.

Barrett, Mr. J., C.G.

Carnsore. (2) Barrett, W., Esq., C.G.

Barrett, Mr. W.Jun.

jBarron, R. N., Esq.

(Barry, Lt G., R.N., Klnsale.

.Bartholomew, R. J., Esq.

Bate, Samuel, late Ast.

' Cox. Padstow Life-boat Bate, Thomas, labs Cox.

Bnde Life-boat.

Bates, Mr. Thos., C.G •Battst, J., C.G., Dymchurch.

«eatson, G. B.M..Esq.,0.e.(2) •Beauclerk/The lab LordChas.

Beck, Robert, late Cox. of Point of Ayr Life-boat.

2 H 2 660 THE LIFE-BOAT. [1ST MAY, 1903. Beddoe, D., Fishguard. Bulkeley, J. B., late Cox. of Clements, Mr. F. G., Eccles. Darragh, H., C G. Bedwell, Mr. Wm., M.M. Teignmouth Life-boat. Cloke, W., Pilot, Mevagissey. Davies, late Vice- Adm.G.(4)* Begg, Mr., M.M. Bulley.Lt. J..R.N., C.G.(4)»« 1 Cobb, Rev. C., M.A., Dym- Davies, Capt. Thomas, R.N. Belsey, Hy., Ramsgate. Bumby, Mr. J.,C.G.,Clovelly. church.* Davies.George, late Cox.Hoy- Benett, Capt. C. C., R.N.* Bunt, Mr. John, C.G. Cockrom, W., H.M.S. Eagle. lake Life-boat. Berriman, Mi. James, M.M. , Bunt, John, Portishead. Coffey,P.,Tramore,Waterford Davlson,W.,late Cox.Sunder- Berty, David, Ramsgate. Bnrnard, Mr. T., Bideford. (2) Colby, Nathaniel, late Cox. land Liff-boat. Sevan, Mr. John, M.M. Bnrne, J., C.G., Penzance. Pakefield Life-boat. Dawson, Mr. T., Hartlepool. Blckerstaffe.Mr.R., late Cox. Burne, John, Sen., Shields. Cole, J., Seaman, Wivenhoe. Day, Chr., Middlesbrough. Blackpool Life-boat. (2) Bnrney, Mr. R., C.G., Banff. Collard, Mr. S., Pilot, Deal. Day, Mr. Thomas, Bideford. Billett, Mr. R., C.G., late Burton, William, Ramsgate. Collins, Mr. James, C.G., Deane, Mr. Henry, C.G. Cox. Lydd Life-boat. Bury, Ld. Viscount, P.C..M.P. late Cox. Rye Life-boat. Delpierre, Jean A., Boulogne. Blngham, Mr. Wm. , Butcher, James, Loweetoft. Collins, Mr. J., Master of the Dempsey, Mt.Iianiel." Bishop, Geo., Polkerris. Butcher, Rich., Lowestoft. American ship Rotnia* Dempsey, Mr. D., Jr. Bishop, Mr. S., C.G., Caister. ! Byrne, Mr. Lawrence, C.G. Colllson,Mr.R., M.M. Dempsay, Mr. Alex. Bishop, Tbos., late As'. Cox. Byrne, Private R. Irish Regt. Collopy, J., C.G.,Porthcawl. Dent, J., Newbiggin. Palling Life-boat. Combe, Lt. M., R.N., C.G. Desmond, John, Limerick. Black, A., C.G., Strangford. Coneys, Mr. Anthony, Clifden De St. Croix, Mr. F., Jersey.* Blackmore, Mr. Wm., C.G., Canterbury, His Grace The Connick, Mr. J., Dundalk. De St. Croix, Mr. J., Jersey.* Penzance. (2) Archbishop of (Dr. Man- Cooper, Mr. Hugh, C.9. De St. Croix, Mr. P., Jersey.* Blackwood, Rev. J. O'Reilly, ners Button).* Cooper, T., Sen., Ramsgate. Dererenx, M., Rosslare. (3) Ballywalter. (21 j Cable, Mr. James, Coxswain Cooper, T., Jun., Ramsgate. Dillon, Jas., C.G., Arklow. Blair.Lt. Horatio, R.N., C.G. i Aldeburgh Life-boat. (3) Coppin, Lt. F., R.N.. C.G. Dinneen, Mr. J., C.O. s.s. Blampied, Mr. C., Jersey. • Cabill, D. F. L., Esq., M.D. Corbert, W., late Cox. Ard- Albatross, of London. Blance, John, Shetland. Cain, Wm. more Life-boat. Dobeon, T., late Cox. Donna Blissendon, William M..C.G. Calfaway.W., Seaman, Lyme. Corbet, P., Pilot, Guernsey. Nook Life-boat Blois, Capt. J. R., H.N.* ! Callow, Mr. Wm., late Cox. Corlwtt, W., Esq., Douglas. | Dodd, 3Ir. Thomas, Cox. Blythe, Miss Ellen. ! ofCastletownLife-boat.(2) Cork, W., C.G.,Fort George. Hoylake Life-boat. Bolitho, Simon, C.G., Bnde. : Campbell, James, Leestone. Corkbill, W., late Cox. Pad- Donkin, A., Cullercoats. (2.) Bongourd,H.,Pilot, Guernsey. j Campbell, Miss J., Drogheda. stow Life-boat. (2) Donovan, Dennis, C.G. (2) Bonner, G., C.G., Collleston. i Campbell, Mr. Angus, Cutter Cornish, Lt. J., R.N., Boris. Donovan, J., C.G. Bouchard, John, St. Martin's. I Prineat Royal. [C.G. Costcllo, M., Esq., Rosslare. Dooley, Lt. D., R.N., C.G. Bowen, Lieut, e. H., R.N.* I Cameron, Capt. O. S., R.N., Cotton, D., Brixton, I.W. Douglas, Alexander, C.G. Boyd, Henry, C.G. j Candlish, J., late Cox. Cotton, James, ditto, Cox. of Douglas, J., Harrington. Boyd, John, Portmsh. j Lytham Life-boat. Life-boat. [Life-boat. (2) Dower, Capt. A., Dnngarvan Boyd, Mrs. j Cannell, T.,Iate Cox. Isle of Cotton, W., Cox. Atherfield Downing, Nicholas B., Esq. Boyle, Marcus, late Cox. j Man Life-boat. Coul, Alexander, Montroee. Drayson, D., C.G. Wexford Life-boat (2) Cannon, Mr. John, late Cox. Coul, Charles, Montrose. Duffy, M., Mullaghmore. Boyle,Lieut. Hon. R.F., R.N. • of Hasborough Life-boat. Cowin, J., Ramsey. Duncan, Mr. David, late Cox, Bradford, John, Exmoutb. Carberry, Patrick, Wexford. Cox, Lt. H., K.N., C.G. («* Montrose Life-boat. Bradford, Uriah, Exmonth. Carbis, Thos., late Cox. of Cox, Surgeon H. L., A.M.D. Dunmore, The Earl of. Bradley, Mr.Wm., Sonthend. the Penzance Life-boat. (2) Cox, Joseph, lateCox.of the Dunn, Mr. William M.M. Brice, W., C.G., Greencastle. Carey, H., Esq., Shrove Head. Appledore Life-boat. (3) Durban, John, Walmer. Bridle, Mr.W., M.M., Lyme. Carr,C.S.,Gunner R.C. Sylvia. Cox, J., jun., late Coxswain Dyer, B., Seaman, Wivenhoe. Brims, Mr. John, late Cox. Carr, Mr. Henry, H.M. Cus- Appledore Life-boat. (2) Dyer, B., Seaman, Wlvenboe. Thnrso Life-boat. (2) toms, Wexford. Cox, W., C.G., Kilmore. Dyer, Lt. H. McNeill, R.N. Brine, Thoe., Esq., Douglas. Carr,Joon, C.G., Dnmnaxros. Craggs, J ., C. O., DCTonport. Dyer, Mr. John, Stratum. Brinksmead, Mr. W., M.M. Carr, Mr. Samuel, C.G. Cragie, J., late Cox. South- Brittain, Lieut. G. S., R.N., • Carrington, Mr. J.. Steam- wold Life-boat. (3) Earle, Lt. E. C., R.N., Rye.* C.G. (2)« : tng Liverpool, Harwich. Crawford, Wm., Esq. Eastaway,R.,C.G. Brilton, Mr. Heury, Cox. Carrington. Lieut.. R.N. Cronen, Dennis, Ballycotton. Eastaway, Mr. T. Walton-on-Naze Life-boat. Carrington, W.H., Esq. [Regt. Cropper, Peter, Cox. of Liver- Eddy, R. Pilot, Plymouth. (3) Britton, Mr. J., Master of the ! Carroll, Private, Royal Irish pool Life-boat. Edington, Mr. Chas., C.G. American Ship Rochester* Carter, Fredk., Weymonth. Crosby, Nicholas, Dnndalk. Edwards, Mr. D., Montrose. Britton, Mr. Wm., late Cox. Carter, Mr. J., C.G. Crosswell, Mr. T., C.G. Ellis, Henry, C.G., Bnde. Harwich Life-boat. Casey, M.,Newcastle, Ireland. Crouch, J., Broadstairs. Elphlnstone, Geo., Dnndalk. Broad, W., Esq., Falmouth.* Castel, G., Broadstairs. Crouch, R., Broadstairs. Else, Lieut, R.N., Fowey.* Brooks, A., C.G., Dungeuess. Canlfleld, Geo., Howth. Crowden,Mr.J.,C.G.,Muchals Elton, Lt. W.H.,R.N.,C.G. Brown, Mr. Christopher, Cay, Capt. R. B., H.N., C.G. Cubitt, Mr. W., Bacton. (2) Elwin, Lt., R.N., Lymington. Bridlington. Chaddock, J., C.G. Cubitt, Mr.W. jun., Bacton.* Elyard, Lt. Col. J. (2)* Brown, Mr. Fredk., Brid- Chaplin, Mr., M.M. Culmer, Mr., C.G., Leigh. Erridge, E., Boatman, Deal. lington. Chapman, Thomas, Esq., the Cumisky, W. J., Esq. Essell,Lt.Wm.F.,B.N.,C.G.* Brown, Henry, Newbiggin. i late, F.R.S..V.P.* Cummins, Mr. J., late Cox. Evans, Mr. D., C.G., late Brown, James, Dnnbar. Chappell, Mr. T., Bideford. Arklow Life-boat. Cox. Poolbeg Life-boat. Brown, Mr. John, late Cox. Chappell, Capt. W., Bideford. Cunningham, Mr. J. Evans, Henry, Carnarvon. Newbiggin Life-boat. (2) : Chard, J., Boatman. Thorpe. Curnow, Mr. Paul, late Cox. Evans, Capt. Thomas. Brown, Thos., late Cox. Chesnutt, George, C.G. St. Ives Life-boat. (2) Evans, Mr. J., Fishguard. Cresswell Life-boat (2). Chittenden, E., Broadstairs. Curteis, Mr. W., C.G. Evans, Lieut. Thomas, R.N. Browne, Capt. P. R. M. (2)* Christian, Mr. Thomas A. Curtis, Steph., Christchurch. Evans, T., sen., New Brigh- Brune, Miss B. M. Prideaux. Clark, George, Seaman. ton. (2) [ton. Brnne, Miss E. F. Prideaux. Clark, Mr. T., Bridlington. Evans, T., Jnn., New Brigh- Brune, Miss G. R. Prideaux. Clarke. Lieut. Joseph, R.N.* Dabine, Lieut., R.N., C.G. Evans, Wm., Cox. New Brune, Miss M. K. Prideanx. Clarkson. Mr. T., Coxswain Dand, M. H., Esq. (2) Brighton Life-boat. Brnnton, Lt. J., R.N. (2)» of the Lytnam Life-boat. Daniels, Sergt. T. Evans, Wm., Pilot, Seath. Buck, W. C., Esq., R.N., C.G. '• Clayburn, T., late Cox. Scar- Dark, Mr. William, M.M. Evison, Lt. J. C., R.N., C.G. Bnckett, J., late Cox. Brigh- boro' Life-boat. (2) Darling, Wm., Light-house stone Grange Life-bout. Clayton, Lt., R.N., C.G. keeper, Fern Island. Fanner, David, Hayling. Bndd, James, Esq., C.G. Cleave, Mr. K., Wivenhoe. Darling, Grace, his daughter. Farrin, Mr. G., H.M.S. Ajaa. IST MAY, 1903.] GOLD AND SILVER MEDALS. 661 Fell, Mr. Robert, late Cox. Gillespie, Andrew, Gunner. Hayter, Mr. John, late Cox. Hughes, Mr. John, late Cox* of Ramsey Life-boat. Gilmer, Mr. Wm., Dnndalk. Brooke Life-boat. (4) Bull Bay Life-boat. Fellowes, Capt. T. H. B, R.N. , GUson,Lt.T.A.,R.N.,C.G. Headon, Mr. Richard, late i Hughes, Mr. John, Liverpool. Fernie, Peter, Buckle. [C.G. Gimar, M. E., Master of the Cox. Clovelly Life-boat. Hughes, Mr. R., late Cox. Keating, Lieut., R.N. French brig Le Norman. Heal, J., Atherfield. ! Moelfre Life-boat. Festing, Colonel Sir F. W., Gin, N. Francois, Boulogne. Heard, Rich., Esq., C.G. Hughes, T., Pilot, Holy head. C.B., K.C.M.G., R.M.A. Gleeson, R. F., Fethard. Heath, Mr. Joshua, late Cox. Hughes, Mr. W. Field, Lieut. Wm. Geo, R.N. Glover, Mr. J., Harwich. Polkerris Life-boat. Humphreys,Mr.D.,Uverpool. Field, Mr.W., Milford Haven. Goldring, Mr. W., M.M., Heavy, P., Constable, Knock. ' Hurle, Edwin, Ramsgate. Finlay, G., C.G., Lambay. Hayling. [wold. Hein, Mr.J.F,M.M. Hurry, Mr. Stephen. Finlay, William. Montrose. Goldsmith, E. W, South- Henin, P., Boulogne-sur-Mer. HUBS, Mr. T, H.M.S. finer. Fish, Chan. E., late Cox. Goldsmith, John, Ramsgate. Hennessey, J., C.G. Hutchinson, Mr. H., C.G. Ramsgate Life-boat. (3)** 0oldsmith,Rd.,late Ast. Cox. Hennessy, Mr. Lawrence, Hutchinson, Henry. Fish, John, Southwold. Ramsgate Life-boat. ; late Cox. Hythe Life-boat. Hutchison, Lt., Kingstown. Fisher, A. E., Ramsgate. Goldsmith, Stn., Ramsgate. Henry, Lieut., R.N., C. i [(2) Hutchison, Lieut. W., R.N.* Fisher, Mr. S., Horseferry-rd. Gordon, Mr. John, late Cox. Henslow, Lt., R.N., C.G. Hyde, James, Scilly. Fisher, Mrs., North Feroe. Tyrella Life-boat. Henwood, T., C.G., Fowey. Hynds, Mr. John, Dnndalk. Fitujames, Mr. Jas., R.N. Goss, Capt. T. B. N.,C.G.(2)* Herbert, The Hon. Auberon. Hynes, B., C.Q., Galway. Fitzpatrtck, J., C.G. Gongh, J., Waterford. Herrlngton, B., late Cox. Flann, Wm., Portland. Gould, Lt. Wm., R.N., C.Q. Southwold Life-boat. (2) lies, The late Mr. John. Fleming, George, Gorleston. Gourlay, James G., St. Hick, Mr. M., Scarborough. Inkster, Mr. Peter, M.M. Fletcher, T., C.G., Rosslare. Andrews. Hicks, Barnard, Scilly. Flett, Jas., Pittenweem. Graham, G., Lt. R.N., C.G. Hicks, Mr. D., late Cox. St. James, Lieut. Horatio, K.K.* Flory, Mr. J., Portishead. Graham, Capt. Philip, R.N.* David's Life-boat. James, Lieut. Wm, R.N.* Flynn, P., C.G., Kilrush. Granby, Mr. Charles, M.M. Hicks, Geo., C.G., Tyrella. Jamieson, Mr. James. Fogg, Mr. James, Fleetwood. Grandy, Mr., R.C. Harpy. Hicks, Samuel, Seaman. [(2) Japp, Robert, Montrose. Foley, Mr. J, Port Talbot. Qrandy, Lieut S., R.N. (2)* Higgs, S., Jan.. Esq., the late. Jarman, Isaac, late Coxswain Foley, Mr. Thou., M.M. Grant, Mr. W., late Cox. of Hlggans,W.,lateSecondCox. j of Ramsgate Life-boat. (2) Foley, Winspeare, Esq., the Margate Life-boat. (2) Penzance Life-boat. Jeffers, Rich., C.G., Dingle. Ballycastle. Graves, Mr. J., M.M., Car- Highland, Owen, Anglesey. Jefferson, P, late Cox. New- Forbes, Mr. A, Peterhead. lisle. HUdebrand, H., Esq. (2) biggin Life-boat. (2) Foreman, Mr. W., late Cox. Gray, A.,C.G., Fort George. Hill, Mr. J., late Cox. New- Jellard, Mr. John, M.M.* Broadstairs Life-boat [ Gray, D., C.G., Kilmore. castle, Dundrum, Life-boat. Jenkins, Mr. J., late Cox. Formby, Joseph, late Cox. Gray, Mr. Geo., Bridlington. Hill, Mr. Jas., Cox. Port- Swansea Life-boat Formby Life-boat. Gray, Mr. J.,M.M.,Peterhead. honstock Life-boat. Jenklns,L, Pilot,Port Talbot. Forward, Mr. T. R., Com- Gray, E. W. D., Esq., Dublin. Hffl, Mr. W. Jenkins, Mr. W, Fishguard. mander B.C. Sylvia.* Gregory, J., C.G., St. An- Hillary, Sir A. Wm., Bart. Jennings, Mr. Wm.,Harwlch. Foster, J., C.G, Aldebnrgh. drew's. Hillary, Sir Win, Bt (4)**** Jennings, W., C.G., Looe. Found, Mr. W., Padstow. Grey, George, Hartlepool. Hills, W., late Coxswain of Jesse, Commander R, R.N. Fowell, John, Seaman. Grler, John, Clacton. the Padstow Life-boat. (2) Jinks, Mr. R.,C.G,Cardigan. Fowler, Mr. James, M.M. Griffith, David, Beanmaris. Hipplewhlte, Mr. T., M.M. Joachim, Capt., R.N. (4) Fox, Mr. John, late Cox. Griffith, Robert, Anglesey. Hodds, Mr. Wm., late Cox. Jobson, Lt.C, H.N,C.G Z)*» Fleetwood Life-boat. Griffiths, Mr. B., M JL, Port- Winterton Life-boat. (2) John, Mr. W, Breaksea. Foy, Thomas, Rossglass. madoc. Hodge, Mr. Robert, Clovelly. Johns, Mr.Rich,Mevaglssey. Prankish, T.H., Bridlington. j Griffiths, G., Pilot, late Cox. Hodgson, J, Snnderland. Johns, Rich, Seaman, Fowey. Franklin, Lt. E., R.N., C.G. Llanddwyn Life-boat. Hoed, Mr. F. P., M.M.» Johns, R. 0, late Cox. Tra- Franklin, Mr. J. H., Seaton 1 Griffiths, T., C.G, Mnlbay. Hogben, J., late Coxswain of more Life-boat. (3) Carew. [Carew. Grigson, G., sen., Clacton. Ramsgate Life-boat. Johnsi Mr.W, M.M. [late.* Franklin, Mr. M., Seaton Gruer, Wm, C.G. Hogg, Mr. William, C.G. Johnson, Adi. W. W. P., the Franklyn, Lieut. G., R.N. Guy, Mr. Philip, Bideford. Holborn, &, Broadstairs. Johnson, Wm, Yarmouth. Freeman, Mr. H., late Cox. Holland, Lt. John, R.N..C.G. Johnston, Mr. B, M.M. Whltby Life-boat. (2) Holman,Lient.T., R.N,C.Q. Jones, Capt.C. Gray,R.N, the Freeman, James, Helston. Hall, Mr. G. E., Lowestoft. Holmes, Lance-Corpl., Rifle late. (2) Freeman, John, Seaman. Halse, Mr. R., C.G. Brigade. Jones, Mr, C.G, Wicklow. Freemantle,Capt.C.W,R.N.* Hamilton, Mr. B., Coxswain Hood, Hy., late Cox. Seaton | Jones, Mr., C.G., Swords. Freeney, John, Kllllney. of the Black Rock Life-boat, j Carew Life-boat. (2) i Jones, Mr. E., M.M. French, Mr. Charles, C.G. Hamilton, Mr. Geo., C.G. Hood, Mr. Robt., late Cox. j Jones, Mr. E., late Cox. of Friend, Thos., Ramsgate. Hamilton, H. A'., Esq. (3)* Seaton Carew Life-boat. j Holyhead Life-boat. (2) Fulton, Mr. Robert, R.N. Hamono, Mr. A., M.M Hood, Mr. W., late Cox. ' Jones, George, Boatman. Furlong, A., Fishguard. Banning, N., C.G., Dingle. Seaton Carew Life-boat. i Jones, Henry, Penzance. Hansell, P. S., Broadstairs. Hook,R., late Cox. of Lowes-: Jones, John, Mertlyn. Hansford, John, Weymouth. toft Life-boat. (2) Jones, J., Pilot, Porthcawl. George the Fourth, His Most Harrington, Mr. Dennis, Hooke, Mr. Wm., late Cox. Jones, Owen, Anglesey. Gracious Majesty King.* Bere. [Ungton Quay. Blakeney Life-boat. Jones, Lt. R.. R.N., C.G.(3)** Galbraith, Mrs. E., Whitney. Harrington, Mr. Jas., Brid- Hopkins, Mr. John, late. Jones, Mr. R., late As'. Cox. Gale, Mr. W, Barking. Harrington, T., C.G. Cox. Portrush Life-boat. ', Holyhead Life-boat Gallagher, P. Harris, F., Esq., C.G., Seafleld. Ho'Sford, Miss Josephine. Jones, Mr. Thos, Holyhead. Garrett, Mr. R., (the late') Harrison, Jacob, Shields. Hereford, Miss Maria. Jones, Mr. T., M.M., Port Coxswain of Ramsey Hatch, Mr. N. G. Houghton, H., Hartlepool. Talbot. Life-boat. [R.N. Hayden, Mr. F., Sandown. Howard, F., Pte. , 67th Reg. Jones, Mr. T, M.M., Cardiff. Gartside-Tipping, Lt. H. T., Haylett, Mr. James, Senr., Howe, R,C.G., Ballygerig. Joy, Mr. George.* George, Philip, late Cox. late Asst. Cox. Caister Howell, Mr. J, Port Talbot. Juniper, Wm., Mnndesley. CaisterLife-boat(2) [wood. Life-boats.4 Howorth, Capt Wm., R.N. Gerrard, Mr. R., Pilot, Fleet- Haylett, Mr. J., Junr., (the Hnbbard, Saml., Eccles. i Gilbert, Mr. James, late late) Cox. Caister Life- Hughes, E., Sen., Cwmerran. Kavanagh, Mr. P., late Cox. Cox. Tynemouth Life- boats. (2) Hughes, G., Pilot, Guernsey, i Arklow Life-boat. boat. (2) [stow Haynes, Mr. J., Coxswain of Hughes, Mr. Hugh, Cox. i Kavanagh, Mr. P., late Cox. Giles, Mr. W. M. M., Pad- Port Isaac Life-boat. Ehoscolyn Life-boat 1 Carnsore Life-boat. (I) 662 THE LIFE-BOAT.

[1ST MAY, 1903.

Martin, Mr. Wm., late Cox.

of New Brighton Life-boat.

Mason. J., C.G., Elie.

Matthews, Mr. Edwin, late Cox. Lizard Life-boats.

Matthews. Lt. R. B., R.N.* May.Mr. A. C., H.M.S. Komr.

May.W. R..C.G., Boscastle.

Meader, H., Bamsgate.

Mearns, Mr. R., Jnn., M.M., Montrose.

Mearns, Wm., late Cox.

Montrose No. 1 Life-boat.

Newsom, Mr. W., Harwich.

Nlchol, Mr. J., Montrose.

Nicholas, Matt., late Cox.

Sennen Cove Life-boat.

Nicholls, M., Clacton. (2) Nicholson, M., Knock.

Nicolle, Mr. PhUip, Jersey.

Niles, Mr. Wm., late Cox.

Cardigan Life-boat. [C.G.

Norcock, Capt. G. L., R.N., Norris, Benj., Boatman, Deal Norris. Mr. James.

Norris, Martin.

Keane, Mr. K'chd., C.G.. Ley, J., Pilot, Mevagissey.

Helen's B&y.

I Liffen, Thomas, Lowegtoft.

Keaion, Capt. Edw., Arklow. Likely, Henry, Limerick.

Kelland, Mr. Wm. R., Trinity j Linaker, Hiram, New Pilot, Dartmouth. Brighton.

Kelly, C., Howth. . Lindsay, Lieut. A. J., R.A.

Kelly, Lieut. E., E.N. t Lindsay, Lient. Jas., R.N.* Kelly, Mr. Geo. Edwd. Lingard, Lient. J.. E.N., Kelly, J., late Cox. Appledore '. Lithaby, P., C.G. [ Whitby.» Life-boat. Llewellyn, Mr. David, C.G.

Kendall, W., C.G. ; Llewellyn, Margaret, Fish- Kennedy, Lt. A., R.N., C.G.,; guard.

Ballyheige. (2J i Llewellyn, Martha, ditto.

Kennedy, E., C.G.

Kennedy, Mr. H., Belfest.

Mearns, Wm. Jun., late Cox. Norsworthy, Mr. W., C.G., Montrose No. 2 Life-boat. the late. (2) Lloyd. O., C.G., Lulworth.

.. '. Lloyd, Lt.S.,R.N.,C.S* Nott, Capt. E. B., R.N. (») Kennedy,Malcolm,Bowmore. | Long, J. H., Esq., Youghal. Metcalfe, Jas., Hartlepool.

Kennedy, Master J., Belfast. : Lose, Mr. John, C.G., Swan- " Metherell, Lt. R. R., K.N., Kent, Mr. Frank, Sandwich.

Kerley, T., C.G., Penzance.

Kerr, E. C.. Esq., Ramsey.

Kerrnish, Mr. John, C.G.

Mewse, A., Lowestoft. [C.G.* O'Neil, Patrick, Scilly.

O'Shaughnessy, Miss Nora, i O'Sullivan, Mr. M., Bere.

| O'Sulllvan. D., C.G.

1 Oliver, Mr. A., late Cox.

i Hauxley Life-boat.

Orr, Mr. Robt., Irvine, N.B.

Osborne, Robt., Clacton. (2) Owen, Richard, Anglesey.

i Louchet, L. P. A. B., Anthie. Middleum, John, Deal.

j Longhor, Rees, Monknash. Milburn, John, Shields.

I Love, Private R., 63rd Reg. • Milbnrn, Wm., Laxey.

Lovell, Patrick, Belmullett. Miller, J., C.G., Devonport.

Kidd,D., Fisherman, Dundee.' Lucas, Mr. Jas., C.G., late Miller, W., Kamsgate.

Kinch, H., Newcastle. i Cox. Lydd Life-boat. Miliigan, Mi-. G., late Cox.

King, Lt. S., R.N., Southend. | Lndlow, Mr. I, Master of the Yarmouth Life-boat.

King, Mr. T., Harwich. 1 American ship Monmmith.* Mills, C., C.G., Clifden.

Kisbee, Com. Thos., RJf. j Lusk, Mr. A., Raeberry. Minter, 0., Boatman, Deal.

Knight, Mr. Charles, Mate,1, Lyons, Lieut. Wm., R.N. (2) Mirehouse, Major R. W., Owen, Mr. Richard, Asst.

Cox. Sloelfre Life-boat.

Owen, Mr. Thomas, Cox.

Moelfre Life-boat.

Owen, Capt. Wm., Holyhead.

Owen, Mr. William, M.M.* Owen, Mr. William, Pilot.

Owston, Mr. John, Cox.

Scatbotoxigb. Life-boat.

Ramsgate Steamer Vulcan. Angle. ~ ~~ "" Knight, J. T., C.G. | ! Mitchel, J., Pilot, Guernsey.

Kyle, Geo., Cox. Holy Island ! Mitchell, C., Port Isaac. (2) Life-boat. Macalister, Mr. Robt., Wick. Mittin, Philip, Wexford.

Kyle, Matthew, late Cox. Macdonald, George, C.G. , Moar, Mrs., Burra Ness.

Holy Island Life-boat. (2) Mackay, Mr. James. ! Monger, Mr. Thomas, late Lake, Mr. A., C.G, Wick.

Lambert, John, Harwich.

Lambeth, BenJ., Harwich.

j Mackell, Mr. Patrick, C.G. j Cox. Tenby Life-boat.

Mackintosh,-Mr. Alex.,M.M. j Moody, Samuel, Skegness.

MacMahon, Capt. H. M. M., [ Moody, Samuel, late Cox. ' East Clare Militia. Skegness Life-boat. (2) ; Macnamara,Lt.T.,R.N.,C.G.» Moore, Alex., C.G., Bally- Landells, Mr/Thos., Milford. i McAllister, Wm., Portrush. ; sastle. Page, Mr. A., late Master Lane, Lt., R.N., C.G., Dart- McArdle, Thomas, Dundalk. i Moore, Gunner Jas., Coast Ramsgate Tngs. (3) month. McBay, Mr. Jas., Johns- i Brigade, Royal Artillery. Palmer, G., Esq., M.P. (2)** Langan, Mr. Michael, First McCarthy, J., C.G. [haven. ! Moreno, Mr. J., Master of the Palmer, Thos.H.,Southwold.

Officer of Steamer Princess McCarthy, Jas., C.G. j Austrian Barque Eva. Parker, Mr. Edwin, C.G.

Parker, Mr. J.

Parker, Mr. Wm., M.M.

Parrott, Mr. R., C.G., Tenby. (2) Parry, Lieut., R.N.* Alexandra.

Langton, Lient. T. W..R.N.

La Primaudaye, Clement, Commander R.N.

Large, Mr. J., Master Gun- ner, R.A.

Larkin, Thomas, Mate. . . . „.,„.„.

Lavington, Lt. Thos., R.N. [McKinnon, Mr. J., M.M.,f Morris,R., Seaman.Holyhead. Parso™, Lt. R., 36th Reg.

McCombie, Mr. T., Steamer Morgan, John, C.G, Thurso.

Tearaght: (2)» i Morgan, Mr. John, Pilot, McCulloch, K., C«. G i. (2) i Cardiff.

McDonald, Mr. Wm., Irvine. Morgan, Lt. R., R.N., C.O.

McGenis, G. 1 Morgan, Mr. T., R.C. Stark.

McGladery, Lt. J., R.N., C.G. Morris, Mr. John, Anglesey fan7- Mr- Henry, Anglesey.

McKenzie,J.,C.G.,Galway. ; Morris,Capt.J.R.,R.N.,C.G.« Parry, Mr. R., M.M.

Morris, Mr. W. E., Port P«™»».Lt.Th «., a.».,C.ft.

Madoc. Parsons, Lt. W., R.N., C.G.

Morrison, Lt., R.N., C.G. Partridge. Capt. W. L.. R.N.

Pascoe, Peter, Porthleven.

Patton, David, Portrush, Paul, Thos,, C.G., Bude.

Payne, Mr. John, C.G.

Paynter, Capt. Richard.

Lawrence, Mr. James, late Greenock.

Cox Selsey Life-boat. McKinstry, John, Magee.

Lazoix, Lieut, of the French i McLanglan, Jas., Howth.

Morrison, Mr. Silvester, C.G,, Sennen Cove.

Morrison, W., Ballywalter.

Mortley, Mr., C.G., Padstow.

Moss, J., Boatman, Walmer.

Mudd.Wm.. Harwich.

Mulligan, James, Sligo.

Marine at Dieppe. | McMillan, J., Kantyre.

Leask, Mr. Robert, jnn., Ire- ' McNamee, P., C.G., Dun land, near Stromness. ) manns.

Lee, Mr. Charles, late Cox. ' McNaughten, Neil, C.G.

Peake, James, Esq., H.M.

Dockyard, Devonport.* Worthing Life-boat. (3) McPhillips, P.,Serg. R.I.C.

Leese, Charles, Gunner, R.A. McQaeen, Alex., Seaman.

Legerton, Mr. Robert, late Maddick, Mr. H.

Murdoch, Mr. Peter, Glen- Peake' Admiral T. L. * Cox. Clacton Life-boat. (3) Manby, Capt. G. W.

Le Geyt, Miss A. B., Bath. Manifold, Mr. W., late As«. drishaig, Ayrshire. Pearce. Rich., Esq., Penzance.

Leggett, Edw., Gunner. Cox. Arklow Life-boat. Murphy, Mr. Adam late Peare«' Jas- Pi'ot, Porthcawl.

Leigh, Lt.T.. R.N.. (?.G. (3)** Mann, Lieut., R.N., C.G. j Cox. Tyrella Life-boat. Pearse, T., Pilot, Porthcawl.

Leslie, Mr. J., M.M., Stone- Mann, W., Ast. Coxswain Murphy, James C 0. St peart- John' Montrose.

haven, N.B. Aldeburgh Life-boat. Ives, Cornwall. (2) Pedder, Lt. W., R.N.. C.G.

Lett, Lt. S. J., R.N., C.G.* Mariole, J. B., French Pilot. Murphy, Mr Michael C G Peebles, Mr. John, Irvine.

late Cox. New Romney Peebles, Mr. T., Irvine.

_ . _ . * t n.*«nnn t3 tr n n Levett, Mr. N., late Coxswain Mark, Wm., C.G., Dingle. «,-,.,„«- m -, Peirson, S. H., C.G.

Penney, Robert, Ramsgate.

Pepper, J., C.G., Lvmington.

Perkins, Jus,, C.S., Bude.

Perring, Fredk., Polkerris.

Perrott, the late Sir Edward G. L., Bart. * Perry, Frank, Weymouth.


Murray, A., C.G., Elie.

of the St. Ives Life-boat. Markwell. George, late Cox.

Lewis, E..Seaman, Barmonth. Holy Island Life-boat.

Lewis, G., C.G., Newport, Marsh, Capt. D., R.N., C.G.* Marshall.Mr.John,Jnn.,late j Nelson,Mr. W., R.N..C.G.

Ast.Cox.Seaham Life-boat. Nepean, Capt. St. Vincent, Martin, Mr. Chaa., C.G.,; R.N.

St. Ives, Corn-wall. j Newnham, Lt.N.,R.N.,C G.

Pembroke. Marshall, Capt. J., Bideford.

Lewis, J., Seaman, Harwich.

Lewis, Mr. Thos., Dnndalk.

Lewis, W., Harwich. (2) Lewis, W., Aberystwith.

IST MAY, 1903.] GOLD AND SILVER MEDALS. 663 Pestell, Mr. W., late Cox. Kldge, Capt. G. A. E., R.N., Selly, W. H., C.G. (2) Stuart, Lt. T., R.N., C.G. (2) Palling Life-boats. (2) C.G. [Kite. Sergeant, Lt. J., R.N., C.G. Stubbs, C., R. C. Tartar. Petrie, Ellen, Shetland. Ridge, Mr. J., Mate of R.C. Sewell, Lt. H.F., R.N.,C.G.» Stubbs, H., Atherfield. Pettit, Mr. Jetbro, late Cox. Kidge, Mr. J.,C.U.,Cadgwith. Sewell, Master John, Belfast. Stuggins,Mr.W.,lateAst.Cox. Broaditairs Life-boat. Rimmer, Mr, Thos., Cox- Shanahan, Mr. Michael, Bere. Telgnmouth Life-boat. PhniipsJ., Newcastle,lrelnd. swain St. Anne's Life-boat. ' Shankey, R., CM. (2) Sullivan, J., Newhaven. Plcard, M. Pierre. fitoch, JR., C.G., Colileston. Shannon, P.,, Kilrnsh. J Sullivan, Wm. C. L., Esq. PUcher, Mr. Stephen, late Ritchie, Mr. Alexr., Sanda. Sharrock, J. P., C.G. Sumner, Mr. R., Formby.* Cox. Tramore Life-boat. Bivers, T., C.G., Lydd. Shaw, Lt. C., R.N., C.G. Superville, M.t Bordeaux. Pillar, W., Gunner, R N. Roberts, David. Colwyn Bay. Shea, D., late Cox. Padstow Surry, W., R.C. Sylvia, Pincomb, T., Pilot, Exmouth. Roberts, Mr. John, Clogwyn. Life-boat. (3) Sntcliffe, Thos., Serg., R.I.C. Pitt, E., C.G., Atherfleld. Roberts, Mr. John. Cefn Coch. , Shea, D., C.G., Porthcawl. Sntcliffe, Trooper, 21st Hus- Pockley, Mr. R., late Cox. Roberts, John, Caellun. jShleldon, Robt., late Cox. Sutbw land, D.. C.G. [sars. Klamborough Life-boat. Roberts, O., Pilot, Anglesey. Redcar Life-boat. Sutler, Mr. J., M.M. Pomeroy, H., C.G. Roberts, Mr. R., Carnarvon. Simmons, Mr. A., Chief Sutton, Mr. C., Port Talbot. Popham, Mr. Henry. Roberts, Mr. R., Cox. Llan- Engineer New Brighton Swarbrick, Mr. W, M.M. Porter, William, Seaman. ddulas Life-boat. Steam Life-boat. Symmes, Lt., K.N., C.G.* Potter, Mr. W., late Cox. Roberts, Mr. R., Cox. North Simpson, Mr. Jas., late Mate Synge,theRev. A.,Balbrtggan . Cahore Life-boat, [pool. Deal Life-boat. (21 of Ramsgate Harbour tugs. Ponnder, Mr. Thos., Hartle- Roberts, Mr. Robert, late Sims, Lt. And., R.N. (2) Powell, Mr. John, M.M. Cox. Penmon Life-boat. (2) Sims, J. C.G., Dungeness. Talt, Grace, Shetland. Pratt, Jas., Lt. R.N., C.G. Roberts, Mr. T., late Cox. Sinclair, B., Esq., Thurso. Talbot, C. R. M., Esq., M.P. Prattent, Lient. John, R.N.* Holyhead Life-boat. (2) Sinclair, Mr. D., late Cox. Taylor, Mr. A., late Cox. Preston, Mr., C.G., Newton. Robertson, Lt. J. H.M..R.N.J Irvine Life-boat. [more. Cullercoats Life-boat. Preston, W. M., Esq., Beau- Robertson, Lieut. R., R.N.* (Sinnott, R., C.G., Mallagn- Taylor, J., C.G., Dnndrnm. marts. (2) Robertson - Macdonald, D., Smallridge,Mr.J.H.,lateCox. Taylor, Mr. W., C.G. (3) Prewel R., C.G., Kllrush. Admiral. Brannton Life-boat. (2) Taylor, W. H.,New Romney. Price Thos., Beaumarls. Robins, Mr. J. Gunn, C.G. ' Smlth,F.,Boatman,Lowestoft. Teel, Mr. W., late Coxswain Pride, C., C.G., Christchurch. Robins, Edwin, Polkerris. Smith, Hy., Pilot, Gloucester. Plymouth Life-boat. Pringle,Mr.T.,lateCox.North Robins, William, Polkerris. ! Smith, J., Pilot, Shields. Tegg, Mr. T., M.M. Sunderland Life-boat. Robinson, Lieut., E.N. Smith, Mr. J., Thurso. Terrett, T., Constable, Knock. Prior, Mr. George, C.(i. Robinson, Mr. J., Aberdeen. ; Smith,Mr.O.,M.M., Bidefoid. Thomas, J., C.G., Atherfleld. Prior, Lt. T. H., R.N., C.G. Robinson, T., Whitby. | Smith, Peter, C.G., Lydd. Thomas, Mr. Jas., Cox. Prosser, Mr. H., C.G. Rockcliffe, Mr. W., late Smith, T., C.G., Ballma. Fishguard Life-boat . Prowse, George, Exmouth. Cox. Sonthport Life-boat. Smith, Wm.. Bomb., R.A. Thomas, J., C.G., Rocken. Pnrdy, H., C.G., TyreUa. Roderick, E., C.G. Smith, Mr. W., Aldebnrgh. Thomas, R. J., late Cox. Purvis, Mr. R., Bridlington. Roderlck,J.S., Esq., Ardmore. Smyth, H., C.G., Kilmore. New Brighton Lift-toat. Puxley, H., Esq., Dunboy. Rodgers, J., Royal Charter.* Snell, Lt. G., R.N., C.G.* S Thompson, D., Thurso. Pym, LtR.E., R.N.,Whltby* Roe,R.,Esq., J.P., Lynmouth. Somerville, Lt. J., R.N., C.G. Thompson, Mr, G., Annftlong. Rose,W.,Boatman,Lowestoft. (2)* Thompson, Mr. R., C.G. (3)* Ross, R., C.G., Curracloe. Southey, Lt., R.N., C.G. Thompson, Mr. E., late Cox. guadllng, Mr.B. E..C.G. (2)* Ross, R., C.G., Dunmore. Spark, Mr. A., M.M. Sunderland Life-boat. Quayle, Capt. E. (2) Ross, Capt. Sir Thos., R.JT.,* Spindler, Mr. H., late Cox. Thompson, W., Apprentice. Quigley, Mr. W. T..C.Q. Rossiter, T., Wexford. [C.G. Thorpeness Life-boat. Thorp, Mr. L., Newcastle. Qnirke, G., Esq., Douglas. Rothery, Llent. J., R.N. Spraggs, J., Seaman, Hayllng. Tlndall, Mr. S., Scar- Rourke, Edw., Howth. Stables, R., Holyhead. borough. h Rowe, W., C.G., Dingle. Standing, Edward, New Tlndall, W., Esq., The late. Raa, Wm., Whitburn. [(2)*» Rowe, W., Scllly. Romney. [wold. Tinning, Mr. J. W., late Cox. Randall, Lt. H., R.N., C.CJ. Rowe, W., Seaman, Heleton. Stannard,Mr.F.. M.M., South- Blyth No. 2 Life-brat. ! Randle, Mr. J., Bristol. Rowlands, Mr. T., M.M., Stap, Mr. R., C.G., Dunbar. Todd, Wm.,late Cox. Gorles- ; 1 1 Rawstone, Lt., R.N., C.G. Newport, Pembroke. Stark, Lt. P., R.N., C.G. (2)* ton Life-boat. , , Ray, J., Boatman, Tenby. Rowlands, Mr. W., late Cox. Starke, Mr. J., C.G. i Took, Alfred, Southwold. ' Raye, Lieut. H. R., R. M. Holyhead Life-boat. (2) Starr, Mr. L. G., M.M. Toole, Capt. W., loth Regt. Read, Lieut. J., R.N., C.G. Ruddock, J., Boatman, B'Uey. Steane, Lt. J., R.N., Rye.* Toomey, J., Kingstown. Reade. W. M.. Esq., Tramore. Russell, R., Esq., J.P. Steel, Mr. C., C.G. * Torrens, Capt. John A. W. Reading, Mr. D., Ramsgate. Rutter, Mr. J., Scarborough. Steele, John, Esq., Ayr. O'N., Royal Scots Greys.* Redford, J., Cullercoats. Ryle, John, R.LC. Stephens, A., C.G., Tramore. ' Tose, Mr. Geo., late Cox. Rees, Mr. A., Port Talbot. Rymer, Lt. D., R.N., C.G.* Stephenson, Mr. B., late Cox. ' Runswick Ltle-boat. [(2) Rees, Mr. DavM, l.its COK. Boulmer Life-boat. , Town, J., C.G., Folkestone. Cardigan Life-boat. Stevens, Henry, Gunner R.A. , Town, J ., C.G.,Castlegregory. Rees, T., Angle. Sadler, A., C.G., late Ast. Stewart, W., C.G. , Arcimore. Tredwen, Mr. R., Padstow. Rees, Mr. T. M., St. David's. Cox. Hythe Life-boat. ' Stokes, Mr. R., late Cox- ' Tregldgo, Mr. W. H., C.G. (3) Rees, Mr. W., Fishguard. Salmon, C., Gorleston. ! swain of Poole Life-boat, i Trent, J., Atherneld. Reeve, Mr. J., Swansea. Sailer, F., Brlxton, I.W. Star, John, Whltby. i Tresllian, Mr. R. Regan, D., C.G., Kllmore. Sanderson, Lient. J. P., R.N., | Stone, J., C.G., BoscasUe. ' Trevaskis, Mr. E., late Cox. Reilly, P., Plivate, A.S.C. C.G., Bridge of Don. Stout, Mr. B., late Cox. : of the Hayle Life-boat. (2) Renowden, J., C.G., Dingle. Sands,Mr.R.,M.M., Bahamas. Longhope Life-boat. (21 ; Trewhella, Mr. H., late Cox- Revell, Edw., Seaman, Rams- Sarony, Mr. O., Scarborough. Stracey-Clitherow, W. C.,1 swain Penzauce Life-boat. gate Steamer Vulcan. Sanvage, M. C., French Fish- Esq., late Lient. R.N. | Triphook, Mr. R., R.C. Riach, Wm., Buckle. ing-boat IsabeUe. Stragnell, Lt., R.N. | Hamilton. Richards, Mr. E., M.M. Sawtell, Mr. Edwin, C.G. Strahan, Mr. H., Pilot. , Trott, T., Boatman, Deal. Richards, Henry, Penzance. Scanlan, Maurice, C G. Strains, Mr. J., C.Q. 1 Tuckfleld, Mr. T., Bideford. Richards, James, Penzance. Scarlett, R., Harwich. Streader, Mr. W. T., H.M. ! Tudor, Capt.J.,R.N.,Wlck.(2) Rishards, Mr. T., M.M. Schofleld, Mr. Wm., Cox- Customs, Shoreham. i Tnlly, W., Pilot, Newcastle. Richardson. Mr. A., M.M. swain of Clactmi T.ifft-hoftt. Strong, Mr. Fran. F. M., R.N. ' Tnrnbull, R.. Dunbar. Richardson, W., Esq., Cole- Scott. Major Henry, Dover. Strowger, Mr. G., late Cox. Turner, Lt. C., R.N.* ralne. Scott, Mr. G. R., St. John, Kessingland Life-boat. (2) Turner, Mr. Jas.,C.G., Leys- Rickard, Thos.,Howth. Scott, Mr. J. [N.B. i Stuart, Lt. J., R.N., C.G. i down, Kent. 664 THE LIFE-BOAT. [!ST MAY, 1903. Turpln,Mr.J.,C.G.,Salcombe Tutt, E., C.G., Ounmamis. Walsh, Mr. Martin, M.M.* ! Wharrier, Mr. William, Late Ward, Mr. Charles, Bowman Eng. Ramsgate Tugs. (3) Williamson, Mr. R. (2) Williamson, Robert, Thnrso. Tuvache. M., French M.M. Aldeburgh Life-boat. (2) j Wheeler, C., Atherfleld. Williamson, W., Pilot, Wick. Tyrrell, Mr. Wm., Coxswain Ward, J., R.C. Sylvia. • Wheeler, J., ditto. (2) Wilson, J.,Pllot, St.Andrew's. of Harwich Life-boat. Ward, Admiral J. R., The Wheeler, R., ditto. Wilson, Mr. John, M.M. late. (2)» Wheeler, W., Pilot. Wilson, Ralph, Holy Island. Warder, V. T., C.G. White, Jas., late Cox. Fish- Wilson, T., Esq., M.P.* Urell, Mr. J., C.G. Warford, Mr. G., lats Cox. guard Life-boat. (3) Wilson.T., Pilot, Holylsland. Usher, Mr. J., Bridlington. Pakefleld Life-boat. (2) White, John, late Cox. Wilson,W.,Pilot,Holyl8land. Usher, Mr. John, Bridlington. Warn, W., sen., Atherfleld. Howth Life-boat. Wishart, J., Wick, N.B. Warn, W., jun., ditto. White, Joseph, Portland. Wood, Mr. James, s.s. Van Honten, Mr. W., Rotter- Warren, Lt. C. D., R.N. White, J. K., Esq., C.G. (2) Wasey, Capt. E. F. N. K., Whitley, Mr. Ellas, Jersey. Man's.

Wood, Mr. T. L., C.G. (2) Varley, Thos., Marsden.

Verion, Chas., Ramsgate.

Vieary, Lt. W., R.N., C.G., AtberBeld.* Vondy, I.. Cox. Isle of Man R.N., C.G. (3) | Whyte, Mrs., Aberdonr.

Waters, Wm.,late Ast. Cox. Wickham, Mr. T., lats Cox.

Southwold Lire-boat. i Wexford Life-boat, Wateon, T. J., Ramsgate. ! Wilds, Mr. Robert, late Cox.

Watt, A., Montrose. : Deal Life-boat. (2) Watt, Capt. F., Portrush. Wilkie, Mr. C., M.M. Woodgate, Mr. James, late Cox. Dover Life-boat. (2) Woodham, Lt., R.N..C.G.

Woods, Mr. K. W., Coxswain Gorleston No. 1 Life-boat.

Woodward, Geo., Stoker, Life-boat. (3) Watt, Mr. J., late Cox. Wilkinson, Geo., Fleetwuod. Ramsgate Steamer Vulcan. Moutrose Life-boat. Willoox, J., C.G., Lydd. Wordly, S., Harwich. William IV., His Most Watts, Mr. Charles, M.M. Williams, Mr. D. Wright, John, Greenock. Gracious Majesty King.* Watts, Mr. William, M.M. Williams, Mr. H., late Cox. Wright, Mr. J. Waddy, Dr., Churchtown. Watts, Lieut. W. S.. R.N.* Kingstown' Life-boat. Wright, Mr. Robert, late Cox. Wade, Mr., M.M., Padstow. Waugh, E., C.G. Williams, Hugh, Penmaen. Fleetwood Life brat. (2) Wake, Mr. Baldwin Arden, Webb, Edwin, C.G. Williams, Rev. J.,Holyhead.* Wyatt, G., Seaman, Harwich. Mid. H.M.S. fortetcr. Webb, Mr. Wm., O.G., late Williams, Mr. J., M.M. (2) Wylde, Lt. S., R.N., C.G. Wales, G., Broadstalrs. Cox. Padstow Life-boat. Williams, Mr. J., Swansea. Wyrill, H., Scarboro'. Wales, J., Broadstairs. Weblln, J., C.G., Tramore. Williams, Mr.J.M., Padstow. Walker, Lieut., R.N. Webster, Mr. J., late Cox. Williams, J.O.,Esq.,C.G. (2) York, H.R.H. the Duke of, Walker, Mr. J., Brigg. Maryport Life-boat. Williams, Owen, late Cox. the late (1S21).» Walker, Mr. W. Lewis, Beau- Wedge, W., C.G., Salcombe. ; Cemlyn Life-boat. Yare, Kichd., Stoker, Raou- maris. (2) Weekes, Wm. Wall, Seaman. Williams, Rev. O. Lloyd. (2) gate Steamer Vulcan. Wallace, Mr. J., M.M. Weldrake, E., Spurn Point. Williams, William, Grocer, Young, A., C.G., Shoreham. Wallace, Mr. Wiliiam. Welsh, Mr. M., M.M. i Llanddulas. Young, A. H., C.G., Blatch- Wallace, Mrs. William. West, Mr. Wm., C G. ! Williams, William, Qoarry- Ington. Walsh, J., Esq., Dublin. Westbrook, Lt. E. B., R.N. man, Llanddulas. Young, Lt. T., R.N., C.G..