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Shore-Boat Services Rewarded By the Royal National Life-Boat Institution In 1902

Jan. 9.—Five men put off in'a boat and at moderate risk rescued three fishermen whose boat had been overtaken by a S.S.W. gale and a rough sea, on the 23rd December, in Llan- dudno Bay.—Reward, II. 5s.

Jan. 9.—Voted letters of thanks and 10s. each to Mrs. S. A. DAVEY and Mrs. J. M. PYNE, whose husbands are coastguardmen, for assisting to save seven of the crew of the Flora, tender to H.M.S. Melampus, which stranded on the rocks in Kingstown harbour in a whole gale and heavy sea on the 12th November.

Feb. 1.—The crew of the ketch Devon, of Barnstaple, rescued the crew of three men from the schooner Annie, of Padstow, which sunk oft the entrance of the Ely River, near Penarth Dock, in a N.E. gale and heavy sea.

—Reward, 11.

Feb. 2.—Fourteen men put off in a boat and endeavoured to save life on the occasion of the loss of the Italian barque Lofaro, which capsized and sunk, with the loss of her crew, near St. Martin's Head, Isles of Seilly, in a strong E.N.E. gale and a very heavy sea.' An additional gratuity was granted to two of the men who were injured by falling on the rocks.—Reward, 151.

Feb. 13.—Voted 11. 10s. to three men for putting off in a boat and rescuing two men from a barge which had stranded in Bannow Bay, Co. Wexford, in a strong S.W. gale and a very rough sea, on the 23rd December.

7s. &d. was also awarded to two persons who assisted to launch the boat.

March 13.—Voted an Aneroid Barometer to Mr. ALEXANDER MCPHERSON, skipper, and 11.

each to his crew of seven men, for putting off in his boat from Whinnyfold, Scotland, and saving six of the crew of the s.s. Bartfell, of Aberdeen, which struck on the Cruden Scaurs and sunk very soon afterwards, in a dense fog, a light S.S.E. breeze and a ground swell on the 1st March.

March 25.—Seven men put off in the Insti- tution's boarding boat at New Brighton, and stood by the fishing boat Ellen, of Liverpool, which had stranded in a moderate-N.W. gale and a very heavy sea. A gratuity was also given to a man who assisted to get the boat off.—Reward, 51. Us.

March 28.—Six men put off in the Insti- tion's New Brighton boarding boat, with the view of assisting the crew of the cutter Mosquito, which had been capsized in a strong W. breeze and a rough sea. Two other men engaged on the occasion were also rewarded.—Reward, 11. 6s.

April 4.—Three men rescued one of the crew of the fishing lugger Welcome Home, of Kessingland, who by the jibbing of the mizzen sheet had been knocked overboard when off Lowestoft, in a strong N.W. breeze and a moderate sea.—Reward, 15s. "i April 5.—THOMAS VEALE, ferry-boat pro- prietor, put off in a boat and rescued two | boys from a punt off Dungarvan, Ireland, j One of them had fallen overboard and was holding on to the punt and the other one was unable to help him as the boat, a very unsafe one, would not bear his weight on her side.— Reward, 11.

April 10.—Voted the thanks of the Institu- tion, inscribed on vellum and framed, to the Misses ROSIE M. BIRNIE and MARY J. BIRNIE, daughters of the keeper of the Kyleakin Lighthouse, Isle of Skye, and a present of 5s. to their brother, Master ROBERT W. BIRNIE, for putting off in a boat and rescuing two men, whose boat had been capsized midway between the Kyle Rock and the Lighthouse, in a moderate breeze with slight squalls, a moderate sea and thick weather, on the 18th March.

April 15.—Four fishermen saved the crew of fifteen men from the s.s. Loch Leven, of Aberdeen, which stranded and sunk on the Knavestone Rock, one of the Fame Islands group, in a moderate S.E. breeze and a rough sea with a heavy swell.—Reward, 21.

April 26.—Three men waded into the sea and rescued one of the crew of a small boat which had been capsized off Seaton Carew, Durham, in a somewhat rough sea.—Reward, 15s.

May 27.—Six coastguardmen put off in their boat and rescued the crew of eight men of the lugger Self Reliance, of Howth, which was totally wrecked off Ballinacourty. A strong W.S.W. breeze was blowing at the time, the sea was moderate and the weather j thick and squally.—Reward, 31.

: June 9.—SAMUEL ASHTON (Coxswain of the 1 Polkerris and Fowey Life-boat) and his son Harry put off in a boat and rescued four boys j who were in danger in an unseaworthy boat ! in Par Bay.—Reward, 10s.

| June 12.—Voted the thanks of the Institu- tion inscribed on vellum and framed, together with 15s. each, to Messrs. ROBERT and RICHARD POCKLET, for gallantly assisting, at great risk to their own lives, two fishermen who were clinging to some oars, their boat when near the Smithic Sands off Flam- borough having filled with water in a whole gale from W. and a very rough sea on the 4th April; but for the timely and skilful assistance of the salvors, lives would have been lost.

Also 31. to six men, four of whom were coastguardmen, for their promptitude in putting ofi in two boats and rescuing three out of the crew of five of the boat Star of the Sea, of Howth, Ireland. While tacking, the boat was thrown on her beam ends and her five occupants pitched overboard, when about three-quarters of a mile N.E. of Howth Harbour, in squally weather and a choppy sea on the 4th May. One of the boats succeeded in picking up the two men, who lost their lives, but in spite of every effort to resuscitate them on the part of two of the coastguardmen, they never recovered. An additional 2s. 6d. each was awarded to these men for their humane efforts.June 19.—Pour fishermen rescued the crew of four persons from a salmon yawl which was capsized in a moderate gale and very heavy sea about two miles off Knockadoon Head (Youghal).—Reward, 4/.

July 10.—Voted 21. to DAVID RUDALL and HENRY MORGAN, two fishermen, for promptly putting off in a boat and rescuing five of the occupants of a boat which was swamped and foundered off Llanelly on the evening of the 27th of May.

The salvors, who saw the accident, imme- diately got into their boat and pulled to the spot. Unfortunately four of the men had already disappeared and it was only owing to the resource displayed by Rudall that the other five were rescued, the sea at the time being rough and the wind fresh and squally.

July 17.—Four fishermen saved four of the crew of the fishing-boat Mayflower, which capsized when about three miles off Glengad Head, County Donegal, in a strong N. breeze and a heavy sea. The sailors, seeing the accident, immediately went to the spot and succeeded in rescuing three men who were clinging to the keel of the up-turned boat, and another who was supporting himself by an oar. All were in an exhausted condition.

The fifth member of the crew was unfortu- nately washed away and drowned before help could reach him. A further award was granted to the crew of two other fishing-boats which also put off with a view to saving life.— Reward, 71. 10s.

July 27.—Three men saved two men from a boat which was swamped in a rough sea and strong breeze, off Redcar, Yorkshire.—Reward, 11. 2s. 6d.

Sept. 3.—The crew of the steamer Rotliesay Bay assisted to save three of the crew of the s.s. Tinto, of Bo'ness, off Anstruther, in a whole gale from S.W. and very heavy sea.— Reward 21.

Oct. 22. —Eight men put off in a coble after dark and brought ashore the captain and crew of three men of the s.s. Aggie, of Dundee, which stranded on the Burn Car Rock off Beadnell, in a strong north-westerly breeze, moderate sea and hazy weather.—Reward 21.

Oct. 81.—Five men put off in a boat and rescued three men from the smack Mary, which Bank in a strong north-westerly breeze and a heavy sea off Ardrossan Harbour. When picked up the men were in a very exhausted condition.—Reward 21. 10s.

Oct. 31.—Three men picked up two men from a coble which had been run down off Tynemouth in a fresh S.S.W. breeze and slight sea.—Reward, 15s. 6d.

Nov. 20.—Three of the crew of the tug Snowdon promptly put off from that tug in a small boat and rescued four of the crew of the s.s. Knud, which was run down off Tynemouth in a moderate Jt.S.E. breeze and strong sea.— Reward, SI.

Dec. 11.—Voted a binocular glass bearing a suitable inscription to Mr. PHILIP HERBERT, for saving the life of Professor McHardy, who was knocked overboard from the deck of the yacht Grayling, about 9 P.M. on the 26th July in a strong S.S.W. wind and rough sea when off Beachy Head..