Resolutions Passed at the Annual General Meeting for 1903
Moved by His Grace the DUKE OF SUTHERLAND, K.G.
Seconded by Vice-Admiral LORD CHARLES BERESFORD, C.B.
Supported by the Right Hon. GERALD W. BALFOUR, M.P., President of the Board of Trade.
be 1. That the Annual Report adopted, printed, and circulated.
life-saving work carried on by the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITU- TION, desires to record its admiration of the gallantry which the Coxswains and Crews of the Institution's Life- boats continue to exhibit, and also to very gratefully acknowledge the valuable and important help received from the Local Honorary Secretaries, Treasurers, Branch Committees, and the Public Press, as well as from the Ladies' Auxiliaries and the Life-boat Saturday Committees.
Moved by The Eight Hon. LORD TWEEDMOUTH.
Seconded by The Most Hon. the MARQUESS OF GRAHAM.
2. That H.E.H. The PRINCE OF WALES, K.G.,be elected President, and that the Noblemen and Gentlemen whose names have been read by the Secretary be the Officers of the Institution for the current year.
(Vide pp. 600-601 for List.) Moved by Sir EDWARD BIRK- BECK, Bart., V.P.
Seconded by Colonel CLAYTON, V.P.
Moved by the Hon. RUPERT E. C. GUINNESS, C.M.G.
Seconded by Sir EGBERT U. PEN- ROSE FITZGERALD, Bart., M.P.
3. That this Meeting, fully appre- ciating the importance of the great 4. That the hearty thanks of this Meeting be given to His Grace the DUKE OF SUTHERLAND, K.G., for so ably presiding over this the Seventy-ninth Annual Meeting of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION.