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H.R.H. The Prince of Wales and the Scarborough Life-Boat Coxswain

During the visit of the Prince of Wales, in December last, to Londes- borough Park, John Owston, coxswain of the Scarborough Life-boat, belonging to the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTI- TUTION, was in attendance upon the Earl of Londesborough, who takes a close interest in the Life-boat service I along the Yorkshire coast. His Royal i Highness asked Owston many questions relative to the Life-boat work, particu- larly about the Scarborough station and locality, indicating that he had some acquaintance with the praiseworthy work of the coxswain, who is locally known as " Honest John," and his doughty crew. Before leaving Londes- borough Park, the Prince presented Owston with a couple of silver-mounted briar pipes bearing the Royal monogram, greatly, it need hardly be added, to the ! satisfaction of the gallant coxswain..