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Additional Stations and New Life-Boats

HENDON, SUNDERLAND.—As the re- sult of a shipwreck, with loss of life, at Ryhope Point, Sunderland, the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION has, on the strong representation of the Local Committee, formed a Life-boat station at Hendon Beach. A boat- house has been erected from the designs of the engineer and architect of the Institution, and a ten-oared Life- boat of the self-righting type, 34 ft.

long and 8 ft. wide, having one water- ballast tank, has been supplied to this new station. The boat will be manned by the coxswains and crew of the Sun- derlfind South Outlet Life-boat, who will exercise the boats alternately. The cost of the new boat and equipment has been met from a legacy bequeathed to the Institution by the late Mr. JOHN BAYLISS, of Ryde, and in accordance with his wishes the boat is named John and Amy.


[2ND FEBRUARY, 1903.

ALDEBURGH, SUFFOLK.—One of the finest sailing Life-boats ever built for the Institution has recently been placed on this station, in the place of the boat which met with such an unfortunate accident while she was out on service some three years since, resulting in the loss of six out of eighteen of her crew.

The new boat is of the " Norfolk and Suffolk" type modified; she is 46 ft.

long and 14 ft. wide, and has one water ballast tank and two sliding or drop keels. The special Life-boat fund col- lected some time since in Winchester, through the kind exertions of Mr. W.

H. FORDER, who was then serving as Mayor, Mr. C. S. WOOLDRIDGE, who acted as Honorary Secretary, and other benevolent friends of the Life-boat cause, has been appropriated towards the cost of this Life-boat, which is named the City of Winchester. Since she has been on her station she has been tested in suitable weather with most satisfactory results.

BLYTH, NORTHUMBERLAND ; BURN- HAM, SOMERSET ; KILMORE, COUNTY WEXFORD ; NORTH BERWICK, HADDING- TONSHIRE; ROBIN HOOD'S BAY, YORK- SHIRE ; TENBY, PEMBROKESHIRE, and WHITBURN, DURHAM.—The Life-boats on these stations have also recently been replaced by new boats. They are of the self-righting class, with two excep- tions, viz., Burnham and Tenby, which are respectively of the " Liverpool" and "Watson" type. The names of the several boats are Dash, Philip Beach, Sisters, Norman Clark, Mary Ann Lock- wood, William and Mary Dtvey, and William and Charles. The donors of these respective boats were the late Miss M. A. PARKE, of Inverness Terrace, London, W.; the late Mrs. SARAH BEACH, James Street, London,W.; Miss MARTHA 1 TAYLOR, Chapel Allerton ; the late Mr.

1 NORMAN CLARK, of Netherhill, Paisley ; | the late Mr. T. LOCK WOOD, Harrogate; ; and the late Miss ELEANOB DEVEY, Tun- | bridge Wells; the last-named boat j (Whitburn) was endowed, the original i gift to the Institution having been an anonymous contribution from " A Lady.".