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The Lobster Fishing Boat

STROMNESS, ORKNEY.—A small lobster fishing-boat, while out at sea to the west of Hoy Head on the morning of the 22nd April, was caught in a sudden gale from S.E. On the matter being reported to the Honorary Secretary, he at once despatched the Life-boat Good Shepherd to her assistance. She eventually succeeded in rescuing the crew of three men and saving the boat, which was taken in tow and brought back to Stromness about 4.30 P.M. In the meanwhile the wind had much increased and was then blowing a heavy gale ; this together with the rough sea and the state of the tide prevented any attempt being made then to house the Lifeboat; after a wait of some hours however this was safely accomplished.

The position of the boat and her occupants when rescued was very perilous, as their only chance of safety was to remain close under the cliff to the S. side of the Head, and had a land sea set in nothing could have saved them..