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PETEBHEAD, ABERDEENSHIRE.—While the Coxswain of the Life-boat George Pickard was working in the Life-boat house during the afternoon of the 1st April, information was brought him that a vessel had gone ashore at Scotston Head. After consulting the Harbour Master, he at once launched the boat and proceeded under sail to the vessel, in the face of a strong N.W. gale.

She proved to be the schooner Pioneer, of Dundee, bound for Nairn with a cargo of coal, and was fast on the rocks, rolling heavily. The crew were preparing to leave in their own boat, but on the arrival of the Life-boat and of a steamer, which had also come up, they decided to make an attempt to float the schooner.

A rope was passed by means of the Life-boat to the steamer, and after a good deal of trouble she was eventually got off and towed into harbour, the Lifeboat returning at the same time..