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Life-Boat Saturday Fund

THE Life-boat Saturday workers have required to use all their energy and zeal during the past year in pressing on their campaign on behalf of the fund. What with the South African War, and an increased Income Tax, followed by Peace Demonstrations and Coronation Festivities, the thoughts of the British public have naturally been to a great extent diverted during the major part of the Life-boat Saturday season. Not- withstanding discouraging circumstances however, the Local Committees and Ladies Auxiliaries have stuck to their guns, and we feel sure will be able to show at the close of the financial year a very creditable total of receipts as the result of their self-denying and meri- torious labours. On former occasions it has been necessary to warn the collecting agencies for the Life-boat Saturday Fund against extravagance in working arrangements, and we are glad to know that our advice on that head has not "fallen on stony ground," but that in some directions satisfactory reductions in the percentage of the cost of demon- strations and collections have beeneffected. The argument so constantly being used that because such a large proportion of the moneys raised for charities by means of demonstrations, galas, bazaars, Ac., goes for expenses, these means should not be adopted at all, is of course unreasonable and foolish; but at the same time it is the duty of all connected with such organisations to do their utmost to keep the expenditure down, so that no possible handle may be given to detractors, who as a rule whilst doing nothing to help on or encourage a good cause themselves are particularly " at home" in criticising adversely the generous and unselfish labours of others.

In looking forward to the new year we would wish to cheer and encourage all engaged in assisting tc promote the welfare and best interests of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE - BOAT INSTITUTION, feeling assured that sustained effort and hearty co-operation with the Committee of Management and their officers must tend to secure and maintain a thoroughly efficient and well-conducted service, pro- ductive perhaps of even greater results in the future than in the past..