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MARGATE, KENT.—At 6.45 A.M. on the 15th March, while a strong gale was blowing from N.W. and a rough sea was running, information was given by the Coastguard that a vessel was on the N.W. part of Margate Sand. The Life-boat Civil Service No. 1 was immediately launched and proceeded to her assistance, but when within about a mile of the distressed vessel she also grounded. As it was then just about low water the Coxswain anchored and lay there for about an hour. On the tide flowing sufficiently another effort was made to reach the vessel—the ketch Justice, of Harwich—and after considerable difficulty and hard work the Lifeboat was brought alongside. With the assistance of three of the Life-boat men the vessel was got off the sand and brought into Margate, thus saving both the vessel and crew of three hands.

It subsequently appeared that the barge had been riding at anchor close to the sands, and when she commenced driving towards them, the master slipped his cable and forced his vessel to the top of the sand to prevent her foundering..