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The King's Courtesy to a Brave Life-Boat Man

WHILE the King was afloat in April last j off the Scilly Islands with Mr. Dorrien- ! Smith, the President of the Scilly Isles Branch of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE- BOAT INSTITUTION, in the latter's steam- launch, Mr. Dorrien-Smith was telling him about the splendid work done by the coxswain of the St. Mary's Life-boat in taking the boat on a fearful night among some of the most dangerous rocks of the Isles, in the vain endeavour to save lives from the ill-fated Italian barque Lofaro.

Just as Mr. Dorrien-Smith had finished telling this to the King, the very man, Eustace Thomas, passed in his own boat, and Mr. Dorrien-Smith pointed him out to his royal guest. The King immediately, with grave courtesy, doffed his cap and bowed to the man whom he con- sidered worthy of this special mark of esteem.