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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee

THURSDAY, 9th January, 1902.

Captain the Hon. JOHN M. YORKE, R.N., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting.

Reported that His Majesty THE KING had graciously been pleased to become an annual subscriber of twenty guineas to the Institution.

Read the minutes of the Building, Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees, and ordered that their recom- mendations be carried into effect.

Read the report of the Deputy Chief Inspector of Life-boats on his recent visit to the Littlehaven station.

Also the reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their visits to the following stations:— Northern District—Dunbar, Ballantrae, Troon, Irvine, Ardrossan, Port Patrick, Port Logan, Girvan, Ayr, Southend (Cantyre), Campbeltown and North Berwick.

Eastern District—Saltburn, Redcar, Clac- ton-on-Sea, Walton-on-Naze and Harwich (two boats).

Southern District—Lyme Regis, Weymouth, Swanage and Poole.

Western District—Angle, Ferryside, Burry Port, Porthcawl, Cardigan, St. David's, Fish- guard (two boats), Aberystwyth, Aberdovey, Barmouth, Holyhead (two boats), Porth Rhufiydd and Rhosoolyn.

Irish District—Portrush, Greencastle, Cul- daff, Groomsport, Carrickfergus, Newcastle (Co. Down), Killough, Ballywalter, Cloughey and Giles Quay.

Reported the receipt of a contribution of 21,4332. 4s. lid. from the Central Committee of the Life-boat Saturday Fund as the nett proceeds of Life-boat Saturday, 1901.

Resolved that the most grateful thanks of the Committee of Management be conveyed to the Central Committee of the Life-boat Saturday Fund for their continued earnest and much valued services.

Reported the receipt from the Civil Service Life-boat Fund, per CHARLES DIBDIN, Esq., the Honorary Secretary, of a further sum of 1,4512. 2s. 8d., to recoup the Institution all the expenses incurred in 1901 in maintaining the seven stations at which the seven Life- boats presented and endowed by the Fund are placed. The total sum thus contributed to the Institution by gentlemen in His Majesty's Civil Service since 1866 has been 27,5622.8s. 9 Z.

Resolved that the sincere and best thanks of the Committee of Management be tendered to the Honorary Secretary, his Committee, and the Subscribers to the Fund.

Further resolved that the Institution's Decoration for special services other than the actual saving of life be conferred on Mr. CHARLES DIBDIN, in recognition of his very long and valuable services to the Life-boat cause, as Honorary Secretary of the Fund, with which he had been connected for nearly 35 years.

Also the receipt of the following other special contributions since the last meeting:— £. s. d.

THOMAS W. BLAKE, Esq. . . . 250 - - JAMBS GEDDES, Esq. .... 200 - - Mrs. SAMUEL LEWIS .... 100 - - Licensed Victuallers' Life-boat Fund, in aid of the support of the Hunstanton Life-boat, per A. L. ANNETT, Esq 50 - - Loyal Order of Ancient Shepherds (Ashton Unity) annual sub- scription 25 - - The late Rt. Hon. Lord ROOK- WOOD 25 - - St. Michael's, Paddington, per the Rev. G. F. PRESCOTT, M.A. 10 4 - —To be severally thanked.

Also the receipt of the following legacies:— £. s. d.

The late Mrs. MARY FLEMING, of Hemel-Hempstead, to provide a Life - boat to be named the Robert Fleming 1,000 - - The late THOMAS EDWARD KSOWLES, Esq., of Cheetham . 500 - - The late JOHN BENTIEY, Esq., of Hanley, Staffordshire . . . 100 - - The late Mrs. HANNAH M. HODSSON, of Brighouse ... 45 - - The late Mrs. MARY CURTIS, of Worthing (additional) ... 1 1 9 Reported the transmission to their stations of the Banff, Clactou-on-Sea, and Minehead new Life-boats.

Paid 6,6872. for sundry charges on various Life-boat establishments.Voted 6531.18s. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services:— Lives Life-boat. Vessel. saved.

Bridlington . Ketch Onward, of Mont- rose .'.... 4 Broadstairs . Schooner Grace, of Sal- combe. Stood by vessel.

Buckhaven . Fishing-boats. Stood by boats.

Falmouth . Ketch Louise Ernst, of St. Malo .... 5 Greencastle . S.S. Neritea .... 12 Hartlepool No.2 Brigantine Florence, of Newport .... 7 Holy Island) Ketch Design, of Mont- No. 1 . / rose 6 Johnshaven . A fishing-boat. Ben- dered assistance.

Kingsdowne . Four - masted barque Mersey, of Grimstad . 7 Margate No. 1 Brigantine John Walters, of Exeter .... 6 Montrose No. 1 Sob.. Gleaner, of Mont- rose. Stood by vessel.

„ „ Boat of tug Alexandra and ketch Village Belle, of Arbroath . 8 Newbiggin . S.S. Christiania, of Haugesund ... 11 New Brighton Schooner Lizzie, of (Steam Life-boat)/ Chester .... 4 North Berwick S.S. Porpoise, of Glasgow 4 Penzance . Brigantine St. Joseph.

Rendered assistance.

Rhoscolyn . Schooner J. W. Waring, of Lancaster ... 5 „ . Ketch Trebiskin, of Padstow .... 4 Scarborough. Two cobles. Bend, assist.

„ Three-masted schooner Satellite, of Dover . 8 Seaton Carew S.S. Trefusis, of St. Ives 20 Walmer . . Four-masted barque Mersey, of Grimstad . 7 Wexford . . S.S. Wharfinger, of Glasgow .... 6 The Padstow, Walmer and Wexford Life- boats respectively assisted to save the s.s. Auyuste Legembre, of Algiers, with thirty persons on board, the schooner Albion, of Poole, and five lives, and the s.s. Wharfinger of Goole.

Voted 8602. 7s. id. to pay the expenses of assemblies of crews, watching, launches,&c., at the following Life-boat stations with the view of assisting those on board vessels in distress: Arbroath, Arklow, Ballywalter, Bridlington Quay, Brixham, Caister No. 1, Dunbar, Dun- geness No. 1, Eastbourne, Fishguard No. 2, Formby, Gorleston No. 1, Grimsby (Steam Life-boat), Hartlepool No. 2, Harwich (Steam Life-boat), Hayle, Hilbre Island, Holyhead (Steam Life-boat), Hoylake, Hunstanton, Irvine, Kirkcudbright, Mablethorpe, Mullion, New Brighton (Steam Life-boat), New Quay (Cornwall), North Deal, Penzance, Plymouth, Point of Ayr, Poole, Forth Bhufiydd, Redcar, Rhosneiger, St. Heller's, Saltburn, Scar- borough, Southend-on-Sea, Sunderland North Dock, Upgang, Whitby Nos. 1 and 2, Whit- hom, Winchelsea and Withemsea.

The Ramsgate Life-boat was taken out, bat her services were not ultimately needed.

Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution, accompanied by a copy of the vote inscribed on vellum, to Mr. HUGH HUGHES, coxswain, of the Rhoscolyn Life-boat, in recognition of his gallant services in that Life-boat, and particularly on the occasion of the rescue of the crew of the schooner, /. W. Waring, of Lancaster, in a whole gale and very heavy sea on the 8th December last. Double pay was awarded to the coxswain and crew of the Life- boat for this good service.

The Committee specially recognized the valuable co-operation of ROBERT LEES, Esq., Honorary Secretary of the Wicklow Branch, on the occasion of the wreck of a vessel on the 13th November last.

Thanks were accorded to T. H. CORNISH, Esq., Honorary Secretary of the Penzance Branch, for his valuable services on the occasion of two launches of the Life-boat for service on the 1st January.

Voted 11. 5s. to five men for putting off in a boat and, at moderate risk, rescuing three fishermen, whose boat had been overtaken by a S.S.W. gale and a rough sea, on the 23rd December.

Also thanks and 10s. each to Mrs. S. A. DAVEY and Mrs. J. M. PYNE, whose husbands are coastguardmen, for assisting to save seven of the crew of the Flora, tender to H.M.S. Melampus, which stranded on the rocks in Kingstown harbour in a whole gale and heavy sea, on the 12th November.

Also 1Z. each to eleven fishermen who rendered most valuable assistance on the occasion of the Caister Life-boat accident on the 13th November.

THURSDAY, 13th February, 1902.

Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting.

Also read those of the Building, Finance and Correspondence and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees, and ordered that their recom- mendations be carried into effect.

Also read the minutes of the last meeting of the Central Committee of the Life-boat Saturday Fund and ordered that their re- commendations be carried into effect.

Read the report of the Chief Inspector of Life-boats on his recent visits to the south side of the Firth of Forth and Falmouth.

Also the report of the Deputy Chief Inspector of Life-boats on his visits to the Ilfracombe, Killough, Rhoscolyn, Rhosneigir, Greenore and Porth Rhuffydd Stations.

Also the reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their visits to the following Life-boat Stations:— Northern District—Alnmouth, Eyemouth, Cambois, Blyth, Cullercoats, Newbiggin, Whithorn, Balcary and Kirkcudbright.

Eastern District — Caister, Yarmouth, Grimsby, Donna Nook, Aldeburgh, Dunwich, Southwold (two boats), Lowestoft (two boats), Kessingland (two boats) and Pakefield. Southern District—Bembridge, Southsea, Hayling, Brighton, Newhaven, Worthing, Winchelsea and Littlehampton.

Irish District—New Brighton (two boats), Hoylake, Hilbre Island, Piel (Barrow), Formby, Fleetwood and Greenore.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last meeting :— £. s. d.

" 0. M. B." 50 - - " M. L. M." 50 - - B. A. OSWALD, Junr., Esq. . . 25 - - Worshipful Company of Armourers and Brasiers (additional) . . 10 10 - Proceeds of entertainment at Charfield National School per the Rev. EGBERT P. DAVIES, M.A 10 10 - Collected on board the B.M.S.

Tintagel Castle by Sergeant Pickering, of the 118th Com- pany of Imperial Yeomanry, per Captain Whitehead .... 5 - - —To be severally thanked.

Also the receipt of the following legacies:— £. s. d.

The late Miss M. W. DITCHETT, of Clifton 500 - - The late 0. J. POSNO, Esq., of Finsbury Circus 250 - - The late JAMBS BROWN, Esq., of Stratford 100 - - The late Mrs. A. S. STOCK, of Weston-super-Mare (additional) 42 14 9 The late RICHARD WAIN, Esq., of Clifford Street, Bond Street . 30 7 9 Voted the thanks of the Committee to Mr.


DAVIS, in recognition of their valuable co- operation as Honorary Secretaries respectively of the Runcorn, Peterborough, Port St. Mary, Hythe, Nairn and Minehead Branches of the Institution, which offices they had just resigned.

Paid 6,1212. for sundry charges on various Life-boat establishments.

Voted 370Z. 12s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the following services :— Lives life-boat. Vessel. saved.

Coverack . . Barque Glenbervie, of Glasgow .... 16 Cullercoats . Eight cobles. Rendered assistance.

Falmouth . Schooner Snaefell, of ramsey. Stood by vessel.

Flamborough Barquentine Aurora, of Guernsey .... 8 Gorleston No. 1 Brigantine Volant, of Limerick. Stood by vessel.

Hayle . . . S.S. Fteswick, of White- haven 12 Johnshaven . Schooner Lord Clyde, of Banff .... 6 Lives Life-boat. Vessel. saved.

Moelfre . . Barquentine Ethiopia, of Wicklow ... 6 „ . . Schooner Lily Green, of Liverpool .... 3 Poole . . . Ketch Jessie, of Boston.

Stood by vessel.

Ramsey . . Schooner ElUsmere, of Runcorn .... 3 St. Mary's . Ketch Ada,oi Gloucester.

Stood by vessel.

Thurso . . Schooners Emma Louise and Elizabeth Miller, of Wick. Landed 7 men.

Weiford . . S.S. Belle.

Stood by vessel.

Whitby No. 1. Two cobles. Landed 6.

The Clacton-on-Sea, Flamborough No. 2, Ramsgate, and Winterton Nos. 1 and 2 Life- boats respectively assisted to save the s.s.

Dungonnell, of Glasgow, and eleven lives; assisted to save the barquentine Aurora, of Guernsey; rescued one man from the smack Lottie, of Ramsgate; assisted to save the steam-trawler Teal, of London, and saved fourteen men from the barque Chili, of Gefle.

Voted also 6201.19s. in payment for launches of the Life-boats, or for assemblies of the crews with the view of assisting vessels in distress at Brixham, Broughty Ferry, Caister, Carrickfergus, Clacton, Eastbourne, Falmouth, Gorleston, Great Yarmouth, Hythe, Margate, Padstow, Palling, Porthoustock, Bunswick, St. Mary's, St. Peter's Port, Southend (Essex), Walton-on-the-Naze, Watchet, Weymouth and Winterton.

Read a letter received from the President and Council of the French Shipwreck Society tendering their sympathy to the Institution with regard to the loss of life resulting from the Caister Life-boat disaster on the 14th December last. The communication was gratefully acknowledged.

The Committee specially recognised the services of Messrs. CHARLES T. HIPKIN, A. D. SCOTT, WILLIAM J. BOY and FRANK HALLS on the occasion of the Life-boat at Walton-on-the-Naze being called out for service on the night of the 6th January.

The sum of 14Z. Is. was granted to men injured while engaged in the Life-boat service at Bridlington, Kingsdowne and Rhoscolyn.

Voted Ul. to fourteen men for putting off in a boat and endeavouring to save life on the occasion of the loss of the Italian barque Lofaro which capsized and sunk, with the loss of her crew, near St. Martin's Head, Isles of Scilly, in a strong E.N.E. gale and a very heavy sea, on the 2nd February. Ten shillings each was also granted to two of the men who were injured by falling on the rocks.

Also II. 10s. to three men for putting off in a boat and rescuing two men from a barge which had stranded in Bannow Bay, Co. Wexford, in a strong S.W. gale and a very rough sea, on the 23rd December. 7s. 6d. was also awarded to 'two persons who assisted to launch the boat.WEDNESDAY, 12th March, 1902.

The Annual General Meeting of the Governors and friends of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION took place this day at the Royal United Service Institution, White- hall, the Bight Hon. the EARL OF SELBORNE, P.O., First Lord of the Admiralty, in the Chair.

The Chairman having made some suitable observations on the great and national character of the operations of the Institution, the Annual Report (which will be found in the May number of The Life-boat Journal) was presented to the meeting.

The meeting was also addressed by Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., V.P.; the Bight Hon. LORD SOTFIELD, G.C.V.O., K.C.B.; Sir FRANCIS J. S. HOPWOOD, K.C.B., C.M.G., Secretary to the Board of Trade; the Bight Hon. the EARL OF HARDWICKE, Under- secretary of State for India; Sir JOHN C. B. COLOMB, K.C.M.G., M.P.; Capt. the Hon. JOHN M. YORKE, B.N.; and Sir ROBERT U.


The officers for the current year were chosen, and various resolutions moved, seconded and carried unanimously, pledging the meeting to renewed exertions on behalf of the benevo- lent and national objects of the Institution, and expressing the fullest confidence in the management.

The officers' names and the resolutions will be found in the May number of The Life-boat Journal.

THURSDAY, 13th March, 1902.

Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., V.P., was unanimously elected Chairman, and Colonel FITZROY CLAYTON, V.P., Deputy Chairman of the Committee of Management of the Institu- tion for the ensuing year.

Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., V.P., having taken the Chair, the members of the Sub- Committees were elected for the current year.

Also the delegates to the Central Committee of the Life-boat Saturday Fund.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the previous meeting.

Also read those of the Building, Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees, and ordered that their re- commendations be carried into effect.

Read the report of the Chief Inspector of Life-boats on his recent visit to the Eastbourne Life-boat station.

Also the report of the Deputy Chief Inspector of Life-boats on his visits to Sunderland and Ramsgate.

Also the reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their recent visits to the fol- lowing Life-boat stations:— Northern District—Workington, White- haven, Maryport, St. Andrews and Grail.

Eastern District—Gorleston (three boats), Seaham and Sunderland (two boats).

Southern District — Porthleven, Lizard, Coverack, Porthoustock, Cadgwith, Mullion, Mevagissey, Falmouth, Fowey and Plymouth.

Western District — Weston - super - Mare, Watchet, Minehead, Burnham, Bude, Pad- stow (two boats), Newquay (Cornwall) and Port Isaac.

Irish District — Blackrock, Drogheda, Skerries, Howth, Kingstown (two boats), Aranmore, Arklow, Courtown, Cahore, Wex- ford and Rosslare Harbour.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last meeting :— £. s. d.

F. WADSWORTH, Esq. . . » . 25 - - Collected on board H.M.S. Canapus, on Sunday, 8th December, 1901, per the Rev. F. S. HOBAN, B.N. 4. - - Proceeds of entertainment given by the Wesleyan Choir at East Peckham, Tonbridge, per Mr. F. HILDER 356 —To be severally thanked.

Also the receipt of the following legacies :— £. s. d.

The late Mrs. EMMA ELIZA Cox, of Weston-Super-Mare, for a William and Emma Life-boat, to be placed on the coast of Great Britain 1,000 - - The late M. C. SMART, Esq., of Tewkesbury, for a Michael Smart Life-boat 900 - - The late Mrs. M. M. SCHOLEY, of Clapham 268 19 - The late RICHARD PEACOCK, Esq., of Spalding 227-3 The late JOHN GLOVER, Esq., of Croydon 200 - - The late Mrs. ELIZA WALKE, of Plymouth, per Plymouth Branch 161 13 5 The best thanks of the Committee were conveyed to Mr. G. HARRINGTON QUAYLE, in recognition of his long and valuable services whilst serving as Honorary Secretary of the Castletown Branch of the Institution, which office he had just resigned.

The Committee voted the Institution's Decoration for special services other than the saving of life to the following Honorary Secretaries of Branches of the Institution, in recognition of their zealous and very valuable services for twenty years and upwards: Mr.

PATRICK MURRAY, Isle of Arran; Mr. W. P. ADSHEAD, Belper; Mr. GILBERT HOULDEN, Donna Nook; Mr. PIERCE CROSBIE, Green- castle ; Mr. J. M. MEEK, Redcar; Mr. E. J. BLUETT, J.P., Soilly Islands; Mr. C. F. GRANTHAM, Skegness; and Mr. W. PEREGRINE PROPERT, LL.D., St. David's.

The Committee also specially recognised the good services, extending over many years, of the following Honorary Secretaries of Branches of the Institution :—Lieutenant J. O. WILLIAMS, R.N., Aldeburgh; Mr. R. GRAHAM LINDSAY, Belfast and Groomsport; the Rev. R. LESLIE MORRIS, M.A., Brooke; Mr. R. M. FLEMING, J.P., Culdaff; Mr. B. J.

LEESON, Cullercoats; Mr. ERNEST CROSBY, Fleetwood; the Rev. H. D. BARRETT, B.A., Hunstanton; Captain A. COULL, Lossiemouth; Mr. J. IBEDALE, L.B.C.P., Mablethorpe; Mr. WILLIAM JONES, Rhosneigir; Mr. THOMAS BRADLEY, St. Annes-on-Sea; Mr. B. SINCLAIR MAcDoNALD, Thurso; Mr. JOHN N. TAYLOR, West Hartlepool; Mr. 0. A. MYERS, Lytham; Mr. ALFRED ADAM, J.P., Keighley; and the late Colonel H. W. ISACKE, B.A., Kingsgate.

Reported the transmission to their stations ol the Bembridge and Scarborough new Life- boats.

Paid 4.660Z. for sundry charges on various Life-boat establishments.

Voted 110Z. 17s. to pay for the following Life-boat services:— "Lives Life-boat. Vessel. saved.

Aldeburgh . Barque Loveid, of Pors- grund. Landed 10 from a steamer.

Hoylake . . Landed 2 persons sur- rounded by the tide.

Montrose No. 1 Fishing - boat Marjory Brown, of Montrose . 5 Staithes . . Fishing-cobles. Stood by boats.

Winchelsea . Ketch Pilot, of Ply- mouth. Saved vessel and 4 The Cresswell, Hauxley, Montrose No. 1 and North Deal Life-boats respectively ren- dered assistance to the B.S. Minerva, of Sunderland; assisted to save the B.S. Velocity, of London; saved the fishing-boat Marjory Brown, of Montrose; and assisted to save the s.s. Eion, of Newcastle.

Also 1841. 15s. lid. to pay the expenses of launches of Life-boats, &c., at the following stations, with the view of assisting vessels in distress: — Almnouth, Broadstairs, Caister No. 1, Cullercoats, Harwich (Steam Life-boat), Hauxley, Kingsdowne, Montrose No. 1, Palling and Port Erroll.

The Ramsgate Life-boat was called out on three occasions, but her services were not required.

Voted 11. to men injured while on Life-boat service at Ballywalter and Caister.

Also l. to the crew of the ketch Devon, of Barnstaple, for rescuing the crew of three men from the schooner Annie, of Padstow, which sunk off the entrance of the Ely River, near Penarth Dock, in a N.E. gale and heavy sea on the 1st February.

Also an Aneroid Barometer to Mr. ALEX-ANDER McPHERSON, skipper, and I/, each to his crew of seven men, for putting off in his boat from Whinnyfold, Scotland, and saving six of the crew of the s.s. Hartfell, of Aber- deen, which struck on the Cruden Scaurs and sunk very soon afterwards, in a dense fog, a light S.S.E. breeze and a ground swell on the 1st March.

MONDAY, 24th March, 1902.

Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., V.P., in the Chair.

A Special Meeting of the General Com- mittee was held this day, when various matters were considered in connection with the standing Sub-Committees of the Insti- tution.

THURSDAY, 10th April, 1902.

Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting.

The Meeting learned with great satisfaction that Her Royal Highness the PRINCESS OP WALES had graciously consented to become a Vice-Patron of the Institution.

Read the minutes of the Annual Meeting; also minutes of the Building, Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub- committees, and ordered that their recommendations be carried into effect.

Bead the reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their recent visits to the following Stations:— Northern District—Tynemouth (two boats), Hauxley, Cresswell, North Sunderland, Holy Island (two boats), Broughty Ferry and Arbroath.

Eastern District — Seaton Carew, West Hartlepool, Hartlepool (three boats), Folke- stone, Hythe, New Romney, Dungeness (two boats), Dover, Kingsdowne, Walmer, North Deal, Ramsgate and Broadstairs.

Southern District—Hastings, Eastbourne, Totland Bay, Ryde, St. Helier's, St. Peter's Port, Southsea and Selsey.

Western District—St. Agnes, St. Mary's, Penzance, St. Ives, Hayle, Sennen, Ilfracombe, Clovelly, Appledore (two boats), Lynmonth, Tenby, Ferryside, Burry Port, Port Eynon, Swansea, Porthcawl and Barry Dock.

Irish District—Kilmore, Dunmore East, Dungarvan Bay, Tramore, Fethard, Youghal, Ballycotton, Queenstown, Courtmacsherry and Fenit (Tralee Bay).

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last meeting:— Ancient Order of Foresters, final £. s. d.

payment towards cost of Forester Life-boat at Tyne- mouth 200 - - Collected on board the s.s. Anvers- ville, by Captain FLEMYNO, per Messrs. ELDER, DEMPSTER & Co., Liverpool 20 14 2 Collected on board the s.s. Albert- ville, by Captain SPARROW, per Messrs. ELDER, DEMPSTER & Co., Liverpool 9 14 10 The Friendly Brothers of St.

Patrick, per EDWARD NASH, Esq 10 10 - Collections in Adderley Church, Market Drayton, per the Rev. 0. J. WINSER, M.A 759 —To be severally thanked.

Also the receipt of the following legacies:— The late JAMES FINLAYSON, Esq., £. s. d.

of Stirling, for establishing and maintaining a Life-boat for the j coast of Scotland 2,500 - - The late Miss EMILY JONES, of Chester Place 750 - - The late Miss ELIZABETH DA VIES, of Upper Gloucester Place . . 400 - - The late Mrs. ELIZABETH GARRABD, of West Norwood .... 86 17 -The late Mrs. ELIZABETH JAMESON, of Whitby, per Whitby Branch 50 - - The late Mrs. AGNES WATSON MARTIN, of Stirling .... 22 8 7 Deep regret was expressed at the death of Colonel H. W. ISACKE, B.A., who had been the Honorary Secretary of the Kingsgate Branch of the Institution for eleven years, and it was decided to send a letter o! con- dolence to his widow.

Reported the transmission to its station of the Hauxley new Life-boat.

Paid 5,7101. for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.

Voted 881. 13s. 8 i., to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services:— Life-boat.

Cardigan .

Dunbar .

Lives Vessel. saved.

Schooner John Ewvng, of Carnarvon ... 4 Smack Young Helen, of Buckhaven. Stood by Exmouth .

Holyhead (Steam Life-boat) Peterhead vessel.

A fishing boat. Stood by vessel.

H.M.S. Opossum. Ren- dered assistance.

Schooner Pioneer, of Dundee. Assisted to save vessel.

The Clacton, Holyhead (Steam Life-boat), Margate No. 2, and Ramsgate Life-boats, respectively, saved the ketch Carina, of Brix- ham; rendered assistance to the schooner Gipsy Maid; saved the ketch Justice, of Harwich, and 3 lives; and assisted to save the schooner Morwenna, of Truro.

Voted 182Z. 5s. Zd. to pay for watching or launches of Life-boats at the following stations, with the view of assisting distressed vessels: Broadstairs, Caister No. 1, Court- macsherry, Dunbar, Gorleston No. 1, White- link Bay, Winchelsea and Winterton No. 2.

Bead letter from the Board of Trade, trans- mitting medals for saving life, third class, awarded by H.M. THE KING OF NORWAY AND SWEDEN to Mr. JOHN WILLIAM BUSHELL, coxswain, and Mr. GEORGE STUMMERRIDE, acting bowman, and 11. for each of the remainder of the crew of the Cambois Life- boat, in recognition of their services in rescuing seven men from the barque Haabet, of Svelvik, on the 12th November last.

The thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum and framed, were awarded to Mr.

JAMES LAMING, coxswain of the Kingsdowne Life-boat, and to Mr. JOHN MACKINS, coxswain of the Walmer Life-boat, in recognition of their good services on the occasion of the rescue of the crew of the four-masted barque Mersey, of Grimstad, in a S.S.W. gale and a very heavy sea on the 28th December.

Voted also the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum and framed, to the Misses ROSIE M. BIRNIE and MARY J. BIRNIE, daughters of the keeper of the Kyleakin Lighthouse, Isle of Skye, and a present of 5s.

to their brother, Master ROBERT W. BIRNIE, for putting off in a boat and rescuing two men, whose boat had been capsized midway between the Kyle Bock and the Lighthouse, in a moderate breeze with slight squalls, a moderate sea and thick weather on the 18th March.

Also 15s. to three men for rescuing one of the crew who, by the jibing of the mizen sheet, had been knocked overboard from the fishing lugger Welcome Home, of Kessingland, when of Lowestoft, in a strong N.W. breeze and a moderate sea on the 4th April.