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Lord Clyde

JOHNSHAVEN, KlNCAKDINESHIBK. A telephone message having been received from Gourdon, on the 25th January, intimating that a schooner was ashore at the Burn of Benholm, which is about a mile and a half eastward of Johnshaven, the Life-boat Sarah Ann Holden was launched at 6 P.M. A strong wind was blowing from N., the sea was moderate and the weather very cold, with snow showers. The stranded vessel proved to be the Lord Clyde, of Banff, homeward bound from Sunderland, with a cargo of coal. When the Life-boat reached her the Rocket Brigade had succeeded in throwing a line over her, but the crew did not wish to leave as she was not leaking. They, however, ultimately decided to avail themselves of the Life-boat and were taken safely ashore. It was arranged that the Life-boat should take them back to their vessel at the flood tide if the weather permitted. At 10.30 P.M.

the Life-boat left the harbour for this purpose, but the wind increased to a gale, there was a heavy sea, and it was found utterly impossible to get near the vessel. The Life-boat laid by for about two hours and then returned.

It proved fortunate for the crew that they had left the schooner, as at 2 o'clock her masts fell, and at daylight she was seen to be breaking up..