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Life-Boat Saturday Fund

FOR the last four months the Life-boat Saturday Committees and Ladies' Auxiliaries have been busily endeavour- ing to maintain in 1902 the grand record of net receipts obtained by the Fund throughout the United Kingdom last year for the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE- BOAT INSTITUTION. Notwithstanding the enormous cost to the empire of the South African War and its many concomitant evils — including an in- creased income-tax — and the special, but very proper, calls to liberality and benevolence directly connected with the coronation of our beloved Sovereign, the patron of the Life-boat Institution, the self-denying activity and earnest zeal of the Life-boat Saturday workers has been crowned with very fair success.

Towns which had hitherto held aloof from the movement have in several instances joined the ranks of the enthusiastic friends of the fund, and the interest excited throughout the country in the great and very important life- saving work of the Institution would seem to be on the increase rather than otherwise. It is felt by all taking an interest in the Life-boat cause that, whatever happens—whether times are good or whether times are bad—the Life-boat Service must be properly and liberally supported, and that it is the duty of all true Britons to do their utmost to minimize the terrible loss of life from shipwreck which annually takes place on the rock-bound shores of Great Britain and Ireland. One very important object of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION is—as indeed it has always been—to properly recognize the gallant men who man the Life-boats for their self-sacrificing services, and to let them feel not only that their heroic labour is appreciated by their fellow- countrymen, but that in the event of evil befalling them when engaged on their all-important duties, those they leave behind them will be succoured and comforted. This part of the Institution's work is more particularly attractive to many of our Life-boat Saturday friends, and it is certainly a good object on which to base an urgent appeal for financial help. When it is considered how much depends on the safety of our men and ships who place us in possession of so many of the necessaries of life, the efforts made by any to raise funds to maintain an Institution which is endeavouring to prevent "sorrow on the sea" should receive a sympathetic and generous response.

On the 29th May last the London Life-boat Saturday Fund, under the chairmanship of Admiral Lord CHARLES BERESFOBD, M.P., arranged a Special Matinee at the Alhambra, which was patronized and attended by T.R.H.

the PRINCE and PRINCESS OF WALES, H.R.H. the DUKE OF CONNAUGHT also patronizing it, besides many leading members of the aristocracy and of London society. Such efforts to secure increased financial support for the Institution are most gratefully appreciated by the Committee of Management..