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COVBBACK, CORNWALL.—The first service at this Life-boat station, which was established in the year 1901, was performed on the 13th January last. The barque Glenbervie, of Glasgow, bound from London for Algoa Bay, with a general cargo, stranded at Lowland Point in a strong S.E. breeze, a rough sea and very thick and cold weather.

She showed signals of distress and in less than ten minutes after they had been seen the Life-boat Constance MSlanie was launched. The time was then 8.35 P.M., the night intensely dark, and the choppy seas running amongst the rocks rendered it impossible for the Life-boat to get alongside the vessel; she therefore anchored about fifty yards from her, got the vessel's crew, consisfci ing of sixteen all told, safely on board | and landed them at 10.45. When they left the barque there was every prospect of her becoming a total wreck. The Life-boat behaved excellently and the service was highly creditable to her crew..