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Emma Louise and Elizabeth Miller

THURSO, CAITHNESS-SHIRE.—While a whole gale from W.N.W. was raging, accompanied by a very heavy sea and rain, on the night of the 5th January, 1902, signals of distress were observed from the schooners Emma Louise and Elizabeth Miller, both of Wick and bound for Thurso River with coal, the former from Hull and the latter from Shields. The Life-boat Gooperator No. 3 was launched at 1.15 A.M., and landed the crews of the vessels, seven men in all. The force of the gale carried away the Life-boat's mizen-mast and sprung her foremast, so that her sails had to be lowered, and being unable to return to her station under oars she was compelled to put into Thurso River Harbour. The Elizabeth Miller parted one of her chains, but both vessels rode out the gale.