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Shore-Boat Services Rewarded By the Royal National Life-Boat Institution In 1901

Jan. 10.—Voted an aneroid barometer to Mr. Gr. H. WARD, master of the Trinity pilot cutter Alpha, and 10s. each to three of the crew for putting off in a boat from the cutter and rescuing ten of the crew of H.M. yawl Hind, which had stranded on the Shipwash Sand on the 27th November.

Also 4Z. to the crew of the fishing-yawl Violet, of St. Abb's, for saving the crew of five men from the boat of the s.s. Woodbine, of Newcastle, the vessel having been abandoned in a sinking condition in the Firth of Forth while a moderate W. gale was blowing, ac- companied by a very rough sea, on the 18th December.

Also 32. to three men for rescuing the crew of five men from the steam trawler Hit or Miss, of Aberdeen, which sunk off Keith Inch, Peterhead, in a strong S. breeze, a rough sea and thick weather, on the 3rd December.

The salvors were engaged in fishing, and on observing the master of the trawler wave his hand, went alongside and rescued the crew, incurring considerable risk, their small boat being then over-loaded.

Also 14s. to three men for rescuing, by means of lines from the quay wall, the crew of four men from the fishing boat Mary, of Fleetwood, which had become unmanageable while entering the harbour at Whitehaven, Cumberland, in a whole gale from S.W. and a heavy sea, on the 20th December.

Jan. 13.—Seven fishermen put off in a boat and rescued five of the crew of the steam trawler Active, of Peterhead, which stranded on Cairnbulg Briggs, Aberdeenshire, in a strong S. breeze and a moderate sea.—Reward, 2Z. 12s. Gd.

Jan. 15.—Five men rendered service to the crew, ten in number, of the s.s. Broughshane, of Londonderry, which stranded in Doon Bay, Bathlin Island, co. Antrim, in a strong S.S.B.

gale, a heavy sea and thick weather. The crew took to their boats and were assisted by the five men, who, by means of lanterns, directed them where to land, and, with the aid of lines thrown from the boats, helped them to reach the shore.—Reward, 2Z. 10s.

Feb. 16.—Fourteen men put off in boats and rescued eight men from the schooner Comet, of Hartlepool, which sunk off Brid- lington, Yorkshire, in a moderate gale from N.N.E.—Reward, 11.

Feb. 22.—Two men saved one of the crew of a fishing boat of Deerness, which had sunk about a quarter of a mile W. of Wart Holm, Copinshay, Orkney, in a fresh breeze from N.

to N.N.E., and a rough choppy sea. The salvors, who were in another boat, pulled and sailed to the scene of the casualty and suc- ceeded in rescuing one of the men, but un- fortunately the other was drowned. Reward, 15s.

March 14.—Voted the thanks of the Insti- tution, inscribed on vellum and framed, an aneroid barometer and the sum of II. to Mr.

JAMES MACKINNON, master of the fishing-boat Reaper, of Castlebay, Inverness-shire, for putting off in the punt from that vessel three times and, at considerable risk, rescuing two of the crew of the fishing-boat Daisy, of Broad- ford, which had been swamped by & heavy sea in Loch Slapin, Isle of Skye, on the night of the 12th November. II. was awarded to the crew of four men who attended the rope by which the punt was attached to the fishing- boat.

April 14.—Mr. THOMAS VEALE, Ferry-boat Proprietor", of Dungarvan, co. Waterford, put off in a boat and rescued a boy from a boat which was drifting out to sea, without oarg, and was in a sinking condition, off Dungarvan, in a moderate W.N. W. gale and a rough sea.— Reward, II.

April 20.—Seven fishermen saved the crew of three men from the boat Hawk which had been capsized by one of her occupants climbing the mast, whou about three miles distant from Arbroath, Forfarshire, in a smooth. sfL and fine weather.—Reward, 1Z. 15s.

April 26.—Six coastguard men and a fisher- man put off in the station whale-boat at Howth, co. Dublin, and saved the crew of two men from the yawl Lizzie, of Howth, which was capsized ofi the Bast Pier, Howth, in a strong N.B. breeze and a very heavy sea.— Reward, 21. 12s. 6d.

May 22.—Seven men put off in a Coast- guard-boat at Cloughey, co. Down, and landed the crew of four men from the ketch Ravinello, of Bridgwater, which was in danger of becoming a total wreck.—Reward, 1Z. 15s.

The sum of 2s. each was awarded to nine men who assisted to launch the boat and to a messenger employed on the occasion.

June 19.—Five men put oS in a boat and saved a fisherman whose boat was sinking off Newquay, Cardiganshire, in a strong S. gale.—- Reward, l. 5s.

June 23.—Seven men put off in a boat from Withernsea, Yorkshire, to the assistance of a boat, with four boys on board, which had been carried out to sea in a moderate S.W. gale.

The boys, who had been picked up by a steam trawler, were landed and their boat was towed back to the shore.—Reward, 2Z. 12s. 6d.

July 13.—Two fishermen put off in a boat from Whithorn, Wigtownshire, and took into the harbour a boat, containing four persons, which was being carried out to sea by the current off Burrow Head, in fine weather.— Reward, 6s.

Aug. 7.—Six men put off in a boat and saved two persons from the sailing boat Queen Bee, of Aberystwyth, which sunk off the Castle Rocks, Aberystwyth, in a strong W.S.W. wind and a rough sea. There were five other occupants of the sailing boat, but they unfortunately lost their lives.— Reward, 31.

Aug. 17.—Four men put off in a boat and saved three persona from an open boat which had been carried out to sea off Workington, Cumberland, in half a gale from S.W., and a rough, choppy sea.—Reward, 4J.

Aug. 22.—Three men put off in a small boat and saved two men whose boat, the Little Bertha, had foundered about half a mile W.S.W. of the Breakwater light at New- haven, in a strong S.S.E. breeze and a choppy sea.—Reward, 11. 10s.

Aug. 22.—Two men put off in a boat and landed the crew of two men from the ketch Caerleon, of Bridgwater, which was dragging her anchor off Ilfracombe, in a strong E.N.E. breeze and a heavy sea.—Reward, 15s.

Sept. 4.—Six Coastguards put off in the whaleboat at Exmouth and saved a boat, containing two lads, which was in danger of being capsized in the breakers, in a strong E.N.E. breeze and a very heavy sea.—Reward,6/.

Sept. 7.—Three fishermen put off in a boat from Port Erin, Isle of Man, and saved the two occupants of a small boat which was in danger of being carried out to sea off Bradda Head, in a strong S.E. breeze, a moderate sea, and hazy weather.—Reward, 15s.

A letter of thanks was also forwarded to Mr. HERBERT H. BROWNLOW, of Manchester, a visitor to Port Erin, who accompanied the fishermen on this occasion and assisted in effecting the rescue.

Sept. 7.—Two fishermen put off in a boat and rescued a boat, containing two persons, which had been blown away from the land off Bradda Head, in a strong S.E. breeze, a rough sea, and hazy weather.—Reward, 8s.

Sept. 12.—Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution, with a copy of the vote inscribed on vellum and framed, to Mr. JAMES WOOD, boatswain of the steam trawler Marrs, for plunging from that vessel into the sea, and rescuing, at the imminent risk of his own life, a man who had been washed overboard from the small yacht Dorcas, of Millom, which was in a waterlogged condition in Morecambe Bay while a moderate gale was blowing from N.N.W., accompanied by a very rough sea, on the 26th August. Wood supported the man until both were picked up by the Pie! (Bar- row) Life-boat.

Oct. 5.—Five fishermen rescued the crew of four men from the fishing-boat Sarah, of Kilkeel, co. Down, which had been capsized 4 miles south of Derryogue Point, in squally weather.—Reward, 2i. 10s.

Oct. 10.—Voted a binocular glass, bearing a suitable inscription, to Mr. THOMAS BLANK- LEX, of the s.s. Drumcruil, of Liverpool, for jumping overboard from the steamer with a line secured round him and attempting to save one of the crew of a pilot-boat which had been capsized off Hartland Point, Bristol Channel, on the 13th August.

Oct. 16.—DOUGALD MUIR, a fisherman about 70 years of age, and a farm servant named EDWARD MCTAGGART, put off in a boat and, with considerable difficulty and risk, rescued the crew of five men from the fishing boat Bed Ribbon, which sunk on Smerby Rocks, Argyllshire, in squally weather. — Reward, 31. 10s.

Nov. 12.—Two men waded into the surf up to their armpits and rescued, at considerable risk owing to floating wreckage, one of the crew of the schooner Cambois, of Folkestone, which went ashore near Whitburn, Durham, in a strong gale and very heavy sea.—Reward, 11.

Nov. 12.—Five men put off in a boat from Campbeltown and saved the crew of two men from the smack Vampire, of I/arne, which stranded on the coast of Kintyre in a gale with fierce squalls, accompanied by a heavy sea.—Reward, U. 17s. &d.

Nov. 13.—Four of the crew of the Palling Life-boat, by special exertions, saved three of the crew of the wrecked schooner Ellen Smeed.

—Reward, 41.

Nov. 13.—Mrs. STARK and two men pulled up the cliff at Bridlington one of the crew of the ketch Hazard and his rescuer Mr. RICHARD SOUTHWICK. The latter was rewarded by the Board of Trade.—Reward, II.

Nov. 13.—Six men went out on the rocks at the foot of the cliff in Robin Hood's Bay, Yorkshire, on the occasion of the stranding of the s.s. Zanetta in a gale, and rendered assistance to the shipwrecked men as they neared the shore.—Reward, 11. 15s.

Nov. 14.—Voted the thanks of the Institu- tion, inscribed on vellum and framed, and 11. each to HUGH BLACK McGREGOR and ALEXANDER MCGREGOR, for putting off in a small boat from a steam-tug and, with much difficulty and considerable risk, saving the crew of four men from the German schooner Catherine, which had stranded on the Iron- craig Rock, of West Inchkeith, in a strong W.S.W. breeze, on the night of the 17th September.

Also a letter of thanks to Lieut. F. NOLAN BAKER, R.A., for his prompt action in causing the tug to proceed to the rescue.

Dec. 12.—Decided that a letter of thanks be sent to G. WATERS BECK, Esq., Honorary Secretary of the Winterton Branch, and 10s.

to a beachman for assisting to rescue the mate of the ketch Alarm, wrecked on the 13th November; also 7s. to a man who reported the wreck.