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MOELPRE, ANGLESEY.—The schooner Edith, of Newry, bound from Liverpool for Drogheda, co. Louth, with coal, was lying in the outer roads while a whole gale was blowing from N.N.W., accompanied by a very heavy sea and thick weather, on the 25th August. She was riding heavily at her anchors and her crew feared that her cables would part and that she would be dashed on the rocks at Llanddona, in which event there would be but little hope of the vessel or those on board being saved.

They therefore showed signals of distress, and at 12.35 P.M. the Life-boat temporarily placed here during the absence of the Life-boat belonging to the station for repair, was launched and took the four men safely ashore. Fortunately the anchors held and the schooner safely rode out the gale..