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The S.S. Dominion (1)

NEW BRIGHTON AND FOBMBY.—Messages by telephone were received at these Life-boat stations on the evening of the 7th March stating that a steamer had stranded and was in need of assistance.

At 6.17 the New Brighton Steam Life-boat Queen left her moorings and at 7.30 reached the s.s. Dominion, of Liverpool, a vessel of 4,251 nett tonnage, bound from Liverpool for Portland, Maine, and having two hundred and seventy persons on board. About ten minutes later the Formby Life-boat John and Henrietta arrived, and both Lifeboats stood by the vessel until 8.30, when she fortunately floated off the bar and was out of danger. The boats then returned to their respective stations, the Steam Life-boat towing the other as far as the Crosby Light-Vessel..