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The S.S. Chamois

WINTEETON, NORFOLK.—The look-out man having observed lights on the 27th February, 1901, the crew of the Lifeboat Margaret were summoned. The nature of the lights could not be discerned and therefore it was decided to launch the Life-boat in case they should prove to be signals for assistance. At 1.30 A.M. the boat put off, and when about two and a half miles from the shore the Cockle Light-Vessel fired signals which she answered by rockets signifying that she was on the way. At 2.30 she reached the Newarp Light-Vessel and found that four men of the crew of the s.s. Chamois, of London, bound from Shields for Barcelona with a cargo of coal, had taken refuge there, their vessel having been in collision with another vessel.

They stated that a boat belonging to the steamer had capsized, throwing her crew into the water. The Life-boat at once proceeded in search of the boat and eventually spoke the Cross Sand Light - Vessel, but ascertained that nothing had been seen of her. The search was continued without success until dawn, when the Life-boat returned to the Newarp Light-ship, took off the four men and safely landed them at 10 A.M..