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The Life-Boat Saturday Fund

AT this time last year, when tendering our sympathy to the earnest bands of "Life-boat Saturday" workers in the unusually arduous labours they had passed through so generously and cheer- fully (such labours resulting from the difficulties experienced in raising funds for any good object not connected in some way either directly or indirectly with the war in South Africa), we ex- pressed the hope that a "good time" might be coming for a Life-boat Satur- day campaign throughout the country in the succeeding year. Alas! our hopes have not been fulfilled; the war still rages, and it and its necessary but unfortunate accompaniments must be provided for by a patriotic and country- loving people. Notwithstanding how- j ever such adverse circumstances, pluck • and zeal have not for a moment deserted the workers for the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION. The Branch j Committees, the Life-boat Saturday Committees, the Ladies' Auxiliaries, have one and all striven to overcome difficulties as far as possible and to do the best that could possibly be done to raise the funds so greatly needed to enable the Committee of Management to efficiently carry on. the great life- saving work of the Institution. Their work to a great extent has not been in vain.

We would still venture to express a hope as regards the future, and to en- courage all good friends of the Institu- tion to expect smoother waters in the new year, now so near. Having regard to the approaching coronation of our beloved King, the Patron of the Insti- tution, the coming year will be an important one in the annals and history j of the British Empire; and it is not, we believe, hoping too much to expect that it will be a successful money-raising year for the support of the Life-boat Service—a service which, both as regards its object and aim, is one of the most important of the many philanthropic works so near to the heart of every right-minded Briton.