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FERRYSIDE, CARMARTHEN BAY.—A telegram having been received from Tenby on the morning of the 30th March intimating that a vessel was showing signals of distress, the Life-boat City of Manchester was launched at 8.35 and proceeded to the vessel, which was found to be the ship Australia, of Christiania, laden with coal and bound from Cardiff for Rio de Janeiro. She had grounded on Carmarthen Bar in a whole gale. On account of the very heavy breaking seas the Life-boatmen experienced great difficulty in getting alongside the vessel, which was then under water, but after several attempts they were successful and rescued fifteen men who had lashed themselves in the rigging. One of them, the master, had a broken arm. The crew originally consisted of seventeen men, but two of them unfortunately lost their lives before the Life-boat arrived. In effecting the rescue the assistant coxswain of the Life-boat was washed out of the boat by a heavy sea, but was picked up uninjured.

His Majesty the King of Norway and Sweden graciously presented the Medal for Saving Life, second class, to Mr.

DAVID JONES, coxswain of the Life-boat, and £1 to each of the fourteen men who formed the crew of the boat on the occasion in question, in recognition of their meritorious conduct. Their services were also specially recognised by the Institution, an. extra reward being granted to each of the men..