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Life-Boat Saturday Fund

THE Central Committee of the Life-boat Saturday Fund are to be congratulated on the admirable zeal and praiseworthy enthusiasm with which the local Life- boat Saturday Committees and Ladies' Auxiliaries have every where, apparently, been inspired by the Institution's finan- cial troubles of the past and present year—resulting from the appeals made in connection with the South African War —to make special and energetic efforts to better the state of affairs before 1901 closes. Judging by results already obtained within the last three months, there is every reason for hoping that such self-denying efforts and real hard work may and will be crowned with success. Having regard to the numerous notices as to the needs of the cause which have of late been appearing in the public Press, always ready and willing to give a helping hand to the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITU- TION, it would seem that the public are beginning to be aware and to recognise the undoubted fact that it would be a misfortune, not to say a national dis- grace, if the great life-saving work carried on by the Institution for more than three-quarters of a century, were to suffer, or its efficiency be impaired, for lack of sufficient and sustained financial support.

Very special steps have been taken by the West End of London Ladies' Auxiliary to raise money towards making good the deficiency in last year's Life-boat Saturday Collections; and it is not exaggerating to state that the Garden Fete, held at Stafford House on the 26th June last, under the patron- age of their Majesties the King and Queen, every member of the Royal family, and the leaders of English Society, was one of the most successful and remarkable undertakings ever carried out in connection with a charity.

The Fete was par excellence the most important social function of the London season. For some time before it took place almost every London and "Society" paper was discussing the glories and treasures of Stafford House, and the excellent purpose for which this " palace " was to be used by its distinguished and philanthropic owners. The demand for the limited number of tickets of admis- sion to the " Fete " was very great, and nobody who had the privilege of seeing or hearing all that was to be seen and heard on that notable evening will easily forget it. The London ladies have certainly succeeded this time in " breaking the record" of the many successful events and " fixtures " which have during the last nine years taken place in connection with "Life- boat Saturday." The Army of Life- boat Saturday workers throughout the country may well be encouraged by past successes to persevere in their generous efforts, and to be comforted by the assurance that passing clouds do not always mean irreparable disaster and failure, but are frequently merely the precursors of increased prosperity.