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Shore-Boat Services Rewarded By the Royal National Life-Boat Institution In 1900

Jan. 4.—Five fishermen put off in a coble from Staithes, Yorkshire, and assisted other cobles which, had been overtaken by a very thick fog and a heavy sea.—Reward, 11. 5s.

Jan. 10.—Three men, while fishing off Beadnell, Northumberland, saw another coble disabled by the breaking o£ her rudder, pro- ceeded to her assistance and towed her into safety. A very strong N.W. breeze was blowing at the time and there was a rough sea.— Reward, 15s.

Jan. 10.—Six men put oft in a boat to the assistance of the crew of a boat which had been upset at the mouth o£ the Liffey while in tow of a tug, in a rough sea. The men, however, were picked up by the tug.—Reward, lZ. 10s.

Jan. 11.—Voted 81. to four men for putting off in a boat and rescuing the crews, numbering in all twenty-four men, from five fishing-boats which were in danger off St. Andrew's, Fife- shire, in a moderate breeze, a heavy sea, and ' thick weather on the 14th December. Great risk was incurred by the salvors, their own boat being capsized while they were assisting one of the fishing-boats.

Also 6J. to four fishermen for rescuing the crew of three men of the fishing-boat Golden Light, of St. Ives, which was upset in the bay at St. Ives, in a strong N.N.E. breeze and a choppy sea, on the 1st December. The salvors lost their catch of fish and had a net damaged.

Also 21. to four men for putting off in a boat, from Llandudno, with the view of rescuing the crew of the fishing-smack Gipsy King, of Douglas, on the 12th December. What ap- peared from the shore to be men on the vessel was, however, found on reaching her to be sails rolled up.

Also 11. to four men who put off in a boat and rescued two men from the barge Concord, which had stranded outside Porthallow Cove, Cornwall, in a moderate E. breeze, a moderate sea and thick weather, on the 8th December.

Jan. 16.—A man rescued another man from the mast-head of a fishing-smack which had been submerged in Poole Harbour, Dorset, in a moderate N.W. gale.—Reward, 15s.

Jan. 31.—Two farmers put off in a boat, and, at moderate risk, rescued eight persons from a boat which had been capsized in Legaun Pass, between Lettermullen and Gorumna Island, co, Galway, in a moderate E. wind and a smooth sea. The ninth occupant of the boat was drowned, and two of those who were rescued died from exhaustion.—Reward, 21.10s.

Feb. 8.—Voted the Silver Medal of the In- stitution, accompanied by a copy of the vote inscribed on vellum and framed, to Mr. DANIEL DEMPSEY, lighthouse boatman at Sanda, Scotland, and to his sons DANIEL and ALEXANDER, for putting off in a boat and at very great risk (Mr. DEMPSEY, Senior, being washed out of the boat and with difficulty ! rescued by his sons) saving five men from the schooner Sovereign, of Campbeltown, which was totally wrecked on the island of Sanda, in a strong breeze from N.W. to N., squally weather, and a heavy cross-sea, on the 25th December. The sum of 31. was also awarded to Mr. DEMPSEY, and 2i. to each of his two sons.

Also an aneroid barometer to Mr. EVAN WILLIAMS, farmer, for rescuing the crew of three men from the ketch Anne, of Carnarvon, which struck on the rocks at Porthscadea Point, Carnarvonshire, in a strong S.W. breeze and a heavy surf, on the 8th January. The men were seen in the rigging at 7.30 A.M., by Mr. Williams, who shouted to them to make for the shore, and as they reached the rocks he alone and unaided got hold of them and dragged them out of the broken water.

Also 31. 15s. to five men for rescuing the crew of four men from the schooner Malfilatre, of Bridgwater, which had stranded near Howth, in a whole gale from E. and a, very heavy sea, on the 28th December.

Also 2Z, 10s. to five men for rescuing the crew of four men from the fishing-boat Rose, of Burton Port, which had been capsized in the surf on Trienagh Bar, near Aranmore, Ireland, on the 23rd December.

Feb. 13.—Five men put off in a boat and rescued a man who had been carried out to sea in a boat from the ferry at Fethard, Co.

Wexford, and was in an exhausted condition, having been in the boat about twenty-four hours. A strong breeze was blowing from N.N.E., and the sea was very rough..—Reward, 11. 17s. 6d.

Feb. 15.—Twenty-one fishermen put off in cobles from Newton-by-the-Sea, Northumber- land, and rescued nine of the crew of the s.s. Ballycotton, of Glasgow, who were on the Emblestone rock where their vessel had stranded in a whole gale from S.B., a very heavy sea and hazy weather.—Reward, 26i. 5s.

Feb. 16.—Police-Constable WILLIAM JAMBS, of the Pembrokeshire Constabulary, assisted in saving life on the occasion of the capsize of a boat belonging to the barque Cashier, of Antwerp, at Little Haven, Pembrokeshire.

Having had ambulance training, he was also able to render valuable help in resuscitating one of the men who was nearly drowned, and who, in the absence of such assistance, would probably have expired.—Reward, 11. 10s.

Police-Constable JAMES, who was for some years in the Mercantile Marine, generously returned as a donation the sum awarded to him, stating that his experience while at sea had enabled him to appreciate the value of the Institution.

Feb. 16.—Two men waded into the water and rescued three of the crew of the barque Cashier, of Antwerp, whose boat, while en- deavouring to reach the shore at Little Haven, Pembrokeshire, was capsized in the breakers.


March 3.—Seven men put off in a boat and rescued two men from a lighter which had been caught in a squall and had been driven on to the broken river wall at Drogheda, Co. Louth, in a strong E.N.E. gale and a heavy sea. The vessel sunk soon after the men had been taken oft.—Reward, 21. 12s. 6d.

March a—Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution, accompanied by a copy of the vote inscribed on vellum and framed, to Sergeant THOMAS DANIELS, 4th Battalion South Staf- fordshire Regiment, for gallant services in saving life. On the 24th January, while the wind was blowing from W.N.W., accompanied by a moderate sea, Sergeant DANIELS and two private soldiers went in a boat from Rocky Island to Spike Island, co. Cork, and on the return journey, at about 7 P.M., the boat was capsized. Seeing that one of the soldiers was unable to swim (he sank twice before he could be reached) Sergeant DANIELS swam to his assistance, took him to the upturned boat and, having enabled him to hold on to her, endeavoured to assist the other soldier, but unfortunately was unable to find him.

Attracted by the men's shouts, a boat's crew put off from Spike Island, rescued the soldier from the boat, picked up the sergeant, who was much exhausted by his exertions, and then searched for the missing man, but without success. For their services the crew of the boat were rewarded by the local military authorities.

Also the Silver Medal of the Institution, accompanied by a copy of the vote inscribed on vellum and framed, to Messrs. FRANCIS GEORGE CLEMENTS and SAMUEL HUBBARD, for gallantly rushing into the surf and assisting, at great personal risk, to save the crew of four men of the schooner Lizzie and Edith, of West Hartlepool, which was totally wrecked at Eooles, Norfolk, in a strong N.E. gale and a very heavy sea, on the 14th February.

March 10.—Six men put off in a boat to the assistance of the lugger Pride, of Belfast, which had stranded and capsized off Cloughey, co. Down, in a strong E. wind and a rough sea. It was found, however, that the vessel's crew had landed in their own boat.—Reward, 2i. 5s.

March 11.—A man, while in a small boat in a smooth sea, with a light E. by N. wind, observed a boat sinking near the Guard Buoy, off Harwich. He sailed to the boat, as quickly as possible, and succeeded in rescuing three of the occupants, but the fourth man was drowned.—Reward, 10s.

April 12.—Voted the thanks of the Institu- tion and II. 10s. each to FRANK RYAN, JAMES SWEETMAN, RICHARD SWEETMAN, THOMAS RYAN, STEPHEN RYAN, and CHRISTOPHER WILDE, Fishermen, for putting off in a boat and saving three of four persons from the fishing-boat Village Belle, of Dublin, which was swamped at Lough Shinny, co. Dublin, in a moderate gale from N.E. and a very heavy sea on the 27th February.

Similar rewards were granted to EDWIN CUPMAN, JAMES BOYACK, EDWIN SIMONS, ROBERT SULLIVAN, Coastguards, and to WIL- LIAM FERGUSON, GEORGE WILDE, CHRISTO- PHER WILDE and FRANCIS RYAN, Fishermen, for putting off in another boat to the rescue and remaining out about half an hour, search- ing for the other member of the boat's crew, but unfortunately without success. Great risk was incurred by the crews of each boat.

The thanks of the Committee were voted to Messrs. LAURENCE BAIN, THOMAS THOMASSON, PETER BROWN, THOMAS JEROMESON, jun., and LAURENCE BROWN, crofters, for putting oft in a boat from Fetlar and rescuing nine of the crew of the barque Hedevig, of Fredriksstad, which had stranded on the Island of Daaey.

The men had taken refuge on the island, which is uninhabited; the mate of the vessel was drowned in attempting to reach the islet, and one oi the crew who succeeded in reaching it succumbed to exhaustion, the men not being seen from Fetlar until noon after the wreck, which occurred at 5 P.M. on the 17th October.

A moderate gale was blowing from S.E., accompanied by a heavy sea and snow, at the time the men were rescued.

A letter of thanks was ordered to be sent to Sir ARTHUR NICOLSON, Bart., of ITeUor, for the kindness shown by Lady NICOLSON and himself to the shipwrecked men, who were taken to his house, where they received proper attention.

April 15.—Seven men rescued, by means of lines, the crew of four men from the schooner PauUney, of Whitby, which drifted ashore at Workington, Cumberland, in a heavy surf.— Reward, 21. 19s. 6d.

April 23.—Three men rescued two men whose boat had been capsized oft Cullercoats, Northumberland, in a moderate S.E. wind and a rough sea.—Reward, 11. 10s.

April 24.—Five fishermen rescued the crew of four men from the fishing-boat Glee Maiden, which had been capsized off Greencastle, co. Donegal, in squally weather.—Reward, 11. 17s. 6d.

May 6.—Four men put off in a boat and rescued four boys who were in danger off Workington, Cumberland, their boat having been driven away from the land, in a light wind from E.S.E., and a moderate sea.— Reward, 11. 10s.

May 11.—Two men rescued, at considerable risk, a man whose boat had been capsized oft Caldy Island, South Wales, in a strong S.E. wind and a rough sea.—Reward, 11. 10s.

May 23.—Four men saved four men from a yawl which had been capsized off Youghal, co. Cork, in squally weather.—Reward, 11.

June 15.—Four men put off in a boat and rescued three men whose boat had been cap- sized at Kingsdowne, Kent, in a moderate S.W. breeze.—Reward, 11.

June 16.—A man put off in a boat from a yacht and rescued the crew of three persons from the yacht You-Know-Afe, which was capsized off Southend-on-Sea, Essex, in a strong breeze and rough sea.—Reward, 10s.

June 21.—JOHN FLETT rendered good service on the occasion of the stranding of the fishing- boat Magdalen Hughes, on the Pentland Skerries, in a light wind, a smooth sea and thick weather. He was one of the crew of the vessel and swam to the shore, taking the end of a rope, and would probably have been the means of rescuing the other six men on board had not a boat put off from South Ronaldshay to their assistance. — Reward, 11.

July 22.—Four quarrymen put off twice in a boat and rescued nine persons from a boat which had been capsized at Forth y Pick, Anglesey.—Reward, 21. A. further reward of 5s. was granted to one of the rescuers who swam to the shore with a child, thus lighten- ing the boat, which was heavily laden.

July 27.—Five fishermen put off in a boat and saved the crew of four men from the yacht Daisy, of Youghal, which foundered in Youghal Bay, in a strong E.S.E. breeze and a rough sea.—Reward, 11. 5s.

Aug. 8.—Fifteen men put off in two boats and saved the ketch Renown, of Swansea, with three persons on board, which was disabled by loss of sails, off Moelfre, in a whole gale from N. and a very heavy sea.—Reward, SI. 15s.

Aug. 3.—Two men rescued by lines from the shore at Grimsby three men from the ketch Thomas and Mary, of Scarborough.— Reward, 17s. 6d.

Aug. 7.—Four men put off in a boat and rescued the crew of three men from the rigging of the ketch Eva Lena, of Runcorn, which sunk in Llandudno Bay in a fresh breeze from N.W. and a rough sea.—Reward, 21.

The sum of 21. 7s. was granted to eleven men who rendered assistance on the occasion.

Aug. 20.—Two men rescued four of the crew of the s.s. Greenwood, of Newcastle, which sunk after collision with another steamer at the mouth of the Tyne, in a dense fog.— Reward, 11.

Aug. 22.—Two pilots put off in a boat from the cutter Seeker and rescued the crew of four persons from the ketch Antoinette, of Brest, which sprung a leak and sunk off St. Martin's Point, Guernsey, in a strong S.W. breeze, a rough sea and thick weather.—Reward, 11.

The sum of 21. 10s. was granted to the crew of the cutter as compensation for the loss of pilotage service in consequence of effecting this rescue.

Sept. 13.—Voted the thanks of the Institu- tion, inscribed on vellum, and framed, with the sum of 11., to Mr. RODERICK MATHESON, master of the fishing-boat Annie, of Broadford, for saving the master of the fishing-boat Princess May, who had been knocked over- board from his vessel while lowering a sail when about three miles W. of the Sound of Rona, in squally weather, on the 23rd July.

Matheson, who was unable to swim, was wear- ing heavy clothing and sea boots at the time, but he fastened a line round his body, sprung overboard and grasped the drowning man, both being then hauled on board the Annie by the crew of that vessel.

Also a letter of thanks to Mr. SNOWDON and the sum of Is. Gd. to a fisherman for putting off in a boat from Newbiggin, Northumberland, and rescuing four persons from the boat Oscar, which had been carried some distance from the land in a strong W. breeze and a somewhat rough sea, on the 30th July.

Sept. 11.—Two men rescued a gentleman whose boat had been capsized on the Hook Sand shoal, off Poole, Dorset, in a moderate wind and sea.—Reward, 10s.

Sept. 28.—Four men put off in a boat and landed the crew of three men from the schooner Thomas, of Carnarvon, which was dragging her anchor in the outer roadstead at Holyhead, in a strong S.W. gale and a rough sea.—Reward, 4tl.

Sept. 27.—Six men saved the crew of seven men from the schooner N. C. Bull, of New- haven, in a moderate S. W. gale and a moderate sea. The salvors who were in the lugger Cosmopolite, of Deal, stood by the schooner, which had stranded about three- quarters of a mile from the shore at Dunge- ness. She suddenly sunk, and the men then lowered their boat and rescued the crew.— Reward, 4/. 10s.

Oct. 4.—Seven Coastguards put off in the whale boat from Dunmore Station, co. Water- ford, and landed the crew of eight men from the fishing lugger Amazon, of Peel, Isle of Man, which was in danger in Dumnore Bay, in a strong S.S.W. gale and a rough sea.— Reward, 11.' Oct. 5.—Three fishermen saved one of two men from a small boat, which had been capsized off Bernera Island, Inverness, in a strong W. breeze and a very choppy sea. The body of the other man, who was drowned, was recovered by the salvors.—Reward, 3/.

Oct. 6.—Five men rendered assistance to the fishing-boat Young Thomas, off Dungarvon.

They proceeded in a boat to the vessel, taking some sails to replace her own which had been carried away, and enabled her to get into safety.—Reward, 51.

Oct. 6.—Mr. J. WRIGHT, coxswain of the Piel, Barrow, Life-boat, waded and swam a distance of thirty or forty yards to the fishing- boat Ada, of Fleetwood, which had stranded in a whole gale from W.S.W. and a very heavy sea. Wright took with him a line, one end of which was held by men on shore, and by means of this the boat's crew of two men were rescued.—Reward, 11.

Nov. 8.—Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution, accompanied by a copy of the vote inscribed on vellum and framed, and the sum of 21., to Constable JOHN RYLE, R.I.C., and 11.

each to Constable J. F. MOORE, R.I.O., and Mr. TOM WALLACE, for services rendered on the occasion of the wreck of a fishing-boat at Boffin Island, co. Galway, in a moderate gale and a heavy surf, on the 9th July. Observing the accident, the two constables at once divested themselves of some clothing and, notwithstanding the remonstrances of the crowd which had gathered, went to the rescue of the crew of four men, two of whom were struggling in the water, the other two having succeeded in getting hold of a rock. Constable RYLE, at the risk of his life, swam to the men in the water and succeeded in keeping one of them afloat until rescued by a boat. The' other man, unfortunately, was washed away and drowned. Constable MOORE and Mr. WALLACE, an inhabitant of the island, waded to the rock and rescued the two men who were clinging to it. A reward of 5s. each was granted to the two men who put off in the boat referred to.

Also an aneroid barometer, bearing a suit- able inscription, accompanied by a letter of thanks, to Captain D. CAMPBELL, of the s.s. Kittiwake, of Glasgow, and U. each to five of the crew of that vessel, for their services on the occasion of the wreck of the barque Top- dal, of Mandal, on Robin Bigg Bank, Solway Firth, in a strong S.W. gale, a very heavy sea, and thick weather, on the 6th October.

Hearing cries for help, Captain CAMPBELL altered his course and proceeded in the direc- tion from which the shouts came; a boat was lowered, manned by the mate and four able- seamen, and rescued the barque's crew of eight men with considerable difficulty and risk, owing to the heavy swell and floating wreckage and timber. The rescued men were transferred to the Maryport Life- boat, which arrived just after they had been taken off.

Nov. 21.—The crew of the surf-boat Maggie Law, of Gourdon, Kincardineshire, co-operated with the Institution's Life - boat at that port in assisting several fishing-boats which had been overtaken by a very heavy sea.— Reward, 21.