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Index to the Gift Life-Boats of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution

(Ife Jigwa refer to the number* of tte Life-doatt detailed on pagct 42-53.) A Lady, 16. Carting. Miss. 83, 178. Hollond, Mrs., tbe late, 127. Plimsoll Life-boat Funds, 61- A Lady, per Manchester Cyclist Life-boat Fund, 2L Holt, Col., the late, ami Mrs. Fooley, G. Esq., the Ute, 254, Branch, 115. D, 228. 273. Byrnes, 147. 259. A Lady, 149. Dalmer, Mrs. the late, 11. Homan, B. Esq., 110. Popham, Mrs., tbe Ute, 213. A. Udy. 199. Denman, Hon. Mrs. Jos., 148. Howard, Mrs. A tier ton, the Powell, H. G., Esq., 184. Allen. Miss K.C ,th« ls.te.21 0. Dizon, Miss Anne, 40. late, 179, 247. Preston, Mrs., tbe lat«, 34. Allen, T. W., Esq ,the late,6. -Dixon, Miss, 236. Hnddersneld, collected in, 50. Proctor-Beauchamp, Sir B., AliulijinoilB, 8, 34, 270.

Anonymous, 28.

Anonymous, 189. Dodd, H., Esq., the late, 276.

Downie, Miss, tbe late, 159.

Drummond, Mrs. Dandas,the Ingleby, Rev. Chas., the late, per G. P. Wragge, Esq., !M .

Jacomb-Hood, Miss E. H., Bart., 56. [MAJF.sry, 195.

QDEBB VICTOEIA, HKK LATE Eestell, W. T., Esq., the Anonymous, 190.

Anonymous, 194. late, 132.

Dryburgh, T. B. Esq , 263. the late, 9. [IvS.

Jarman, Miss A. E., the late. late, 94. [late, 1193, 1ST.

Bicbardson, H. T. Esq., tbe Anonymous, per Manchester Dudley, J. W, Esq., tbe Jewish Scholars' Life-boat Richardson, tbe late Mrs. Blanch, 201. late, 89. Fond, 92. Harriot, 212. Anthony, Dr., the lare, 10. Duguid, Mrs., 221. Jonv.8, Mists M., the late, 161. Roget, Mrs., 140. ajrtreoll, Chas., luq., »0. E. B., M. P., and A.. and E. I, Jones. T. E., Esq., the late, Rosebery, Lady, the late, 84. Arroitage. E., Esq., B.A,,a67 . Cheddar, 14. 162. Bens, Admiral, LUe-Doat Ashley, C. Carr, Esq., 111.

A Tins, Mr.. the late, 120, Ml. P.M. S.. the late, 274.

Eaaon, Miss, the Late, 64. Ker, Robert, ESQ., 220.

Kidd, Miss Pringle, 218. Fund, 38.

Eoyds, C. M., Bsq., 193. Avins, Mrs., 120.

Bain, Mrs., tlie late, iS2. Echalaz, tbe Rev. T. S., the late, 229, 239. Kkl.l, .Mm, the late, 75.

King, Miss, the late, 283. SaigensQn, Miss, the late, 205. Ball, Mies, the late, 43, 281. Egdell, Miss, the late, 2, 49. Lamb, Miss, the late, 165. Scales, Mrs., the late. 25. Baltic Lite-boat Fund 46.

Barclay, Mrs., the late, 152 mils, Mrs., the late, 29.

English, the late Misses, 269. Leather, Joe., Esq., 271.

Lee, Mrs., the late. 233. Settle, collected in, 37, lao.

Sbarpe, James, Esq., the late, Barkworth, John B., Esq., Erie, Lady, the Ute, 10.9. Leicester, collected in, 59. SilkenstSdt, Mrs., 46. [231. the late, 67. Evans, Mrs., the late, 177. Leicester, Miss, 142, 198. Slmcox. Mr*., the late, 87. Barr, Mrs., the late, 1. Fan-ant. H. A. M., Esq., the Leighton, CapU H., the late, Skirrow, Charles, Esq.. the Bass, Miss, 112. late, 282. per Miss A. Leighton, 209. late, 215. [18. Beck with, the late Mrs.. 286. Ferguson, Mrs., the late, 240. Lesty, Wn», Esq., the late. Skynoer, Jno.. Esq., the late. Bennett, Mr. W., tbe late, 48. Fergnsson, Miss, the late, 208. 117. [1«4. Smart, Mrs. Francis G., 161. Bentley, John, Esq., 237. Fielden, J. A., Esq., 30. Lewis, W. 8., Esq., the late. Smith, James McLaren, Esq., Bewick, Mies, the late, 4. Fielden, Samnel, John, and Licensed Victuallers, col- «0. Hggs, Miss, the late, 192. Joshua, Esqs., 197. lected from, 44. Smitheman, The Misses, 130. Bud, Samuel. Esq., 68. Fielder, Miss M., the late, 5. Lingham, Mrs., 171. Somevville, Mine. the late.'iS. Black, Mrs., the late, 213. Fletcher, Mr. Samuel, the Lovibond, Ueorge, Esq., the Somes, Mrs., 113 Black, Mrs. Alexander, 238. late, 195. [I*, 22, 244. late, 19. Sprot, Miss, the late, 230. Blackwood, Sir Arthur, Life- Fotealen, Ancient Order of, Loyal Order of Ancient Sqnarey, Mrs., the late, 186. boat Fund, 358.

Blackwood, Hans, Esq., the Poster, Herbert A., Esq., and Relatives, 32. Shepherds, 222. [279.

Luckombn,Mrs.,tbe late, 105, Stanifortb, Mrs. F. J., the late, 114. late, 42. Fox,ChUdreii of JMrjuid Mrs., MacDooald, Mrs.. 141. St-moah, Mrs., tbe late, 223. Blair, Mrs,, the late, 252. 31. [118. Macrae, Misses, 191. Stevens, James, Koq-.tbe late, Blake, Mrs., thelate, 260,275. Freemasons of England, 73, Mabony, Dr., the late, 263. 39, 72, 74, 86, 91, 125, 134, Blane, Opt. Rodney, K.N., Garden, the late B. T., H*q., Manchester Branch, 115, 186, 150, 204, 217,219, 243, Bolton, coll. In, 64. [165. 139, 268. 153, 160, 162, 170,173, 182, 264, 272, 278. Boys' Own Ufa-boat Fund, Gibb, Mrs. T. Jones, 1«4. 201. Stock Exchange Fond, 62. 121. Glasgow, Citv of, 71. Medwin, Dr., the late, 206. Stoker, Mrs., 9«. Bradford, collected In, 7a. Goss, Jas., Esq., the late, Metcalfe, J .Ksq.,tlm late, 157. Stott, Mrs., the late, 2«. BradshawJIrs.,thelate, 256, 133. Middlewood, Gteo., Esq., 35. Stratford, T.N. Esq., the late, 262. Gould, John, Esq., the late, Montgomery, Mrs., 285. 163. [181. Brtggs, Major-Sen. W. L., 170, 182. Moon, Jas., Esq., tbe late, Sunlight Competition, 93 C.B., the late, 185. Grindlay, Thomas, Esq., the 126. Swift, Mrs., the late, 102. Biooshoft, CoL,the late, 106, late, 261. Moorei Use late Geo., Esq., Thomas, Mrs., the late. 119. 101, 226. Hack wood, Thos., Esq., the Life-boat Fund, 1 68. Tudor, Mrs., the late, 168. Buffaloes, Royal Anta- Ute,22 . Morella,tbeC iuntes8de, 172. " Union Jack " Lite-boat dilnvian Order of, 86. Bardie, T. K. Esq., 214 Morice, Mrs., the late, S2 Fnnd, 145. Bnrch, Mrs., 6?. Hargrave, Cong., Esq., the Morris, J. G. Esq., the late, Vandeleur, Richard, Esq., Barmester, Miss, 70. Ute, 81. 146. the late, 284 Burroughes,Mrs.,the I»te,47. Harris, H., Esq., the late, 95. Sew Oriental Bank, 135. Walker, «., Esq., the late, Bask, Hans, Fund, HO. Harvey, H. M. Esq., the Newhon, E.A., Esq., the 36. Chisholm,Mrs., the late, 123. late, 1S5. late, 97, 116, 124, 128, 131 . Wallace, W., Esq., the late, City of LondonMasonic Life- Hawkins, Mr. C..thelate, 27 Nicholls, G. P., Esq., tbe 255. boat Fund, 11 8. Haxtou.Mre., the late 243. late, 216. Webster, George, Esq., tha Civil Service Life-boat Fund Hay, !»., Esq., the late, 207. Nicholson, Mrs. B. J., 176. late, 242. 13, 76, 80,200, 202, 211,267. Heame, T. P., Esq., 280. Noble, Mrs., 169. AVebster, Miss, the late, 77. Clare,Mrs.Leigh,the late.160. Hearts of Oak BeneiitSuciety, Norbury Life-boat Fund, 173. West, R. Thornton, Esq., the Collin, Miss, the late, 154. 52. Northumberland, The Oow- late, and Mrs. West, 138. CollinBon, Mrs., the late. 88. Henley, George, Esq., the ager Duchess of, 7. Wheeler. Rev. T. L., 144. Do-operative Union, Limited, late, 277 Oldham Life-boat Fund, 167. White. Mrs., the late, 129. 12, 143, 224. Heyland Memorial. 99 Parkin, T., Esq.. the late, «3. Whittou, Mr. C.B., toe Mte. Coplmd, Mrs., the late. 3. Heywood - Lonsdal", A. P. Paterson, Miss, the late, 24'. 261. Corn Exchange Mark Lane, Esq., tbe ate, 41. Paul, James, M.D., the late, Wbitworth, Sir Joseph, the Members of the, (8. Hill, Anhur, Esq., 122. 65. late, and friends, 175. Corry, A. J., Esq., the late, Hodges, Mrs., the late, 17. Pickard,A.,Esq.,thelate,lE6, Wooflndin. Geo., Esq., the 6«. Hold, n. Miss, the late, 24 '. 235, 250. 266. [196. late, 16. Covent Garden Lite-boat Hollon.R. W., fcsq., the late, Pickup, Jas., Esq.. tbe late, Wigney. Mra., 245. Fund, 56. 33 Platt, Mrs., the late, 16i-.