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The S.S. Footah

PORT ST. MARY, ISLE OF MAN.—A severe storm was experienced here on the 4th October, the wind blowing from the S.E. with almost hurricane force, with a very heavy sea and heavy rain.

The storm continued throughout the day, and in the evening the wind de-creased to a strong breeze, but there was still a heavy sea and rolling surf.

At 8.30 the s.s. FootaJi, of Barrow, burnt flash lights and blew her whistle. She was about half-a-mile outside the Breakwater, and as she appeared to be in danger of stranding, the Life-boat James Stevens No. 1 was launched at 8.40 and proceeded to her assistance. It was ascertained that her pumps were choked and as she was in a very perilous position the Assistant-Coxswain of the Life-boat boarded the steamer and piloted her into the harbour. She was bound from Barrow-in-Furness for Ardrossan with a cargo of iron ore..