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The S.S. Carlotta

WALMER AND KINGSDOWNE.—On the morning of the 9th October the South Sand Head Light Vessel fired signals indicating that a vessel was in distress, and the Coastguard on duty at Walmer at.once reported the fact to the Coxswain of the Life-boat Civil Service No. 4.

He summoned his crew, and the boat was launched at 1.30. The signals were also seen and heard at Kingsdowne, and, the Coastguard there having called up the Coxswain, and the crew having assembled, the life-boat Charlet Hargrave was also launched. Both boats were on their way to the Goodwin Sands at 1.45, and on arriving there found the s.s. Carlotta, of Spezzia, a large vessel of about 1,800 tons, bound from Taganrog for Antwerp, stranded.

She had a cargo of barley and rape seed and a crew of twenty-five persons on board. The Life-boatmen, assisted by the crews of several boats which came off from the shore, jettisoned some of the cargo with the object of lightening the steamer, and the services of steamtugs were secured to try to tow the vessel; anchors were also laid out, but although the efforts were continued for a long time, they were unsuccessful.While the men were still at work the vessel suddenly parted amidships and those on board signalled for the Lifeboats to come alongside to take them off. Fifty-eight persons were in the vessel, this number including the men from the boats, their boats having been compelled to return to the shore in consequence of the state of the weather.

As soon as possible the Life-boats approached the ship, rescued all of those on board, and brought them safely to land, the Walmer Life-boat reaching the shore at about 11 P.M., and the Kingsdowne boat at 9.15. Of the lives saved, 35 were rescued by the "Walmer Lifeboat, and 23 by the Kingsdowne Lifeboat..