The Empire Mourns
NEVER probably in the history of our country has public feeling been so moved and sorrow so universally felt and ex- pressed as in the last few days, conse- quent on the almost sudden, and world- wide deplored death of the most beloved of sovereigns, QUEEN VICTORIA. In her long and eventful reign, longer than that of any of those in the long line of her illustrious predecessors, Her Majesty never failed to strive to pro- mote with loving care and earnest devotion the best interests of her people and the glory of her Empire.
With the sympathetic heart and discreet wisdom of a great and good woman, she was ever ready to console the sorrowful and to comfort the distressed, while her one aim was to encourage, aid and promote any and every good work having for its object and end the amelioration of the people and the welfare of the Empire, The death of QUEEN VICTORIA has been sorely felt and grieved over by all classes, from the highest to the lowest, from the richest to the poorest; wherever the English tongue is spoken, wherever the British flag flies. It will be long before we recover, as a nation, from the great shock which has so sadly and so unexpectedly overwhelmed us in the removal from our midst of the most respected and purest of women. Ever since the Queen ascended the throne in 1837, she had been the Patron of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, and during the 63 years of her wonderful reign she had never failed to take a warm interest in its work; whilst to the end of her useful life her generous financial support was never withheld.
All those connected with and interested in the Life-boat cause will gratefully and thankfully remember the encourage- ment and sympathetic help so continu- ously and constantly received by the 'Institution from the beloved Queen who has been so suddenly taken from us.