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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee

THURSDAY, 11th October, 1900.

Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting.

Also read those of the Building, Finance and Correspondence and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees and ordered that their re- commendations be carried into effect.

Read the report of the Chief Inspector of Life-boats on his recent visits to Minehead and Watchet.

Also the reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their visits to the following Life-boat Stations:— Northern District.—Longhope, Dornoch Firth and Stornoway.

Eastern District. — Caister (two boats), Lowestoft, Kessingland (two boats), Staithes, Runswick, Upgang, Whitby (two boats), Robin Hood's Bay, Scarborough, Filey, Bridlington Quay, Mablethorpe and Hornsea.

Southern District.—Newhaven, Hope Cove, Salcombe, Brixham and Torquay.

Western District.—Aberdovey, Aberystwyth, Appledore (two boats), Clovelly, Bude, Port Isaac, New Quay (Cornwall), Padstow and Ilfracombe.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last meeting:— Proceeds of Concert on Clacton-on- £ s. d.

Sea Pier, per the Coast Develop- ment Company, Limited. . . 26 7 11 Isaac Hoyle, Esq. (additional) . . 21 - - Hearts of Oak Benefit Society, further towards endowment of " Hearts of Oak " Life-boat at Palling........10 - - Collected on board the H.M.S. Tantallon Castle, per Capt. TRAVERS.......55- Collected in West Lulworth (Dorset) Parish Church on Sunday, 9th Sept., per E. J. RANDALL, Esq. . 373 —To be severally thanked.

Also the receipt of the following Legacies :— The late Charles John Peele, Esq., £ s. d. of Chertsey, to be applied with the permission of the Executors and the High Court of Justice to providing a Steam-Tug to be named the Helen Peele, for the Padstow Life-boat Station . .50941610 The late Mrs. MARIAN LEIGH, of Summerfield, Halifax . . . 500 - - The late WILLIAM DEBENHAM, Esq.,of Tunbridge Wells (balance) 454 5 5 Making a total of £1,038 8s. 8d.

The late Miss E. C. S. HARE,, of Glasgow........450 - - The late E. G. BRACEBRIDUE, Esq., of Holloway.......450 - - The late Mrs. E. S. B. HAINS, of Plymouth.......200 - - The late W. A. HTJMB, Esq., of Middlesbrough......25 - - Deep regret was expressed at the death of Mr, WILLIAM HEARLE LYALL, M.A., who had been a member of the Committee of Manage- ment of the Institution for eighteen years, and it was decided to send a letter of sympathy to his family.

Voted the best thanks of the Committee to Mr. JOSEPH BRIEBLEY, C.E., in recognition of his valuable co-operation for many years as Honorary Secretary of the Blackburn Branch of the Institution, which office he had just resigned.

Decided that a new Life-boat station be formed at Minehead, Somersetshire.

Paid 10,537i. for sundry charges on various Life-boat establishments.

Voted 207Z. 13s. 2d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services:— Life-boat.

Aldeburgh Campbeltown Clovelly . .

Maryport .

Newbiggin Port St. Mary.

Ramsey .


Lives saved.

Barque Antares, of Garls- krona......11 Brigantine Anna Sarah, of Ipswich .... 6 Brigantine Charles P.

Knight, of Newport . 7 Barque Topdal, of Mandal.

Landed 8.

S.S. KlondyJce, of Laurvig.

Remained by vessel.

S.S. Footah, of Barrow.

Assisted to save vessel.

Barque Topdal, of Mandal 8 The Ramsgate Life-boat was taken out twice, and on the second occasion assisted to save the schooner Alnwick, of Beaumaris.

Voted also 142Z. 3s. to pay for launches, assemblies of crews, or watching at the following Life-boat Stations, with the view of assisting distressed vessels :—Aldeburgh, Bal- cary, Cemlyn, Gorleston No. 1, Holyhead (steam Life-boat), Ilfracombe, Newhaven, Ply- mouth, Salcombe, Scarborough and Selsey.

Voted 71. 10s., including medical expenses, to a man who was injured while assisting to haul up the Newbiggin Life-boat after a launch for service on the 16th September.

Voted 11. to two pilots for putting off in a boat from the cutter Seeker and rescuing the crew of four persons from the ketch Antoinette, of Brest, which sprung a leak and sunk off St. Martin's Point, Guernsey, in a strong S.W. breeze, a rough sea and thick weather, on the 22nd August.

The sum of Zl. 10s. was granted to the crew of the cutter as compensation for the loss of pilotage service in consequence of effecting this rescue.

Also 10s. to a man who put off in a boat from a yacht and rescued the crew of three persons from the yacht You-Know-Me, which was capsized off Southend-on-Sea, in a strong breeze and rough sea, on the 16th June.

Also 10s. to two men for rescuing a gentle- man whose boat had been capsized on the Hook Sand shoal, off Poole, Dorset, in a moderate wind and sea on the 14th September. THURSDAY, 8th November, 1900.

Captain the Hon. JOHN M. YORKE, B.N., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting.

Also read those of the Building, Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees and ordered that their recommendations be carried into effect.

Also read the minutes of the last meeting of the Central Committee of the Life-boat Saturday Fund and ordered that their recom- mendations be carried into effect.

Read the reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their recent visits to the following Life-boat Stations :— Northern District : Losslemouth, Methil and Buckhaven, Whithorn, Port Logan and Port Patrick.

Eastern District : Withernsea, Blakeney, Wells, Cromer, Hasborough, Palling (two boats), Winterton (two boats), Donna Nook, Sutton and Skegness.

Southern District. — Yealm River, Ply- mouth, Exmouth, Sidmouth, Poole and Bournemouth, Swanage, Weymouth, Lyme Regis, Mullion, Cadgwith and Porthoustock.

Western District. — Lynmouth, Watchet, Holyhead (two boats), Perth Bhuffydd, Cemaes, Cemlyn and Point of Ayr.

Irish District. — Peel, Port St. Mary, Port Erin, Ramsey, Rosslare Harbour, Kilmore, Wexford, Fethard, Dungarvan Bay, Youghal, Ballycotton, Queenstown and Courtmacsherry.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last meeting:— £ s. d.

James Coats, Jun., Esq.....150 - - Archibald Muir, Esq. (additional) . 100 - - Collected on board the s.s. Royal Sovereign, per Capt. HOLLAND . 15 11 9 Collected on board H.M.S. Crescent, per the Rev. W. H. HARVEY BOYCE, B.N.......5 - - Collected on board the s.s. Kildcman Castle, at early celebrations of Holy Communion during the voyage from South Africa, with sick and wounded, per the Rev.  E. VERNON HANSON, M.A. . . 2 6 - —To be severally thanked.

Also the receipt of the following legacies:— & s. d.

The late W. C. Brocklehurst, Esq., of Prestbury.....500 - - The late Hon. Georgina Albinia Irby.........100 - - The late George Muller, Esq., of Bexley........100 - - Deep regret was expressed at the death of Mr. HUGH TAYLOR, a Vice-President of the Institution, who had been connected with the Institution since 1862, and it was decided that the sympathy of the Committee be conveyed to his family.

Also at the decease of Mr. MATTHEW SIMP- SON, who had for a very long period been Honorary Secretary of the Lancaster Branch of the Institution, and it was decided to send a letter of condolence to his family.

Voted the best thanks of the Committee to Mr. T. WILSON STRANGMAN, in recognition of his valuable co-operation for many years as Honorary Secretary of the Ballycotton Branch of the Institution, which office he had just resigned.

Reported the transmission to their stations of the Cambois (Blyth) Johnshaven, Porthou- stock, Sunderland (North Dock), and Win- chelsea new Life-boats.

Paid 6,9302. for sundry charges on various Life-boat establishments.

Voted 2401. 4s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services : — Life-boat. Vessel. £%£ Caister No. 2. Dandy Corsair, of Calais.

Stood by vessel.

Hilbre Island S.S. Olaveaga, of Bilbao.

Stood by vessel and landed master and steward.

' }S S-S" Carfo«a, of Spezzia . 58 Palling No. 1. Ketch Oban, of Goole . 3 Sunderland, Ketoh Emma Walker, of North Dock / Sunderland .... 3 Thanks were accorded to Commander THOMAS HOLMES, B.N., Inspector of Life- boats of the Institution in the Eastern District, for going out in the North Dock, Sunderland, Life-boat on the occasion of the rescue of the crew of three men from the ketch Emma Walker, of Sunderland, which was wrecked in a strong N.N.E. gale and a very rough sea, on the 26th October.

This was the first service rendered by the Life-boat, which had only been forwarded to her station four days previously, and was attended by considerable risk. An extra reward was granted to the crew of the boat.

The Winchelsea Life-boat rendered assist- ance to the ship Helicon, of Hamburg.

Voted SOI. 17s. 6d. to pay the expenses of launches or assemblies of crews of the follow- ing Life-boats with the view of assisting those on board vessels in distress : — Ballantrae, Hastings, Hauxley, Huna, Palling No. 2, Sunderland (South Outlet) and Whithorn.

Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution, accompanied by a copy of the vote inscribed on vellum and framed, and the sum of 21., to Constable JOHN BYLE, B.I.C., and U. each to Constable J. F. MOORE, B.I.C., and Mr. TOM WALLACE, for services rendered on the occasion of the wreck of a fishing-boat at Boffin Island, Co. Galway, in a moderate gale and a heavy surf, on the 9th July. Observing the accident the two constables at once divested them- selves of some clothing and, notwithstanding the remonstrances of the crowd which had gathered, went to the rescue of the crew of four men, two of whom were struggling in the water, the other two having succeeded in getting hold of a rock. Constable BYLE, at the risk of his life, swam to the men in the water and succeeded in keeping one of them afloat until rescued by a boat. The other man, unfortunately, was washed away and drowned. Constable MOORE and Mr. WALLACE,an inhabitant of the island, waded "to the rook and rescued the two men who were clinging to it. A reward of 5s. each was granted to the two men who put off in the boat referred to.

Also an aneroid barometer, bearing a suit- able inscription, accompanied by a letter of thanks, to Captain D. CAMPBELL, of the s.s. Kittiwake, of Glasgow, and 11. each to five of the crew of that vessel, for their services on the occasion of the wreck of the barque Top- dal, of Mandal, on Robin Bigg Bank, Solway Firth, in a strong S.W. gale, a very heavy sea, and thick weather, on the* 6th October.

Hearing cries for help, Capt. CAMPBELL altered his course and proceeded in the direction from which the shouts came; a boat was lowered, manned by the mate and four able-seamen, and rescued the barque's crew of eight men with considerable difficulty and risk, owing to the heavy swell and floating wreckage and timber. The rescued men were transferred to the Maryport Life- boat, which arrived just after they had been taken of!.

Also 11. each to seven Coastguards for putting off in the whale boat from Dunmore Station, Co. Waterford, and lauding the crew of eight men from the fishing lugger Amazon,, of Peel, Isle of Man, which was in danger in Dunmore Bay, in a strong S.S.W. gale and a rough sea, on the 4th October.

Also 11. each to five men for rendering assistance to the fishing-boat Young Thomas, off Dungarvan, on the 6th October. They pro- ceeded in a boat to the vessel, taking some sails to replace her own which had been carried away, and enabled her to get into safety.

Also 15s. each to six men for saving the crew of seven men from the schooner N. C. Bull, of Newhaven, in a moderate S. W. gale and a moderate sea, on the 27th September.

The sailors who were in the lugger Cosmopolite, of Deal, stood by the schooner, which had stranded about three-quarters of a mile from the shore at Dungeness. She suddenly sunk, and the men then lowered their boat and rescued the crew.

Also 11. each to four men for putting off in a boat and landing the crew of three men from the schooner Thomas, of Carnarvon, which was dragging her anchor in the outer roadstead at Holyhead, in a strong S.W. gale and a rough sea, on the 26th September.

Also 11. to Mr. J. WEIGHT, coxswain of the Piel, Barrow, Life-boat, for wading and swim- ming a distance of thirty or forty yards to the fishing-boat Ada, of Fleetwood, which had stranded in a whole gale from W.S.W. and a very heavy sea, on the 6th October. Wright took with him a line, one end of which was held by men on shore, and by means of this the boat's crew of two men were rescued.

THURSDAY, 13th December, 1900.

Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting.

Also read those of the Building, Finance and Correspondence and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees and ordered that their recommendations be carried into effect.

Read the reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their recent visits to the following Life-boat Stations -.— "Northern District. — Southend (Cantyre), Campbeltown, Berwick-on-Tweed, Working- ton, Maryport, Whitehaven, Nairn, Buckie, Stonehaven, Johnshaven, MoNtrose (two boats), Arbroath, Broughty Ferry r Peterhead, Newburgh, Port Erroll, Fraserburgh and Whitelink Bay.

Eastern District. — Flamborough (two boats), Sunderland (North Dock), Sunderland (South Outlet), Hunstanton, Brancaster, Aldeburgh, Grimsby, Saltburn, Redcar, Hartlepool (three boats), Seaton Carew, West Hartlepool, Seaham and Whitburn.

Southern District.—Atherfield, Brighstone Grange, Brooke, Totland Bay, Ryde, Southsea, Bembridge,- Hayling Island, Selsey, East- bourne, Worthing, Shoreham and Little- hampton.

Western District.—Bull Bay, Moelfre, Rhosneigir, Llanddulas, Rhyl, Llanddwyn, Penmon, Rhoscolvn,Llandudno,Porthdinllaen, Llanaelhaiaru, Pwllheli, Abersoch, Criccieth, Barmouth, Porthcawl, Watchet and Lyn- mouth.

Irish District.—Fenit (Tralee), Tramore, Dunmore East, Arklow, Wicklow, Cahore and Kingstown (two boats).

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last meeting:— £ s. d.

Anonymous.......100 - - Independent Order of Oddfellows (M.U.). Annual Subscripton, 501.; Donation, 11. 19s. 6d.....57 19 6 Collected onboard B.M.S. Tantallon Castle, per Captain FRANCIS . . 10 10 - Collected in Hadnall Church, Salop, on Sunday, 4th November, 1900, per the Rev. BROOKE C. MORTIMER, M.A......7 16 - —To be severally thanked.

Also the receipt of the following legacies:— The late Miss EMILY F. DALTON, £ s. d.

of Leicester.....3,000 - - The late T. T. TAYLOR, Esq., of New Kent Road,S.E. (additional) 509 1 3 The late RICHARD B. SANDERS, Esq., of Parsonstown .... 200 - - The late Miss SUSANNAH BARNETT, of Ore, near Hastings (to Has- tings Branch, in memory oi her late brother, William Barnett) . 100 - - The late Dr. MONTAGU MARTIN MAHONY, of Chelsea (additional) 93 18 10 The late Miss MARY HAMILTON MOORE, of Rochdale . . . . 50 - - Voted the best thanks of the Committee to CHARLES G. TURNER, Esq., C.B., in recog- nition of his valuable co-operation for the long period of 25 years as Treasurer of the Civil Service Life-boat Fund, which office he had just resigned.

The Committee also specially recognised the good services rendered by Dr. C. L. FRASER as Honorary Secretary of the Berwick-on- Tweed Branch of the Institution.

Deep regret was expressed at the death of Mr. A. HARDING, Honorary Secretary of the Kessingland Branch of the Institution, and it was decided to send a letter of sympathy to his family.

Reported the transmission to its station of the Holy Island No. 2 new Life-boat.

Paid 10,0061. for sundry charges in various Life-boat Establishments.

Voted 5851. 15s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services:— Lives Life-boat. Vessel. saved.

Alnmouth . Steam trawler Lily Dale, of North Shields. Landed Appledore No.1 Schooner Shamrock, of Barnstaple .... 3 Steamer Emily, of Chester 5 3 fishing-boats of Spittal.

J Stood by boats.

. S.S. Fram, otBergen . . 16 „__ . Barque Qlimt, of Stavanger 1 Campbeltown A fishing skiff. Landed 3 men from Davaar Island.

Cardigan . . Schooner Mouse, of Cardigan 3 Clacton-on-Sea Barque Norman, of Laurvig.

Stood by vessel.

Clovelly . . Ketch H. F.Solt, of Apple- dore......4 Filey . . . Fishing cobles. Stood by boats.

Flamborough 15 fishing cobles. Stood No. 1. J _ by boats.

Ardrossan Berwick-on- Tweed Blyth . .

Cadgwith .

Gourdon Rendered Rendered Attended Fishing-boats.


Johnshaven . Fishing-boats.


Newbiggin . Fishing cobles.


New Quay (Card.) Dandy Ann and Elizabeth of Cardigan .... 3 „ Fishing-boat Banger . . 3 Polpear . . Barque Qlimt, of Stavanger 4 Port Patrick . Fishing-boat Irex, of Port Patrick. Rendered assist- ance.

St. Ives . . Ketch Star, of Scilly . . 3 Scarborough . S.S. Lord Warwick, of Shields. Stood by vessel.

Whitby No. 2. Coble Victoria, of Whitby.

Saved boat and ... 2 Wick . . . Steam trawler Champion.

Salvage party at, 5 Withernsea . S.S. Angela, of Hull. Stood by vessel.

The Broadstairs, Caister No. 2, Gorleston No. 2, Kingsdowne, Margate Nos. 1 and 2, St.

Mary's and Walmer Life-boats rendered the following services:—S.S. Sir Robert Peel, of London, assisted to save vessel and 13 lives; schooner St. Austell, of Fowey, saved vessel; brigantine Northern Star, of South Shields, rendered assistance; dandy Workman of Great Yarmouth, saved vessel and 10; s.s. Sardonyx, of London, rendered assistance and saved 48; s.s. Duisburg, of Bremen, stood by vessel; three-masted schooner Anna, of Biga, assisted to save vessel and 7; barque Dovre, of Porsgrund, assisted to save vessel and 13; barque Superbo, of Fiume, saved vessel and 11.

Voted 778/. 11s. 3d. to pay for watching, assemblies of crews or launches of Life-boats at the following stations with the view of assisting the crews of distressed vessels:— Aldeburgh, Bridlington, Dunbar, Flam- borough No. 1, Formby, Gorleston No. 1, Grimsby (steam Life-boat), Hartlepool No. 1, Harwich (steam Life-boat), Hayle, Hayling Island, Holyhead (steam Life-boat), Hoylake, Huna, Kirkcudbright, Lowestoft No. 2, Margate No. 2, New Brighton No. 1, New Brighton (steam Life-boat), Padstow, Palling No. 2, Penzance, Porthdinllaen, Rhoscolyn, St. Heller's, Jersey, St. Ives, Stonehaven, Walton-on-the-Naze, West Hartlepool and Weymouth.

The Ramsgate Life-boat was also taken out, but her services were not ultimately needed.

Voted the Silver Third Service Clasp to Mr. JAMES CABLE, coxswain of the Aldeburgh Life-boat, in recognition of his gallant services in the Life-boat to the vessels Hylton and Antares on the 15th February and 4th October last. He had already been awarded the Silver Medal of the Institution and Second Service Clasp for gallantry in assisting to save life from shipwreck.

Voted also 31. to three fishermen for saving one of two men from a small boat, which had been capsized off Bernera Island, Inverness, in a strong W. breeze and a very choppy sea on the 5th October. The body of the other man, who was drowned, was recovered by the salvors.

Also 21. to the crew of the surf-boat Maggie Law, of Gourdon, for co-operating with the Institution's Life-boat at that port in assisting several fishing-boats which had been over- taken by a very heavy sea on the 21st November.


The next number of the LIFE-BOAT JOURNAL, containing the Annual Report, etc., will be published on the 1st May.

Vol. XVII., price 15s., of THE LIFE-BOAT JOURNAL, is now ready and procurable at the Institution, or by order of any bookseller. The Title-page and Index of that Volume can also be obtained separately.