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Life-Boat Saturday Fund

THE past year was an anxious one for the Central Committee of the Life-boat Saturday Fund and for the Life-boat Saturday Committees generally through- out the country. Owing to the appeals which were made practically in every district, city and town in the United Kingdom on behalf of the many funds formed iri connection with the South African War and the Indian Famine, collectors for other benevolent and charitable objects found themselves heavily handicapped in their efforts to obtain a hearing and to secure financial support. The case of the Life-boat Saturday Fund was not an exception to this unfortunate state of affairs. Not- withstanding all difficulties, however, the Life-boat Saturday workers put their " shoulder to the wheel," and, in the face of much discouragement in many directions, they persevered with even increased enthusiasm, the result of their united efforts proving as good as, and even better than, could have been expected in such adverse circumstances.

The nett amount transferred at the close of the year to the Committee of Manage- ment of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION was the no mean sum of 11.666Z. 5s. 9d. This amount, having regard to the unfortunate circumstances of the year, may be considered as a satisfactory one, even although it is less by 7,149Z. 2s. id. than the nett proceeds of the previous year's work. The total number of cities and towns in which Life-boat Saturday Demonstrations and Collections were made in 1900 was 93, and of these 4 had not previously participated in the movement.

We anticipate and expect better times in the new year and would encourage all good friends to the cause to do their utmost to arouse in their neigh- bours a greater interest than they have hitherto evinced in the great life- saving work of the Institution, a work which is second to none in its national importance.