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Civil Service Life-Boat Fund

THE 34th Annual Meeting of the Com- mittee of this Fund was held on the 17th January, 1901, and was presided over by Mr. Charles G. Turner, C.B.

Mr. Charles Dibdin, the Honorary Secretary, reported that not withstand- ing the numerous appeals and claims made during the past year on the Civil Service in connection with the South African and Indian Famine Funds, the Fund had continued to prosper, and the Committee at the close of 1900 had been able to pay to the Royal National Life-boat Insti- tution the large sum of 1045Z. 5*. 6d.

Jo recoup the Institution every expense entailed during the year .by the seven Civil Service Life-boats and Stations, besides contributing 100Z. to pay off the balance of the cost of the Margate Life-boat slipway, and 260Z. towards the cost of the Life-boat house and slipway being erected at Kings- town. The Civil Service Life-boats saved 102 lives in 1900. The total amount received by the Institution altogether from this source has been 26.11U 6*. Id.