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Thomas and Edwin

BROADSTAIRS.—Messages by telephone were received on the morning of the 4th August, intimating that the services of the Life-boat were required. A whole gale was then blowing from N.W., there was a heavy sea and rain was falling at intervals. The Life-boat Francis Forbes Barton was launched at 6 A.M., and proceeding to Margate Roads found the ketch Thomas and Edwin, of Plymouth, laden with cement from London for Dartmouth, and having a crew of three men. She had lost her anchor and chain and her rigging, etc., was in a damaged condition. Four of the Life-boatmen boarded her and with their help she was taken to Ramsgate and wag safely berthed in the harbour at 9 A.M.

The Life-boat then went in the direction of two other vessels which were showing signals of distress, but two steam-tugs arrived and each of them took one of the vessels in tow to Ramsgate.