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The S.S. Ethiopia

PORT EYNOR, GLAMORGANSHIRE.—The s.s. Ethiopia, of London, in ballast from Hamburg for Fort Talbot, stranded at Oxwich Point in a very thick fog, a moderate S.W. breeze and a heavy ground swell, on the night of the 23rd February.

She was sighted in the morning and information was given to the Coxswain of the Life-boat; he summoned the crew, and as soon as possible the Life-boat A Daughter's Offering was launched and proceeded to the vessel around which a heavy ground sea was breaking. At the request of the captain the Life-boat stood by, and when two steam-tugs and a steam pilot-boat arrived, ropes were got from the Ethiopia to those steamers, which endeavoured to tow her off. They, however, found it impossible to move her. The captain then hailed the Lifeboat, which went alongside and took him to one of the tugs, in which he proceeded to Swansea, the rest of the crew remaining on board the steamer and the Life-boat afterwards returning to her station.

During the night the vessel "was carefully watched from the shore, arrangements having been made with the mate for signalling in case of emergency. Salvage operations were subsequently commenced, and eventually she was dry-locked at Port Talbot..