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EASTBOUBNE.—On the 3rd August, while a gale was blowing from S., accompanied by a very heavy sea and rain, the schooner Caroline, of London, bound from Qoole for Portland with a cargo of coal, parted her cable and drifted towards the shore, ultimately stranding about two miles eastward of the Life-boat house where she became a total wreck. The crew of the Life-boat Jamet Stevens, No 6, were summoned, and at 9.30 A.M., the Boat waa launched, rowed to the weather side of the vessel, anchored and veered down to her. Her crew of three men got into the Life-boat and were taken safely ashore at about 11.15. The master, however, refused to leave the vessel, but the windincreased and the schooner drifted on to the main, and at 11.30 the Coastgauds fired a line over the ship by meansof the rocket apparatus, and the captain was hauled ashore..