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A Call for the Life-Boat

Dark is the night, and fierce are the winds— , On, gallant bark! to the sinking ship, When lo, a cry Nor wind, nor wave Kings wildly forth—"A ship on the rocks, | Can daunt the hearts that are risking death The crew will die!" Others to save.

But swift to hear are the Life-boat men When danger's rife, And swift to fight with the raging-sea For human life. ....

With eager hands, and sinews strained, They launch their boat, And strong brave men on the seething waves Are now afloat!.....

Oh, aid them, aid, Great King of the storm, With strength from Thee— Many a wife and a bairn doth pray For those at Sea; Many a home is awaiting them, Oh, grant in love That one deed more by our Lifeboat men Be writ Above.

Now praise to God, for the wives and bairns Are spared their tears, And hearts are glad that would have been sad For years and years.

And praise to this, our National Boon— The grand Life-boat, For all the lives that its aid hath saved Since first afloat!— And may the Cause—such a noble cause— "The Life-boat Call," Be ever met with a glad response From one and all.

May all the heln that it needs to-day— With hearty will- Be given, aye, and ev'ry heart pray " God Speed it still!" MAUD MADDICK.

Malmsmead, Kingston. (Mrs. A. Doughty.) NOTICE.

The next number of the LIFB-BOAT JOURNAL will be published on the 1st February, 1901..