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The Life-Boat

THE sky is black with the tempest wrack, And the wares roll mountains high, And the wild winds shriek o'er the head- lands bleak, And the startled sea-mews cry; For the Storm Fiend rides the boiling foam, And his deep and panting breath Is the roaring blast .that cracks the mast, And brings to the sailor death! But the Life-boat crew Stand steady and true, Beady to die to save A human life From the tempest's strife, And a lonely ocean grave.

The big guns boom through the stormy gloom, And the great ship heaves in sight; Battered, storm-tossed, she is all but lost, And a wreck she will be to-night.

And the Storm-Fiend laughs at her crew's despair, For their prayers hare seemed in vain; * From the Eastbourne Gazette.

And with mighty shocks on the hungry rocks The good ship shiverg in twain.

But the Life-boat crew Are steady and true; Their boat they man, and save The crew of the ship From the Storm-Fiend's grip, And a lonely ocean grave! Shall the Life-boat crew ask in vain of you For help for the craft they man— To keep her trim 'gainst the Storm-Fiend grim, And the tempest's deadly plan? They are humble and modest, ready and rough, But at heart they are brave and bold; And they give their lives for children and wives— You mast give, freely give, your gold! For the Life-boat crew Stand steady and true, Beady, aye ready to save All who draw God's breath From the jaws of death, And a lonely ocean grave.' NOTICE.

The next number of lie LIFE-BOAT JOURNAL Will be published on the 1st November.