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Shore-Boat Services Rewarded By the Royal National Life-Boat Institution In 1899

Jan. 4.—Five men put off in a boat at night and rescued the crew of seven men from the fishing - boat Mary Anderson, of Broughty Ferry, which had stranded off Arbroath, For- farshire, in a strong S.W. gale and a rough sea.

—Reward, 51.

Jan. 12.—Nine men put off in a yawl to the assistance of the schooner Lottie, of Padstow, in E. Ballyholme Bay, in a whole gale from W.N.W. and a very heavy sea. Those on board the vessel, however, did not require any assistance.—Reward, 42. 10*.

10*. was also granted to the owner of the boat used on the occasion.

Jan. 15.—Two men rescued two other men from a boat off Lackbeg, co. Donegal, in squally weather and a rough sea. The boat becoming submerged, two of her occupants swam to the shore; another was drowned, and the two men who were rescued were clinging to the boat, which had risen to the surface again when relieved of the other men's weight.

—Reward, 10*.

Jan. 18.—Four men rescued the crew of three men from a fishing-boat which was swamped while attempting to Innd at Sizewell, Suffolk, in a heavy surf.—Reward, 16«.

Feb. 6.—Four working-men assisted three of the crew of the barque Loch Fergus, of Liver- pool, who were attempting to reach the shore in the vessel's boat, which, however, was capsized in making for the beach in Killiney Bay, co. Dublin.—Reward, 11. 5t.

Feb. 9.—Voted letters of thanks to Ship's Corporal JAMES AXON, of H.M.8. Northampton, and Mr. GEORGE NIGHTINGALE, for putting off in a boat and rescuing three men whose boat had been capsized off Walmer in a moderate N. breeze, a smooth sea and thick weather, on the 5th January.

Also 32. 15s. to five men for putting off in a boat and saving two of the crew of a fishing- boat of Port Sallon, which had been capsized off Innishowen Head, co. Donegal, in a strong gale and a heavy sea on the 23rd November lust.

Feb. 10.—Three men brought ashore part of the crew of the s.s. Ratlin Glen, at the same time piloting one of the ship's boats into safety, the vessel having stranded off Lendalfoot, Ayr- shire, in a whole gale from 8., and a very heavy sea. Reward 11. 10s.

Feb. 11.—The crew of a E.N.B. boat rescued a fisherman whose boat had stranded off Car- narvon in a strong S.W. by 8. gale, and a very choppy sea.—Reward, 11. 5s.

Feb. 13.—Two men rescued the crew of seven men who had taken refuge on a rock, their vessel, the Diligent, of Stomoway, laden with mussels, having been totally wrecked three miles S.W. of North Tolsta, Isle of Lewis, in a whole gale from S.W. and a very heavy sea.— Reward, 11.

Feb. 21.—Three men put off in a boat and saved a fisherman in distress off Workington, in a rough sea. The man's boat, which was full of water, was towed ashore by the salvors.

—Reward, 11. 2s. 6d.

Feb. 22.—Mr. DAN LOVERING, of Ilfracombe, rescued five men from the gig Lily, which had been capsized about 2J miles N. of Ilfracombe pier in half a gale of wind from the 8., and a heavy sea.—Committee decided to send to him a letter commending the skill with which he managed his boat and a reward of 11.

March 9.—Voted an aneroid barometer bear- ing a suitable inscription, accompanied by the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum and framed, to Mr. THOMAS AMBROSE, master of the barge Briton, and the thanks of the Institution, framed and on vellum, to Mr.

EDGAR DIKES, mate, for gallantly putting off in their boat and rescuing the master of the barge Esther, of Erith, who was clinging to the mast, his vessel having sunk in Sea Beach, River Thames, in a gale from E.S.E. and a rough sea, on the night of the 14th October.

April 10.—Three fishermen put off in a boat and rescued four men from two boats, which, while proceeding to the trawler Princess, of Hoylake, were in considerable danger. One of the boats sunk shortly after her occupant had been taken off.—Reward, 11. 10s.

April 10.—Four fishermen rescued the crew of two men and a boy from the fishing boat Florence, of Cromer, which was capsized off Overstrand, Norfolk.—Reward, 11.

May 19.—Three men saved the crew of three men from the fishing coble Diamond, of Bead- nell, which had been capsized by a heavy sea off that port.—Reward, 11. 2s. 6d.

May 19.—Two men proceeded in their boat to the fishing-boat Brothers, of Portrush, and rescued her crew of two men, in a strong E.

breeze and a heavy sea. An accident to the mast had caused the boat to leak and she foundered shortly after her crew had been taken off.—Reward, 15g.

June 8.—Voted the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum and framed, to JOHN O. MASTEESON, Esq., in recognition of his gallantry on the occasion of the upsetting of a boat belonging to the barque Loch Fergus, of Liver- pool, while attempting to land in Killmey Bay on the 6th February. Mr. Masterson waded into the water, at considerable risk, and assisted to save one of the occupants of the boat.

June 8.—Three men rescued four persona from a boat which was capsized at the entrance to Poole Harbour in a fresh 8.E. breeze and a smooth sea.—Reward, 15».

June 19.—Three men saved a lad who wag in danger in a boat, in Courtmacsherry Bay, in a rough sea.—Reward, 15«.

July 2.—Four farmers out off in a boat, and rescued one of three men whose boat had been capsized near Naan Island, in Upper Loch Erne, in a gale of wind.—Reward, 12. 10«.

July 26. — A man promptly rescued the crew of two men from the cutter Alice, of Bide- ford, which had sprung a leak and ultimately foundered off Beacon Point, Ilfracombe, in a moderate W.N.W. breeze.—Reward, 7«. 6d.

August 12.—Two men assisted to rescue one of the crew of two men from the fishing- boat Franchise, which had been capsized of Coverack, Cornwall, in a moderate breeze from E., and a rough sea.—Reward, 11.

August 15.—Two coastguard officials rescued the mate of the ketch Emma, of Bridgwater who, while attempting to reach his vessel by means of a boat, was drifting helplessly out to sea off Youghal, co. Cork, in a strong N.N.W.

breeze.—Reward, 15«.

August 17.—Two men put off in a boat from Gorleston and saved two boys who were unable to manage the boat they were in, and were drifting into the surf on the North Holm Sand, in a strong N.N.W. breeze.—Reward II, in addition to 11s. Sd. for repair of sail damaged in rendering the same.

August 22.—Two men rescued four persons in Arran Roads. They were proceeding in a boat across the roadstead with a heifer, which became restive and knocked a plank out of the bottom of the boat.—Reward, 10«.

August 25.—Robert J. Hnrr, a fisherman of South wold, who, when out in a boat with two passengers, Messrs. Aubrey H. Hersee and 0.

Sherrington Chinn, on the 25th August, saved a man who was clinging to a capsized boat.

Letters of thanks were sent to the two pas- sengers who assisted in effecting the rescue.— Reward, 58. to the fisherman.

Sept 6. — Three fishermen pat off in a boat and saved one of the crew of a ferry-boat which had sunk near Nigg, Ross and Cromarty, in squally weather and a choppy sea.—Reward, 11. 2s. M.

Sept. 9.—Two men rescued two men from the sailing-boat Lingard, which was capsized near Fairhaven, Lancashire, in a strong N.W.

breeze and a heavy sea.—Reward, 10«.

Sept. 11.—Two men saved two men who had gone out in the boat Maggie, from the Isle of Whithorn, and were helplessly drifting about six miles from land in a strong W. breeze and a heavy sea.—Reward, 10«.

Sept. 14.—Voted the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum and framed, together with the sum of SI. to Mr. JAMES BKOWN, formerly one of the Gordon Highlanders and present at the battle of Dargai, in acknowledgment of his highly meritorious services, rendered at con- siderable risk of life, on the occasion of the stranding of the fishing-boat Diadem, of Oullen, in a N.W. gale and a rough sea, near Fraser- burgh, between eleven and twelve o'clock at night, on the 16th August. James Brown, who had neither life-belt nor line, went through the surf and brought a rope ashore from the vessel; this rope, however, parted and he went out a second time and brought ashore another, by means of which the vessel's crew of seven men were rescued. The Board of Trade had also awarded him a bronze medal in recognition of his services on this occasion.

Sept. 21.—Nine men rescued six men from a boat which was disabled by the breaking of her oars, and was drifting towards Salt Island, off Holyhead, in a N.N.W. gale and a very heavy sea, at midnight.—Reward, 31.

1 Sept. 23.—Two men put off in a boat and rescued two men from a fishing-boat which had been capsized by a sudden heavy squall off Selsey.—Reward 11. 10s.—II. was awarded to two other men who put off in a boat on the occasion, fearing that the other boat would not be able to effect the rescue.

Oct. 12.—Decided that a letter be sent to Dr. S. HORACE LAW, expressing the gratification of the Institution at the prompt action of himself, the Hon. EMILY WARD, and the crew of two men of the cutter yacht Osprey, in rescuing Sve persons from the sailing gig Bolivar, of Howth, which had been capsized about a mile north- east of Ireland's Eye, in a light breeze from south-east and a smooth sea, on the 23rd August last.

Nov. 9.—Voted the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, and 11. to Mr. WILLIAM LILLET, for assisting to rescue two persons from a small yacht which having dragged her anchor struck the pier at Southend-on-Sea, capsized and sunk, in a strong breeze from W.N.W. and a moderate sea, at about 4 A.M. on the 10th September. William Lilley, who is employed as pierhead-man, lives at the head of the pier, which is about a mile and three-quarters long.

Hearing cries of distress, he at once got up from his bed and, assisted by a sergeant of the Metropolitan Police who was staying with him, lowered a boat, and, with the help of a man who put off in another boat from a yacht, succeeded in rescuing the owner of the sunken boat and his wife. His sister and daughter, who were on board, were unfortunately drowned.

There was no risk incurred in effecting the rescue so far as the sea is concerned, but Lilley was suffering from the effects of influenza at the time, and as a result of rendering this service tie was for some time dangerously ill with rheumatic fever. A reward of 10». was also panted to the boatman who assisted in effecting its rescue.

Nov. 11.—Two men saved, by means of lines from the shore, the crew of four men from the schooner Harbinger, of Belfast, which had stranded in Llandndno Bay, in a moderate .W. gale and a very rough sea.—Reward, 11.

Nov. 28.—Six men put off in the Institution's warding boat at New Brighton, and transferred to a tug three men who had jumped on board EI steamer, which had collided with the s.s. Goniftan Fell, in a moderate W. breeze and a smooth sea.—Reward, 11. 10».

Dec. 14.—Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution, accompanied by a copy of the vote inscribed on vellum and framed, to EUSTACE W. C. STRACEY, Esq., late Lieut. R.N., for gallantly swimming to the rescue of one of .he crew of a boat which had been swamped while engaged in arranging the haul-off warp previous to the exercise of the Life-boat at dewburgh, Aberdeenshire, on the 3rd November.

Two other men succeeded in reaching the land, but the third man (the assistant coxswain of he Life-boat), was apparently sinking for the ast time when saved by Mr. Stracey, who incurred considerable risk in effecting the rescue. A strong S.S.W. gale was blowing at he time. Grants amounting to 31. Us. 2d. were made to the three men in consideration of exposure they incurred on the occasion.

Also the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum and framed, with the sum of 1!. each to Messrs. JOHN PASCHO, GEORGE HENRY SKILTON, and THOMAS STADDON, Trinity pilots, and WILLIAM SKILTON and ROBERT FROOD, seamen, for launching their boat from the pilot cutter Drift, landing, hauling the boat over a neck of land to a place opposite the hulk Shamrodt, which had stranded in Batten Bay, off Plymouth, in a whole gale from S.W.

and a heavy sea on the 3rd November, and with considerable difficulty and risk putting off and rescuing the crew of five men. The sum of 5*. was awarded to another pilot who assisted in the first part of the operations, but did not go off in the boat when she rescued the men, the others being a sufficient number to form a crew for her.

Also the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum and framed, and 21., to Mr. RICHARD VERRILL for wading into the sea, at consider- able risk, it being pitch dark at the time, and saving the coxswain of the Staithes Life-boat, who was in danger of being drowned at Buns- wick, on the 5th December. 10*. was awarded to another man who rendered service on the occasion; and thanks were accorded to Dr. J. B. LAVERICK, Hon. Secretary of the Institution's Staithes and Runswick Branch, for the kind assistance given by him on the occasion.

Also a binocular glass to Captain WILLIAM ESCOTT, and aneroid barometers, all bearing suitable inscriptions, to Captains ALFRED WEDLAKE, ALFRED NICHOLAS, SIMON NICHOLAS, and JAMES DAVIS, for putting off in a boat, and at considerable risk, saving the crew of two men from the flaking boat Rosalie, of Minehead, which was in distress off Watchet, in a moderate gale from N.W., and a very heavy sea on the 10th November.