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The Life-Boat Saturday Fund

A further substantial increase in the receipts and a further satisfactory decrease in the working expenses! This is the highly gratifying report supplied by the Central Committee of the Life-boat Saturday Fund as the result of their labours during the year 1899. No report could be more encouraging, and they are to be cordially congratulated on the undoubted success of their able and business-like management. The net pro- ceeds of the Saturday Collections during the year 1899, paid on the 30th December last to the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, amounted to 18,815Z. 8s. Id., the largest balance paid to the Institution in any year since the initiation of the movement in 1891. This total is made up of collections made in no less than 115 cities and towns throughout the United Kingdom, and special attention is drawn to the fact that for the first time an admirably arranged and enthusiastic Life- boat Saturday Demonstration took place in Dublin, all parties and classes joining harmoniously and heartily together to pro- cure the success which was undoubtedly attained. This demonstration, following on a very successful one held in Belfast in 1898, augurs well for the future of the movement in Ireland. The readers of the Life-boat Journal will do well to note that, while in 1897 the net amount paid by the Central Committee of the Life- boat Saturday Fund was 9.316Z. 12s. 8d., the working expenses being4,499Z. Is. Id., the amount paid to the Institution in 1899 had more than doubled (18.815Z. 8s. Id.), while the working expenses instead of increasing had dropped to 4,385Z. 2s. lid.

The Committee of the London Life- boat Saturday Fund have favoured the Institution with an advance copy of their Annual Report for the past year. This hard-working Committee began their labours, it will be remembered, at the beginning of 1896, and considering the very great difficulties which must inevit- ably be met with in promoting or trying to promote any movement of this descrip- tion in the metropolis of the world, they may be congratulated on the steady advance they have made. In 1899 Demonstrations or Collections were made in as many as 36 Districts of London and the suburbs, the net proceeds amounting to 5,319Z. 13«. 5d., an increase of 1,5861. 13s. 8d. as compared with the results obtained in 1898.

It is to be feared that the self-denying and generous efforts of the Life-boat Saturday Committees throughout the country will be severely taxed during the coming Life-boat Saturday season to maintain the present prosperous state of affairs. The appeals which have been made to the liberality and patriotism of the people of Great Britain, for the various relief funds organised in connection with the terrible War in South Africa, have already led to a falling off in the receipts of many of the charities of the country; but it may be confidently hoped that the Life-boat Saturday Committees will not lose heart, but will, on the contrary, be stirred up to earnestly endeavour to achieve even greater successes in the future than in the past.