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Additional Stations and New Life-Boats

There have been two Life-boats stationed for some years past near Drogheda—one on either side of the River Boyne— that on the northern side not having justified its existence, the opportunity has recently been taken of closing the station and forming another in its place a few miles to the northward, at the promontory known as Clogher Head, where it is believed there will be a better opportunity of demonstrating the usefalness of the Life-boat service, espe- cially with the help of the new telephonic communication along the coast. A site for the Life-boat house and slipway wasreadily granted by Mr. A. S. NEWOOMEN of Kilmainham, and a corrugated gal- vanised house has been erected on a concrete foundation from the designs of the engineer and architect of the Insti- tution, and also a short timber slip con- structed in front, thus allowing the floor of the house to be kept above the beach level, in addition to an approach way to the county roadway in order that the boat may be transported if required along the coast.

A new Life-boat was specially built for this station from plans prepared by the officers of the Institution, by Messrs. Hollwey and Sons, of Dublin.

She is a self-righting Life-boat, 35 feet long and 8-J feet wide, and is fitted with a drop keel and two water-ballast tanks.

She is mounted on a transporting SOUTHEND - ON - SEA, ESSEX ; CAISTER, (No. 1) NORFOLK ; EASTBOURNE, SUSSEX ; BRIDLINGTON QUAY, YORKSHIRE; AEDROSSAN, AYRSHIRE ; and HOWTH, County DUBLIN.—The Life-boats on these Stations have recently been replaced by new Life-boats of various types, and, where necessary, have been provided with new transporting carriages. The New- quay, St. Ives, Eastbourne and Bridlington boats are of the self-righting class; the Penzance, St. Mary's (Scilly) and Howth Life-boats are of the "Watson" type; the Southend and Caister boats are of what is known as the improved Norfolk and Suffolk class; and the Ardrossan Life- boat comes under the " Liverpool" category, a particular class of boat appertaining to that district. In the BHfc . carriage, and is of course provided with a full equipment of stores.

The boat formerly maintained at the Drogheda No. 1 Station was an endowed one, the gift of the late Mr. C. E. WHIT-TON, of Fowley, Hants, and the endowment has now been transferred to the boat at Clogher Head, which is accordingly named the Charles Whitton, after the donor. The station will be managed by a sub-com- mittee under the Drogheda Branch of the Institution. Mr. G. H. PENTLAND, of Black Hall, and Mr. DENNIS J. BATH, of Clogher Head, have kindly undertaken to share the duties of Honorary Secretary at the Life-boat Station.

NEWQUAY, PENZANCE and ST. IVES, CORNWALL ; ST. MARY'S (SCILLY) ; case of six of these boats, viz., New- quay, Eastbourne, Howth; Ardrossan, Southend and St. Ives, their cost has been defrayed by a portion of the munificent legacy received by the Institution from the estate of the late Mr. JAMES STEVENS, of Birmingham, and they bear the names of the deceased gentleman, with distin- guishing numbers ranging from 5 to 10.

The remaining four boats, i.e., Penzance, St. Mary's (Scilly), Caister and Bridling- ton bear the same names as their prede- cessors, having been either endowed or paid for by the former donors, viz., The Misses SMITHEMAN, Elizabeth and Blanche; the late Mrs. DUNDAS DRUMMOND, Henry Dundas; COVENT GARDEN Life-boat Fund, Covent Garden; and the late Mr. G. WALKER, George and Jane Walker..