The Robert Anderson
CLACTON-ON-SEA.—While a moderate gale was blowing from N.E., accompanied by a heavy sea, on the 24th January, a schooner was observed stranded on the Middle Spit Sands. The Life-boat Albert Edward was launched at 5.15 P.M. and sailed to the vessel, which was found to be the Robert Anderson, of Burghead, bound from London for Fraserburgh with a cargo of cement and whiting. She was striking heavily and was leaking badly.
The Life-boat men having been engaged to try to salve her, the pumps were manned, but in spite of all efforts the water continued to increase. The crew of five men, with their effects, were transferred to the Life-boat, which stood by the vessel for some time longer; but as she was fast settling down, and it was impossible to do anything more, the Life-boat made for home, arriving at 2.30 A.JC. with the five rescued men.
The Albert Edward is one of two Lifeboats presented to the Institution by the United Grand Lodge of Freemasons of England in commemoration of the safe return from India of the Most Worshipful Grand Master, H.R.H. the PRINCE OF WALES.